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Topic subjectOK so what we're actually talking about is
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13862&mesg_id=13892
13892, OK so what we're actually talking about is
Posted by The Damaja, Thu Aug-14-03 08:04 AM
the "sound." I know what you mean now. Everyone wants the Neptunes "sound" or whatever. They want it to be the same cause that's what's popular, not because that's what's good.

I think one of the first examples of this is Phil Spector and his "Wall of Sound" thing. He was probably inspired by The Beatles, so yes i think it's acceptable to blame the Beatles. I mean even though the Beatles arranging and stuff is still better than most, it's still not what makes them great. It's their songwriting.