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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjecti thought i made that abundantly clear by now
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137857
137857, i thought i made that abundantly clear by now
Posted by The Damaja, Tue Oct-19-10 09:14 PM
>>but what you can't do is turn round and act like 'black
>>music' is a dead simple concept with clear delineation and
>>that anyone who denies this must be racist. oh and you might
>>want to ask yourself why you're always talking about things
>>terms of black music anyway and arguing fervently about what
>>gets included etc.
>You should ask yourself why it bothers you.

because it is usually* symptomatic of or accompanied by a collectivist tone/mindset with people proudly proclaiming what 'we' did or what 'our' spirit is capable of blablabla

observe truekolor's posts above for instance.

*the phrase in itself isn't inherently bad. i'm talking about a separate but related issue