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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectInteresting reading here.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137850
137850, Interesting reading here.
Posted by denny, Tue Oct-19-10 08:40 PM
Thanks to everyone for their posts.

I recognize the term 'black music'. I think it's problematic when you start to analyze it. Also, it makes alot more sense in a western context. I wonder if the term 'black music' carries any significance in Ghana or Nigeria?

But here in North America....sure, I know what someone's talking about when they say 'black music'. At the same time, I kinda have the same opinion of Damaja about collectivism. To feel an attachment to someone or their accomplishments based on racial collectivism is problematic to me. And that hammer swings both ways...if their accomplishments 'belong' to you than so should their sins. And should anyone take responsibility or credit for the actions of others that they can't control? I say no....but perhaps that's a European philosophy in the first place (one that stresses individualism).

In any case...that debate gets a little farther from music than what the main point of the post is. The majority of the music I listen to is 'black music'.