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Topic subjectyou appear to contradict yourself
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137839
137839, you appear to contradict yourself
Posted by The Damaja, Tue Oct-19-10 09:45 PM
first you say:

>who said that??? now you're jumpin for straws bro, aint no one
>said the collective experience makes music...

but then later you were talking about:

>how people and societies and communities create

anyway The Way It Is is in third person observational mode, ok. i could name other songs about struggle written in 1st person, say The Boxer by Paul Simon. Someday I'll Be Saturday Night and Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi lol... and there's lots of folk ballads that bemoan harsh experiences of an entire social group, i'm sure you realize that. the thing is if Bruce Hornsby was black i bet you'd be calling that song black music and saying how it could only come out of the black experience.

shared experience might give some extra resonance to a particular audience but i'm not convinced about the relevance on musical grounds.

>now of course there's
>individuality there and so forth, my gripe with you is that
>you encapsulate the individual and COMPLETELY take away the
>group/system/collective dynamic...which is completely

it's just causation. individuals create art, sometimes they coordinate their efforts in teams, for instance bands or maybe larger groups. but when you try to extend this REAL group dynamic /team-work to 'the collective' ie. tens of thousands, millions of people, i call BS cause you have abandoned causation

>you even believe in communal thinking? or ideas)

until the day i bump into the Borg collective, i'm filing that as an 'impossibility'