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Topic subjectill jus respond here simply
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137836
137836, ill jus respond here simply
Posted by truekolor, Tue Oct-19-10 04:25 PM
you're just a super individualist bro..which is koo..but you cannot refute that there is a systematic way that things happen..

you're prolly the type to say "as long as every individual remembers to treat others with kindness racism will go away" which completely does not deal with the issue of systemic racism (public school, job opportunities, the judicial system, racial profiling, inner cities)

to remove the social context from the music that was being made by blacks at differents points in time is ridiculous..to chop it up to PURE individual talent is negating the black experience...and thats from africa to america...i mean i get it, most whites, european and amerian emphasize the individual...most ethnicities that are of color emphasize the group dynamic...not mad at that, you jus need to realize that you cannot do away with the collective experience jus kuz u dont like it..

basically there is no way a white individual is going to make a change gon come...AND there is no way sam cooke is making that song without the context of the black experience at that time..basically ur fucking crazy lol..but i respect ur honesty..however your killing me if youre saying that is not black music..matter fact im just starting to feel like ur underlying subtle racial negativity is coming out

and also i have no problem deriving some self value from hearing that song..it makes me feel good to be black and be who i am, we need that...of course you dont understand that but then again...

ur white

its love tho...but you will never fully understand music being made by black people if you dont acknowledge that there is a particular experience tied to our music and is a big reason why it is called "black music"

(not the only reason, i havent really mentioned styles, ways of singing vocal runs, guitar riffs, songwriting etc i've mainly talked about experience)