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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectNegro Please!!!!!!!!! R.Kelly Makes Black Music Yo!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137789
137789, Negro Please!!!!!!!!! R.Kelly Makes Black Music Yo!
Posted by , Mon Oct-18-10 01:01 PM
that Brother got the CHurch, got the Blues, got Hip-Hop and got Soul.

this is insulting and takes away from what Negroes have produced and it is our Music from the days of a Louis Armstrong to a R.Kelly.

Dixie is our music. our blood, sweat and tears from the Motherland.

not saying that other ingrediants haven't influenced our music, but our Music was created through our expereinces from the Motherland to America.

when you make a thread or statement like that then you get the bill O'reily, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh type non hooded wearing David Duke juice drinking Turkeys hyped.

you insult Black Musicians with that kind of comment because our tone and feel is different. our rhythm.

when white folks are enslaved and have to create an outlet such as Music to maintain one of last passages as a direct link to a land they came then you can hear the effects.

i strongyl dissagree about this thread.

i do agree however with Music being good or bad.

remember white label heads created all these titles to divide.