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Topic subjectlol at "unoppressed"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137772
137772, lol at "unoppressed"
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Tue Oct-19-10 09:17 AM
this is a music forum,
but since you brought it up...

there is a study,
where black children were shown two identical dolls,
well, identical except for the fact that one was white,
and the other was black.

this study was done in the 60s, the 70s, the 80s,
the 90s, and recently.

each and every time, a disproprtionate number of
black children thought the black doll was "uglier."

where does this come from?

it can't be in people's genes to think
black is ugly. chances are, this study proves
that blackness is associated with ugliess and negative things
because the images of black people that american's get
are overwhelmingly negative.

i even saw it with my sister.
she came home from kindergarden one day (freaking kindergarden)
and she told us that "i want my hair to be flat and blonde."

my parents reacted by showing my sister images of
beautiful black people wearing their hair in a way that
was natural for a black person.

this is similar to a person (me) finding images of black heros
that counteract the negative ones we are bombarded with in the media.


don't get me started on the mandatory sentencing laws,
which result in disproprtionate jail time for black people.
drugs that black people use carry stronger sentences than drugs that white people use.

i could go on and on about this subject
and i have peer reviewed research to back me up.

bottom line, you are probablly insulated from these realities
beasuse (1) you are white and (2) you live in the UK.

people in Europe don't have the same
racial dynamic that you see in the united states.

i am not even saying that collectivism is a good thing.
a lot of times, it hurts us.

it's a throwback from evolution.
evolution left us with a desire to be a part of a tribe.

politicians and people trying to sell you things
use this weakness to manipulate your opionion.

still... lol at black people being "unoppressed" in the
united states.