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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectyou're thinking like an adult posting like a teenager right now
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137728
137728, you're thinking like an adult posting like a teenager right now
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Oct-18-10 07:15 PM
>yep, lots and lots of people believe in the wrong things
>but in terms of reality independent of what people believe,
>it's just fact that growing up in the same time or place or
>heritage as a great artist equates to no hand in their

you're right because rite of spring could have easily have been written by a south african around that time.

>if you think there somehow is, the onus would be
>on you to prove it.

nanny nanny boo boo.

>the central point being your tenuous
>association with it is merely down to chance, it could have
>been anyone

yeah anyone.


This reads like the views of someone raised in the internet era that somehow believes all the world has always been so connected and therefore music is universal enough so as not needing to be distinguished as anything other than music. its equivilent to me saying english is obviously the perfect language evidenced by the fact that the greater majority of computing is based on it.

>(p.s. i didn't say there were no such things as
>differentiating qualities. note though how so far none have
>been brought up)

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