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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectfunny thing is your 'point' is valid
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137710
137710, funny thing is your 'point' is valid
Posted by imcvspl, Tue Oct-19-10 01:06 PM
>it's impossible to identify anything as universal to all
>european music. but there are a number of things which have
>historically derived from european communities that they can
>understood under the european music umbrella. an example
>be the emphasis on order. that doesn't mean that all
>music has an emphasis on order, or that all music which
>emphasizes order is european. but emphasis on order is an
>attribute of european music.
>the way it fans out from there is a means of understanding
>european music has spread through western civilization. that
>emphasis on
>order is exemplified in every instrument we take two be it
>the piano, the voice, guitar, etc. through different genres
>it also manifests differently. regionally it shows up
>differently. and by generations. but the core of it remains
>throughout all its variations.

The European obsession with order is real!! Think about all your songwriting arguments. You want to be able to evaluate based on your sense of how a song should be ordered. When things fall out of that order it leaves you perplexed as to how it can be good songwriting. Crazy rhythmic sense goes against a desire for order.

So as you can see it's very useful for discussing European music.

Big PEMFin H & z's

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