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Topic subjecti agree. i would add. . .
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137665&mesg_id=137674
137674, i agree. i would add. . .
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Mon Oct-18-10 12:18 PM

>>I don't *really* understand fierce musical territoriality.
>except i think i understand fierce musical territoriality.
>non-whites in America feel put upon, for the most part.
>constantly under attack from Whitey. the attack comes on
>multiple fronts - music being 1 of them. we get territorial
>about 'our' music b/c we'd like to be able to have SOMETHING
>of our own. something that's ours and cannot be taken away
>from us by Whitey. we'd also like a refuge where we can be
>ourselves away from Whitey's prying eyes and ears. a place
>where we can stand down. unfortunately we can't use 'our'
>music as our refuge as long as Whitey is up in it
>appropriating. it's extraordinarily frustrating. like if
>your boss moved into your house and was at home chilling on
>your couch when you got home from a long day of work, holding
>the TV remote, w/his feet all up on your coffee table, w/his
>shoes on. just...UGH!

there is definitely a need to have something that is
our own. but there is also... (paradoxically) this need to be recognized.

a lot of times...
(and i hate to generalize so i'll use these quotation marks)

"we" have a need for validation from "them."
so when "we" see the beatles being
called the greatest band ever from every single
rolling stone magazine,

there is a need to say..."but what about stevie wonder. and sly stone."

there is this feeling that the black artists will never
be put on the same pedestal as the great white artists.
and this can be especially frustrating since most american pop music's roots can be traced directly back to black artists.

so to be honest... i understand why people get irritated
that being said...

(1) "we" really need to get over our need for validation from "them." because it's not coming. and we shouldn't need it.
the fact that we do indicates that we need a healing.

(2) the beatles and the stones really are great artists. not everybody that prefers them to stevie and sly is a racist.
they really just might like "white" music better.

(3) stevie and sly don't need you to cut down the beatles in order to prop them up. their work stands on its own. the best thing you can do for their legacy is to put more people onto the music you like. there is no real need to tear the work of others down.