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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectWhoa, slow down young man before you have to read these nikes.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=137167&mesg_id=137201
137201, Whoa, slow down young man before you have to read these nikes.
Posted by micMajestic, Mon May-17-10 04:43 PM
>>it's all about homie that sings the hooks. trust me.
>Wow that is an awful song. No wonder I've never heard of
>Willie D...
>Was such a boring video, it's like nobody told the people on
>camera that they were filming yet and everybody is just
>relaxing before they gotta get up and dance. lol

This single wasn't very good at all. Willie D definitely has some sh!t though, let's not get it twisted. Ever heard of the Geto Boys?

Your hustle might get you knocked, why would I knock your hustle?