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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectuh huh
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=12450&mesg_id=12566
12566, uh huh
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Wed Oct-22-03 06:45 AM

>the audience is dumb too kap. believe me, if there were a
>nation of bookworms & high minded folks, we wouldn't be
>having this conversation. people don't even read anymore.
>i DO AGREE with some of your sentiment, but it doesn't apply
>to the whole culture. these artists are out there, they
>just aren't given a chance. for example, i love beyonce. i
>really do, but i thinkher BIGGEST problem is that she isn't
>well read. i can listen to her song lyrics, hear the
>direction she's going in & know that if she had a
>word/thought filter-er to make her thoughts more "complete"
>she would be the bomb. but she doesn't have that. why?
>because her AUDIENCE doesn't dictate that she expand her
>vocabulary (words, books, thoughts, etc).

so basically, we need to raise our standards? stop settling for bullshit?

I agree.

so she "lazily"
>just writes the first thing that comes to mind & fits.
>should we blame her? yes. but we also have to blame
>ourselves (community) for allowing EVERYONE to be
>undereducated. so clearly, it's not even beyonce's fault.

I’m sorry… I refuse to include myself in taking that blame. because I’m the one who’s railing out against it and getting accused of self-hate for my trouble (snicker). it’s all good, though… I’ll never stop speaking out. being liked by a lot of people has never been that important to me.