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Topic subjectI always had the idea that the Black Church was/is...
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114, I always had the idea that the Black Church was/is...
Posted by Alphabet, Tue Mar-01-05 06:22 AM
the closest thing a black kid can come to music school and training....

I know some black kids are able to get classicly trained and things like that..but..for the most part any sence of music theory we have growing up comes from the church....

Even stage presence and such..choirs and preahers and stuff do alot of dynamic types stuff on the pulpit that alot of entertainers transfer onto the stage...

Even still to this day..alot of the R&B singers coem from the church..it's just a mixture now..of the BET/MTV trends with the fundamental vocals of the church..

I hear alot of church type rhythems in Missy/Timbaland's music
I hear alot of church type chords and shit with Dilla's music
9999.9999% percent of all R&B singers out now have churchy type riffs and vocal styles
I here alot of churchy type soul in 9th Wonder's music
The Roots reminds me of a church band like a mug..especialy live
Kanye... we all know his story...
Even 50 got SOMEWHAT of a gospel song on his new shit

So the "church style" is still an influence..not syaing it a TOTAL influence but it's still influencal I think...

I just don;t like how the church tried to be influence by the MTV/BET world to "draw the young people". I never realy got into that theory...Espacialy since the church spawned alot of whats going on in BET/MTV,popular music world as far as musicly