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Topic subjectbut so what?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=102
102, but so what?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-01-05 06:48 AM
>back to my original point: really, to try to critique church
>music without a live experience with it is like trynna
>appreciate hip hop without having seen a live show.

this post isn't about critiquing church music.

>you missing the PURE ESSENCE of it. as in, the THING that
>makes it what it really is, and the SOURCE that makes people
>produce the art the way they do.

what does that have to do w/the post?

>i mean, you ain't gotta be from MISSISSIPPI to appreciate
>blue...in fact, you can appreciate blues just listening to
>it on WAX.
>until you have heard it LIVE....you can't know that the
>MUSIC is just a by-product of the circumstance. and that
>what makes BLUES isn't the music, but what people were
>FEELING that made them produce music that way.

what does that have to to do w/the post?