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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectyou know how those apple g3's and g4's opened up?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=52516
52516, you know how those apple g3's and g4's opened up?
Posted by mc_delta_t, Tue Feb-07-06 04:54 AM

how come there's no pc cases built like this, I would LOVE to have one that did that as I'm always fiddling with shit in there
52520, because apple has a good design team
Posted by Deluge, Tue Feb-07-06 08:40 AM
53694, they ight...
Posted by jetblack, Wed Feb-15-06 08:01 PM
53735, the best actually.
Posted by Invisiblist, Wed Feb-15-06 11:45 PM
52522, takes 1 minute to add ram.... if your a slow poke...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Tue Feb-07-06 09:38 AM
...u can open the g4 with 1 hand
53714, that's about what it takes for a pc
Posted by Samurai_Shampoo, Wed Feb-15-06 09:14 PM
pop the front panel off, pop off the side panel, slip in ram and get the 2 clicks,
pop side panel back on, pop front panel back on
53739, u forgot to add 20 min to unscrew the case among other bullshit...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Feb-16-06 12:10 AM
53744, thumbscrews dumbass
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Feb-16-06 12:56 AM


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

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www.hdbeat.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
53745, open with one finger & eyes closed slow poke...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Feb-16-06 12:58 AM
....hahahaha PC's lose again sucka!
53862, And, you probably ACTUALLY did that.
Posted by RemyMartin, Thu Feb-16-06 05:51 PM
With pride...on a webcam even.
53913, are you asking for a link or not?
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Feb-16-06 11:47 PM
53679, up so the apple fanatics can brag
Posted by mc_delta_t, Wed Feb-15-06 07:08 PM
I wonder if it'd be possible to rig up a pc atx mobo in one of these with the hard drives in the main part (not on the door)

53693, what's to brag about? a SIMPLE design idea that anyone can steal
Posted by jetblack, Wed Feb-15-06 08:00 PM
53723, 2 things: 1. they will brag about ANYTHING
Posted by mc_delta_t, Wed Feb-15-06 09:51 PM
2. It's simple, but GREAT and yeah anyone COULD steal it, but no one HAS!
53734, they? who are they? why are people so pissed at them?
Posted by jetblack, Wed Feb-15-06 11:11 PM
53695, ever see how a G5 opens up??!?!?!?!?
Posted by jetblack, Wed Feb-15-06 08:04 PM

53722, lol, you mean like any pc case?
Posted by mc_delta_t, Wed Feb-15-06 09:50 PM
Posted by jetblack, Wed Feb-15-06 11:10 PM
53738, ha, I wasn't sure if that was the joke or what
Posted by mc_delta_t, Thu Feb-16-06 12:05 AM
53742, LOL...LMAO!
Posted by jetblack, Thu Feb-16-06 12:49 AM
53743, I love that particular G3
Posted by will_5198, Thu Feb-16-06 12:55 AM
I bought one off Ebay a few years ago just to fuck around with and play Myth and my old MacAddict CD's on
53774, Apple ain't got shit on this though...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Feb-16-06 09:23 AM

I just figured this scrolling shit out!!!
53904, wow..thats FUGLY!
Posted by jetblack, Thu Feb-16-06 10:56 PM
53914, LOL... that shit looks like my humidifier..
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Feb-16-06 11:49 PM
53776, try this one....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Feb-16-06 09:26 AM

I just figured this scrolling shit out!!!
53885, Darth Vader + Mr. Burns' Brain & Nerve Tonic =
Posted by Mosaic, Thu Feb-16-06 07:56 PM

53905, it's a $300 'Euro' Coffeemaker
Posted by jetblack, Thu Feb-16-06 10:56 PM
53910, yeah, thats...............................not the same at all
Posted by mc_delta_t, Thu Feb-16-06 11:38 PM
53915, is that a dustbuster?
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Feb-16-06 11:49 PM
53919, NO!
Posted by jetblack, Fri Feb-17-06 01:32 AM
it's a Coffeemaker..DUH!
53997, dustbuster makes coffee makers now..?
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri Feb-17-06 02:55 PM
54005, Looks like a giant pencil sharpener.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Fri Feb-17-06 04:09 PM

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53923, Ok, so what if I took that case and put a PC in there?
Posted by BlacKnightSC, Fri Feb-17-06 02:24 AM
I seriously doubt thats the first time anyone has tried that...and it would be easy to improve upon that.
53996, yeah, that's what I'm thinking about doing at some point in the future
Posted by mc_delta_t, Fri Feb-17-06 02:50 PM
my mom has one of those g3's but doesn't use it much anymore........*plots*
54069, my dell basically opens like that
Posted by AfterDark, Fri Feb-17-06 09:12 PM
obviously, not identical, but pretty similar. you just hold two buttons, one on top and one on the bottom of the case, and the whole side swings open on a hinge like in the g4.
54075, dude. get a dell.
Posted by rocket, Fri Feb-17-06 10:49 PM
they been doin that.

54091, 1) no way in hell I'm buying a dell
Posted by mc_delta_t, Sat Feb-18-06 12:40 AM
2) it's not even remotley the same

ok, it's REMOTELY the same, but it would be nearly as easy to get to the stuff opening to the side like that