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Topic subjectPS4 Pro is the wackest name.
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300609, PS4 Pro is the wackest name.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Sep-08-16 06:02 PM
Fuck is pro about a video game console? PS4 Pro is only built for QA niggas.

I'm coppin, though.

I don't need it. I don't even plan on getting a 4K TV in the next year or two. But I ain't got no kids so money ain't a thang.

Y'all skipping these mid-cycle refresh joints? Waiting on the Scorpio?
300611, problem is it doesn't have uhd blu-ray
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Sep-08-16 09:23 PM
which matters to me. I dunno.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
300615, No UHD bluray is baffling.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Sep-08-16 10:38 PM
Unless it was the one thing that had to go to hit that $399 sweetspot.

It doesn't affect me because I ain't got no 4k tv and I literally ain't put a single disc (game or movie) in my ps4 or xbox one in the three years I had them.

But still. It's a baffling decision.
300631, I think it IS the most interesting piece of this puzzle, though.
Posted by Nodima, Fri Sep-09-16 01:13 PM
Once more people get 4K TVs, and devices that run Netflix's 4K patch, they're gonna find out what it means to their ISP that they're trying to binge watch Orange Is the New Black and hitting your bandwidth cap after half a season.

It's also interesting that Sony, for the first time in its history, hasn't released a Playstation that acted as an early adopter or accessible gateway for a new technology.

PS1 - Games on CDs
PS2 - DVD player
PS3 - Blu-ray, HDMI

The PS4 took a half step bringing live streaming into the mainstream for console gamers, but it's interesting as major investors in blu-ray Sony isn't trying to get the 4K discs into homes with their console. As long as ISPs stick to their guns on data caps, and until the codecs get up to speed on 4K, I could see a small market boom for those 4K discs just to save early adopters from tripling their internet bill.

It makes me wonder if we'll see yet another PS4 in 2018.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
300617, main reason I'm skipping this
Posted by Boogiedwn, Fri Sep-09-16 07:52 AM
thought they would have the hardware
300621, Hard pass.
Posted by Splinter., Fri Sep-09-16 10:55 AM
300643, whaaaaaaaa
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Sep-09-16 04:17 PM
300644, I couldn't believe them of all people left that out
Posted by Lach, Fri Sep-09-16 07:10 PM
300612, Seems like a missed boat.
Posted by BigReg, Thu Sep-08-16 09:27 PM
While we don't know until it comes out a YEAR later, it seems scorpio is a real refresh with the UHD and significantly more powerful processors.

PS4 pro just feels like, "Hey, you got a 4k tv, this might be an extra option for you too!"

Imma pass for now unless there's a sweet trade in deal.
300616, It's not gonna move units like the PS4 Slim and the One S
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Sep-08-16 10:47 PM
but it'll do respectable numbers because the price and timing is right.
300614, I'll wait til I get a 4K tv to get it.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Thu Sep-08-16 10:18 PM
Definitely want to see all the Netflix shows in 4K.
300622, Pass
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Fri Sep-09-16 11:00 AM
I dont' even get enough time these days to play like I want, so no reason to "upgrade" to this.
300624, I'm a "why change my TV until it's dead and gone" type dude
Posted by Nodima, Fri Sep-09-16 11:25 AM
so I was actually happy to hear this console was almost entirely focused on 4K TVs and HDR. made it completely irrelevant to my lifestyle.

I played my PS3 on a 22" CRT at 480p through, like, 2012. I'm primarily playing Grand Theft Auto III on my PS4 right now. I'm no graphic snob.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
300626, You can actually argue it's better built for 1080p than 4k
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Sep-09-16 12:14 PM
Most devs will be able to run the 1080p versions of their games with better image quality and framerates than the 4k versions.

It's not the 1080p60 max settings dream box we've been waiting for (hopefully Scorpio hits that), but it will noticeably improve on the OG PS4 at 1080p especially since the OG fails to even hit 1080p with a lot of games (won't be no new 900p games on the Pro).

But this is graphics whore territory, of course.
300629, yea, mine and my girlfriends TVs max at 720p
Posted by Nodima, Fri Sep-09-16 01:02 PM
so technically the PS4 as it stands is the perfect device for us.

this is one of those things where when I finally see it, I might not even recognize it at first. it took me a couple years to recognize how football looked better in true HD compared to 480, for example. the first time I saw football on an HDTV I wasn't blown away, but years later it's amazing to to me to watch even footage from the early 2000s.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
300630, RE: You can actually argue it's better built for 1080p than 4k
Posted by bearfield, Fri Sep-09-16 01:03 PM
>Most devs will be able to run the 1080p versions of their
>games with better image quality and framerates than the 4k

i seriously doubt devs will be going for better frame rates. most people don't care about 60fps (unless it affects gameplay; games like SFV, CoD, etc.) and most console games are designed for 30fps gameplay. i imagine most of the power will be used for downsampling and/or added effects like antialiasing
300635, This is true, but games like Rise of the Tomb Raider suggest options
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Sep-09-16 01:39 PM
That game is gonna ship with three modes. A 4k30 mode, a 1080p30 high settings mode (i think downsampled from 1440), and a high framerate mode that's 1080-not-quite-60 (unlocked, 40-60 fps).

The Witness, as an example of a less graphically demanding game, is actually targeting native 4k at 60 fps, and 1080p60 with 4x antialiasing (up from 900p60 and 2x on the base model).

Last of Us Remastered is also targeting native 4k60 and 1080p60 with extra eye candy.

So it's really looking like it's being left up to the devs to decide what to do, which is definitely gonna give us mixed results. But I agree that most new releases are most likely gonna lock at 30 fps. The Horizon devs have come out saying straight up that the game is not designed for 60 fps.
300637, RE: This is true, but games like Rise of the Tomb Raider suggest options
Posted by bearfield, Fri Sep-09-16 02:03 PM
>That game is gonna ship with three modes. A 4k30 mode, a
>1080p30 high settings mode (i think downsampled from 1440),
>and a high framerate mode that's 1080-not-quite-60 (unlocked,
>40-60 fps).

this is really awesome and exactly what i want out of a more powerful console. good on the devs for giving players options. i can't imagine that a weird unstable frame rate will be fun to play but it's good that the option is there

>The Witness, as an example of a less graphically demanding
>game, is actually targeting native 4k at 60 fps, and 1080p60
>with 4x antialiasing (up from 900p60 and 2x on the base

watch those lines move at a stunning 60fps! i doubt that game will be demonstrably better at 60fps since most of the time you're just staring at grids. walking around will be nicer though

>Last of Us Remastered is also targeting native 4k60 and
>1080p60 with extra eye candy.

interesting. 4k60 is an insane goal, even for a last gen game. but ND can probably pull it off

i bet that the devs that are already good at maximizing the power of consoles will be able to further separate themselves from their peers, and and those that aren't good at making the most of the consoles will stick out even more. on some, "you can't even manage a solid 30 on ps pro? GTFO" tip.
300638, hol up
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 02:14 PM
>That game is gonna ship with three modes. A 4k30 mode, a
>1080p30 high settings mode (i think downsampled from 1440),
>and a high framerate mode that's 1080-not-quite-60 (unlocked,
>40-60 fps).
>The Witness, as an example of a less graphically demanding
>game, is actually targeting native 4k at 60 fps, and 1080p60
>with 4x antialiasing (up from 900p60 and 2x on the base
>Last of Us Remastered is also targeting native 4k60 and
>1080p60 with extra eye candy.
>So it's really looking like it's being left up to the devs to
>decide what to do, which is definitely gonna give us mixed
>results. But I agree that most new releases are most likely
>gonna lock at 30 fps. The Horizon devs have come out saying
>straight up that the game is not designed for 60 fps.

so stores are expected to stock three different versions of the same game? Or is this three version mess only for digital copies of the game? Will all these different graphical versions cause delays in game release dates?
300639, It's the same game, same disc, same download
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Sep-09-16 02:21 PM
Just different settings within the game.

Ain't no different versions of the game. Stores will still have just one PS4 shelf.
300640, this post blew my mind
Posted by bearfield, Fri Sep-09-16 02:39 PM
but then i remembered not everyone has experience with PC gaming. this is going to be another interesting side effect of ps pro/"scorpio": console gamers unaccustomed to having graphics options and learning to play the "budget your power to get the best looking or playing experience" meta game that most PC gamers have to suffer through (or enjoy doing)

it's the same game. there will just be an additional menu in "options" for graphical settings. you'll have the ability to change certain graphic features. like this:


(not sure of the quality of that image since i'm circumventing work filters to get to it. you can search "graphics options settings" in google images to get more/better images)

here's a quick primer:

resolution will generally determine how sharp the game looks. low = blurry. high = sharp
anti aliasing will reduce jagged edges on straight lines
shadow quality will determine how blurry or sharp the shadows are

higher settings of the above options will generally result in reduced performance, meaing lower and/or unstable frame rates. it could be noticeable or not, depending on how well the game is coded and how powerful the system playing the game is
300641, I misread a sentence wrote
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 03:53 PM
>but then i remembered not everyone has experience with PC
>gaming. this is going to be another interesting side effect
>of ps pro/"scorpio": console gamers unaccustomed to having
>graphics options and learning to play the "budget your power
>to get the best looking or playing experience" meta game that
>most PC gamers have to suffer through (or enjoy doing)
>it's the same game. there will just be an additional menu in
>"options" for graphical settings. you'll have the ability to
>change certain graphic features. like this:
>(not sure of the quality of that image since i'm circumventing
>work filters to get to it. you can search "graphics options
>settings" in google images to get more/better images)
>here's a quick primer:
>resolution will generally determine how sharp the game looks.
>low = blurry. high = sharp
>anti aliasing will reduce jagged edges on straight lines
>shadow quality will determine how blurry or sharp the shadows
>higher settings of the above options will generally result in
>reduced performance, meaing lower and/or unstable frame rates.
> it could be noticeable or not, depending on how well the game
>is coded and how powerful the system playing the game is

I translated "That game is gonna ship with three modes." way too literally.

My apologies.
300642, understandable
Posted by bearfield, Fri Sep-09-16 04:05 PM
no need to apologize at all. i hope i didn't come across as patronizing or condescending in my repsonse
300625, I'm just waiting to see this NX
Posted by 13Rose, Fri Sep-09-16 11:55 AM
That's the only thing I'm interested in.
300627, Dat Zelda. I'm not hype for the NX, but I'm hype for dat Zelda
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Sep-09-16 12:19 PM
So I'm hype for the NX by proxy.

If Nintendo can release that thing for $300 or less, I'll cop at launch. $350 or more and I'm waiting.
300628, hol up
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 12:48 PM
Zelda is going to launch at the same time as that new console? Is that confirmed and set in concrete? Nintendo tends to move at a snail's pace in terms of releasing games for their milestone franchises outside of Mario, so I dunno if I'd jump on getting a new system. For instance, I'm certain the system would collect dust if I wanted to a new Metroid game.
300632, It's a WiiU game also
Posted by Nodima, Fri Sep-09-16 01:20 PM
They're gonna do the same as they did with Twilight Princess, it'll be a launch title for the NX even if it's technically a "last gen" game.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
300634, That's unfortunate to hear
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 01:22 PM
but I suppose that makes sense given that the game was delayed for some many years now. So the NX version is just a graphics upgrade pretty much? Bleh.
300633, It'll be remarkable
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 01:21 PM
if this moves more units than whatever Microsoft plans to offer since this doesn't seem like it'll have that much appeal outside of niche and rich folks out there with money to burn.

Then again, it was hard as hell for me to cop a regular PS4 months ago when I had to buy one for the new Uncharted, so I guess for new jacks like myself, this system is a viable option.
300636, They ain't finna sell 43 million Pros, but they don't need to.
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Sep-09-16 01:50 PM
This new model is priced the same as the launch PS4, and in a couple years it will be priced where the Slim is now. By the end of the cycle most PS4s moved will be the Pro model. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Pro Slim before they're done. In the long run, this thing won't even be marketed as the high end PS4. It'll just be the PS4 with the wack ass name.

The Scorpio is gonna be the high end box. PS4 Pro is gonna be the mid range. And the old models will be the budget boxes.
300645, I'm gonna give my PS4 to my pops and cop the slim
Posted by Mafamaticks, Sat Sep-10-16 07:37 AM
I plan on buying a 60" TV soon, so I might pay for a 4k, but I'm not really pressed to play 4k games yet.
Posted by IkeMoses, Sat Sep-10-16 10:46 AM
300660, Preordered from Amazon.
Posted by jetblack, Mon Sep-12-16 09:28 PM
301062, Digital Foundry's PS4 Pro review (video review and text review links):
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Nov-07-16 03:47 PM


things of note:
*non-patched games run exactly like launch PS4 games. no boosts at all.

*it's as power efficient as the PS4 Slim. running the console in base mode will draw less power than the launch PS4. running a game with fully enabled Pro features draws only 10 more watts than a launch PS4 game.

*it can get as loud and hot as the launch PS4 in Pro mode tho.

*in addition to the enhanced 1080p modes, 4k modes can be run downsampled to 1080p and it basically eliminates aliasing.

*you're not sacrificing performance with the enhanced visual modes. most patched titles so far are either keeping the same frame rate or receiving stability bumps from the Pro patch.
301063, Just got the Costco Ads...
Posted by jetblack, Mon Nov-07-16 05:14 PM
they got 4k TVs on the LOW.

I'm going in.
301066, I'm waiting until HDR standards settle down before I take the 4k plunge.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Nov-07-16 05:29 PM
I'm thinking like 2018 or even 2019.
301123, By then 8KTVs will be abundant.
Posted by jetblack, Sat Nov-19-16 12:21 AM
301068, Welp, I got a 4K TV so I'm probably gonna get this.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Tue Nov-08-16 01:35 AM
My TV started to shit the bed (I'd turn it on and it would do this loud green glitch screen for a minute and then reset) so I got a new one on Friday.

This 43" Sony jawn people on GAF were speaking highly of:


It's supposed to be good for games and low lag so I don't get caught on some 8 frames shit.

Prolly gonna get the Xbox One S on Black Friday, too. Dell has em for $250 with Battlefield, Gears, and an extra controller.
301070, I want a One S too. Might trade in my launch PS4 and Xbone for one.
Posted by IkeMoses, Tue Nov-08-16 01:59 AM
301071, Yeah man, they're pretty cool.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Tue Nov-08-16 02:29 AM
My homie in Chicago has one. The controllers feel nice as hell.
301096, Put a 2TB SSHD in and moved a terabyte from my PS4 to my Pro last night.
Posted by IkeMoses, Sun Nov-13-16 12:55 PM
THAT SHIT TOOK HOURS. I started at 7pm. Didn't finish until 2am.

If you're going to transfer data from your vanilla PS4 to your Pro, the default recommendation is that you connect both consoles via ethernet to your router.


I tried it that way first. Estimated time for the transfer? THIRTY (30) FUCKING HOURS!

I had both consoles and the router all on the same shelf, yo. And my network is pretty solid. 50 down, 5 up too. So nah, don't do that shit.

I also don't recommend backing up your data to an external drive and then transferring from that backup because you'll be looking at several hours each way (several hours to back up, and several hours to install on the new console).

What to do instead:
1. Set both consoles to wi-fi.
2. Connect the consoles directly to each other with a single ethernet cord.

Doing it this way took me just over 3 hours to transfer a terabyte. Which is still a long ass time, but it's literally A TENTH of the time it would have took going the default way and about half the time of using an external to backup and restore.
301102, turns out it might be the whackest system, too.
Posted by Nodima, Mon Nov-14-16 04:35 PM
lot of reports of games running worse than on regular PS4s, or not up to the specs of TVs that have been running 4K bu-rays for years.

GB guys also said they hooked their Pros up at home but kept using their OG controllers cause the new ones feel like they're cutting corners on materials.

more than ever glad I held off on the hype and kept buying craft beers lol.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
301104, that's on the devs, not the hardware.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Nov-14-16 06:17 PM
a minority of the patched games are running slightly worse than their PS4 counterparts at launch because the patches ain't optimized.

probably the worst case is Last of Us Remastered. 4k30 mode is flawless, but the 1800p60 mode is not as solid as the OG PS4's 1080p60. that's because they're trying to run 2.7 times the pixels on a 2.3x GPU. this Digital Foundry video breaks it down:


the new controller feels identical in build quality. it's actually an upgrade for me because the input lag is noticeably reduced when i play wired now.

the system is dope. it runs faster and quieter, the image quality boosts are appreciable on my 1080p TV (UC4 multiplayer at 1080p60 is crack), and the majority of patched games get improved frame rates.

all that said, it's an entirely uncessary upgrade if you already got a PS4. but we knew that going in.
301106, Yeah, those are concerning.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Tue Nov-15-16 10:50 AM
>lot of reports of games running worse than on regular PS4s,
>or not up to the specs of TVs that have been running 4K
>bu-rays for years.

I think I'm gonna hold off on the Pro until they iron out those issues.

>GB guys also said they hooked their Pros up at home but kept
>using their OG controllers cause the new ones feel like
>they're cutting corners on materials.

I actually like the new controllers tho. Amazon had a sale on em for $31 each so I picked up one. The sticks feel a little better (although I have five older models and the sticks feel different between some of those too so stealth updates I guess).

>more than ever glad I held off on the hype and kept buying
>craft beers lol.

Good beer is always a good choice
301110, I'm happy with this Pro
Posted by jetblack, Fri Nov-18-16 12:59 AM
Waiting for BF Sales then I'm picking up my 4KTV.
301111, Running unpatched PS4 games on a near silent machine alone is worth it
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Nov-18-16 02:46 AM
My OG PS4 would turn into a vacuum cleaner sometimes.
301119, RE: Running unpatched PS4 games on a near silent machine alone is worth it
Posted by jetblack, Fri Nov-18-16 07:24 PM
>My OG PS4 would turn into a vacuum cleaner sometimes.

The fan has cut on with Skyrim and First Light. Uncharted 4 looks amazing on the Pro.
301113, suggestions on a BF 4K tv under 50 inches? I need one for my
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Nov-18-16 03:31 PM
bedroom. CHEAP
301128, Costco has a Vizio on sale for ~$500 online and in store.
Posted by jetblack, Sat Nov-19-16 10:45 AM
301114, Little help y'all
Posted by sonofodin, Fri Nov-18-16 03:48 PM
So, my PS4 was recently boosted and I just got a Sammy 60" 4ktv from Dell with a $300 gift card. I could replace my ps4 with a slim and get Drake's Fortune or kick out an extra $100 and get a pro. I really don't want to even pay the extra dough, just want to know if it's worth it....
301115, if you got a 4k TV definitely get the Pro.
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Nov-18-16 04:07 PM
if you just had a 1080p TV, i'd probably say go with the cheaper box, but with a 4kTV the Pro becomes a no-brainer. the resolution boosts will make much better use of your TV and you'll get access to the Pro's 4k streaming apps (which the base model doesn't support).

it's worth the extra hundo.
301118, Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards
Posted by sonofodin, Fri Nov-18-16 06:19 PM
thank man
301121, pretty much no one with a 4k tv needs streaming apps
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Nov-18-16 10:57 PM
every tv has them built in

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
301122, fair enough.
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Nov-18-16 11:39 PM
301163, Another question guys
Posted by sonofodin, Wed Nov-23-16 11:31 AM
Has anyone ran the Pro and updated games on a 4K without HDR1000? Is there a difference without HDR? Enough to purchase a pro? Thanks
301165, Most Pro patched games support checkerboarded 4k or native 4k
Posted by IkeMoses, Wed Nov-23-16 01:16 PM
resolution on a 4kTV is the main selling point of the Pro, since all PS4s support HDR now.
301166, I guess my question is
Posted by sonofodin, Wed Nov-23-16 02:01 PM
my 4ktv has only 8bit hdr not the full 10bit which the pro is designed for. I already know that I will not be utilizing the Pro's full potential. I just wanted to know if anyone played games (which have been updated for the pro) on a tv without hdr 10bit and if so, did they notice a difference? For instance, Uncharted only upgraded to HDR10.
301171, So Best Buy has a BF bundle going
Posted by ACRG, Thu Nov-24-16 11:02 AM
Toshiba 55-inch LED Chromecast Built-in 4K Ultra Smart HD TV + PS4 Pro Bundle

gonna have to read up on that Toshiba.
301183, I got the 49 inch toshiba 4k for $199
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Sun Nov-27-16 04:50 PM
This is my first new tv since 2006. I am going from a 32inch LCD vizio (720p not LED)
That thing was ancient.

So far 2 days into using the new TV I gotta say the picture is insane. I don't have any 4k hardware however. I streamed some 4k video on it using chrome cast and that shit looked real enough to touch. I have a ps3 right now but I plan on trading it in and geting a PS4. Debating if I should get the slim or the pro. I don't think this TV has the full HDR chip in it. I dont know if I'm going to get full use of the 4k from the Pro

I'm kinda new to all of this.
301380, So any reviews on this from you guys. How many games use the
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Dec-12-16 11:05 AM
4K native vs 4k upscaling?
301399, GAF has a good breakdown thread for what each patched game is offering:
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Dec-15-16 04:15 PM
301710, Got one this weekend
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Tue Jan-31-17 12:21 PM
Once I get a Switch I'll be up to date on all the systems from the big three.
301735, the Firmware 4.5 beta has a surprise feature: BOOST MODE
Posted by IkeMoses, Fri Feb-03-17 06:07 PM
UNPATCHED PS4 games are getting framerate and loading time boosts.

clips are floating around of beta users getting better performance out of games like Just Cause 3, AC Unity, Witcher 3, and Bloodborne.

Rainbow 6 Siege is getting like 90 FPS and shit (with lots of tearing tho).

shoulda been included during the system's launch, but fuck it.

301736, This update sounds pretty awesome. Also gets external HDD support.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Fri Feb-03-17 08:27 PM