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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectIts official: tablets are shitty devices, people stopped copping
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=291214
291214, Its official: tablets are shitty devices, people stopped copping
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Jul-26-14 05:36 AM
Please discuss



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291222, I think Android tablets are still moving units well...
Posted by Sleepy, Thu Jul-24-14 03:47 PM
And the Surface has gotten a lot more popular since they introduced the latest version. Whether or not you consider it a tablet is another story.

But I think everyone knew the iPad was in trouble for a while.
291223, I think Android tablets are still moving units well...
Posted by Sleepy, Thu Jul-24-14 03:47 PM
And the Surface has gotten a lot more popular since they introduced the latest version. Whether or not you consider it a tablet is another story.

But I think everyone knew the iPad was in trouble for a while.
291224, Yeah no.
Posted by Invisiblist, Thu Jul-24-14 03:50 PM
Tablets last longer. They get beat up less. They're more consumption than work/communication, so they age out more slowly. Batteries weakening on them isn't as big a deal because you don't need to use them everywhere for them to be useful.

I haven't read this thing.

291228, Honestly, I've gotten bored with them
Posted by Lach, Thu Jul-24-14 07:22 PM
We got 4 tablets in the house right now - 3 iPads and 1 Nexus 7. At first I used the Nexus like crazy but after a while I found myself leaving it at home and even when I'm home I use my iPhone instead. My son is about the only one in the house who constantly uses his iPad. The only time my daughter and wife use the iPads is when they're in school.
291276, yeah my kids fight over our iPhones when we have 2 iPads here to use...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Sun Jul-27-14 09:13 PM
...i can't say i use them either ..i rather use the macbook air than the iPad for surfing

291229, To be honest, I infrequently use my retina mini.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Jul-24-14 08:02 PM
The thing is just a media consumption device for me, but I just forget I have it between my TV, kindle, phone, and laptop.

When I remember I have it I love it, though.

So I'll definitely buy a new one in the future.

I'm just not sure how distantly in the future that will be.
291231, yeah and nah
Posted by mtbatol, Fri Jul-25-14 12:13 AM
They're just boring for the ones that's just.. well a tablet. Have a Galaxy Note (3) which seems more tablet'ish than my iPad Mini being able to.. well... write shit down outta nowhere on it - and that's merely just tip toeing on being a tablet - still catagorized as a phone with just functional size to it. Otherwise none of the Android ish moves me either.

If anything... the only tablet that changed the game for me personally is the Surface Pro 3. Went from a curiosity in 1st gen to the Eva Andressa of tablets. Now if it does too much to be a tablet altogether is another debate ...but it does tablet shit tho.
291232, I think there's less incentive to upgrade compared to phones
Posted by DropWallet, Fri Jul-25-14 06:21 AM
My ipad 4 still runs beautifully and does everything I need. I can't see much benefit in the latest gen of tablets. Most users would probably struggle to justify an upgrade.

On the other hand, my phone takes a hammering; the exterior and innards are both showing signs of age.

I can see this issue becoming more prominent as technology get better, the increased benefits of new hardware become less appealing vs cost. At least with phones, upgrade cycles mean people are happy to update every 2 years or so.
291233, My Nexus 7 stop charging and I was like...meh.
Posted by jetblack, Fri Jul-25-14 08:37 AM
291235, I had the same problem... flashed a new ROM on it & replaced...
Posted by KnowOne, Fri Jul-25-14 09:02 AM
the cord. Problem solved.
291699, just ordered a new on off amazon.
Posted by jetblack, Fri Aug-22-14 08:33 AM
291236, Nope I use my Nexus 7 daily.....
Posted by KnowOne, Fri Jul-25-14 09:03 AM
watching shows/movies, surfing the web, reading comics & manga...

And now with Chrome Cast screen casting.... man I always on that jawn.
291274, ^^^
Posted by ne_atl, Sun Jul-27-14 08:56 PM
if I'm web surfing, it's with a tablet. Games, banking, reading or netflix is mostly done on my Nexus 7.

>And now with Chrome Cast screen casting.... man I always on
>that jawn.

this right here...
291239, use my ipad daily
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-25-14 09:58 AM
nothing compares to it as a toilet/couch surfer imo
beyond that yea it's kind of worthless
i have galaxy 3, nexus 7, full size ipad and ipad air fwiw
291240, That article seems to be in flat-out, insulated denial.
Posted by Soon, Fri Jul-25-14 10:35 AM
Whatever Apple fanboy wrote it clearly can't get a grip on the fact that any lacklustrosity in the sales is at least partly attributable to the "mediocre" Android devices that have been claiming a growing share of the market.

Poor, deluded blogger.

As for me, my little netbook is so underpowered that, without cache from a prior load, it chugs mightily just to launch a browser window. I'm thinking about ditching it for, you guessed it, a tablet.

291242, LOL Yall fell for it.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Fri Jul-25-14 11:40 AM
O_E editorialized the title and posted an article that only tangentially relates to "tablets failing"

This is a really shitty article too. It ends with him shitting on Android and the apps for some strange reason.

i'm out.
291246, the upgrade cycle is just twice as long as phones
Posted by ternary_star, Fri Jul-25-14 02:12 PM
or more
291247, we're still on the iPad 2
Posted by hardware, Fri Jul-25-14 02:49 PM
i'd be afraid to cop one if i didnt know better
291291, Still rocking my HP TouchPad.
Posted by MiQL, Mon Jul-28-14 10:28 PM
Not looking to upgrade anytime soon...
291304, damn
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-29-14 03:49 PM
291393, I love webOS' card system
Posted by MiQL, Mon Aug-04-14 12:02 AM
Not like the half-ass way iOS and Android implement it.
291310, solid machine
Posted by ne_atl, Tue Jul-29-14 10:04 PM
My kids still use it to play games
291347, my battery ran down like 4 mos ago, now wont turn on
Posted by gusto, Wed Jul-30-14 10:24 PM
loved that thing. just need to get to the battery and charge it somehow.
im still rocking my old galaxy tab 1000 7 inch, on a daily basis.
i think i want an 8 inch tablet now.
291294, I use my phone in public but my ipad at home
Posted by CherNic, Tue Jul-29-14 06:42 AM
I have a 2. Like someone said uptop, I don't feel a need to upgrade. I only use it for surfing, netflix/other watch tv apps, and a few music apps. Very little reading.

That being said, gonna cop another tablet soon, probably splice my usage even more.
291296, Phones get bought more often because of contract subsidies.
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Jul-29-14 08:42 AM
If people could upgrade their tablets every couple years with $200-400 of the cost being subsidized because of a contract that they would already have had (people were already used to having phone contracts) then you would see more tablet sales. At this point everyone that would use a tablet pretty much has one. And if you're doing the basic stuff with them that they are good for - internet browsing at the house, watching Netflix, etc., then there really isn't a need to upgrade for $500-700 because the new features aren't that compelling.

I'll also add that iPads are GREAT for specified purposes - as a musician mine has made my life WAY easier in terms of having all my music charts on it and easy to create and have ready for gigs. There are tons of other specific applications that people probably can't live without. BUT - I'm still able to use all of that on an iPad 2, and there is really no reason for me to upgrade.

291330, You should be an analyst
Posted by handle, Wed Jul-30-14 02:24 PM

It could be that tablets are replaced less frequently than phones.


That tablets are shared more than phones. (A 3 person family likely has 3 phones, but like less than 3 tablets.)


The almost complete lack of focus on specs for many of the market segments (Apple and "commodity tablet makers") don't offer a compelling reason for people to upgrade as often as phones.
291354, AND carriers provide incentives to encourage frequent upgrades
Posted by southphillyman, Thu Jul-31-14 11:11 AM
291390, we have tablets that are rarely ever used
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Sun Aug-03-14 08:22 PM
I'm the only person in this family that DOESN'T own a tablet. Everyone else has generic 7" Android joints running ICS, except my 16 year old who just got a new generic 7" joint that runs Jellybean for her birthday.

My two youngest took to them at first, preferring them to their Nintendo DSi's, My wife would use hers all the time instead of her Galaxy S3, my two oldest also used theirs heavily. Now, they're afterthoughts. My son might fire his up once in a while if he want to play Minecraft after we've kicked him off of his laptop. My oungest daughter almost never uses hers. My oldest broke hers, and when we asked if she wanted a new one she quickly said "NO!". My wife rarely uses hers anymore. My middle daughter was using hers until last month when her power button broke and now that we just got her a new one she's using it. She's probably the only one that still uses it regularly.

Me, personally, I can only see one use for a tablet: A quick and dirty mini wifi penetration device. Otherwise, I can't see a need for it.
291394, honestly, the little shitty android tablets ARE useless
Posted by ternary_star, Mon Aug-04-14 07:31 AM
Android tablet apps, especially for kids, are still complete shit compared to what's out there for the iPad.

if your kids are into games and they had an iPad, i guarantee they'd still be into it on a daily basis
291397, ^^^^^^^^^
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Aug-04-14 08:41 AM
>Android tablet apps, especially for kids, are still complete
>shit compared to what's out there for the iPad.
>if your kids are into games and they had an iPad, i guarantee
>they'd still be into it on a daily basis

291407, Nah b...
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Aug-04-14 05:42 PM
They had everything they wanted to play on 'em. My son was REALLY geeked for Minecraft PE and they all played their favorite Adult Swim games (my girls were particularly fond of Robot Unicorn Attack/Evolution) and every other lil game everyone else was playing on their phones (Candy Crush, Fruit Ninja, etc). They had a shitload of games on their tablets; gaming wasn't the problem at all.

The joints they all had are these: http://www.amazon.com/Zeepad-Allwinnwer-Boxchip-Android-Capacity/dp/B008Z2661W

They're not bad for what it is: A simple Android tablet that can do most things you want it to do reasonably well. Games didn't lag, and I was really surprised at how fluid Minecraft PE played on it. My 16 year old has the updated version of this tablet with front and rear cameras and a dual core processor. IF I ever decide to get one myself (pretty strong "IF"), it'll likely be the one she has.

I miss Tha D... But I'll never move back there.

R.I.P. Disco D
291398, Everyone has them now and don't really have
Posted by jetblack, Mon Aug-04-14 08:46 AM
a reason to upgrade. Unless the tablet dies or gets destroyed.

Been to an airport lately? Everyone has one. Every kid, every dad, every mom.

It's the manufacturers fault. No compelling reason to upgrade.

We are feature whores. More storage ain't gonna cut it any more. New and compelling features.

291408, faster processors/multi core processors, better 3D, and better video.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Aug-04-14 05:52 PM
>It's the manufacturers fault. No compelling reason to

The best thing to do is offer more powerful tablets. Joints that can play better 3D games and whatnot and has better video playback is probably the only place they can go.

... and they have gone there, but even those are not a compelling enough reason to upgrade.


I miss Tha D... But I'll never move back there.

R.I.P. Disco D
291409, Basically. My shit can run FTL and I can read comics.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Mon Aug-04-14 07:03 PM
What more do I really need?
291420, Exactly.
Posted by jetblack, Tue Aug-05-14 01:02 PM
291692, A 400 dollar comic reader? Bwahahahah. L
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Aug-21-14 02:31 PM

That's an L doggie
291698, Not at all. If you find utility in a Tandy laptop
Posted by jetblack, Fri Aug-22-14 08:32 AM
it's worth every penny, doggie.
291705, Please point out, exactly, where he said he paid $400.
Posted by Soon, Fri Aug-22-14 03:50 PM
I'll wait.

Meanwhile, I rated this post 1 star on my tablet. Even if I did pay $400 for MINE (which I didn't), that alone would have made it worth it.

291706, He made an assumption...
Posted by jetblack, Fri Aug-22-14 06:56 PM
~$400 for an iPad...
it wasn't stated anywhere but if I paid a $1000 for a tablet I'd be using it.
291711, Lulz...I've spent better money in the strip club.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Aug-23-14 04:54 PM

Lulz @ 500 dollar comic readers


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291713, Me too. Enjoy life.
Posted by jetblack, Sat Aug-23-14 09:13 PM
291715, He's making a whole lot of assumptions.
Posted by Soon, Sun Aug-24-14 12:57 AM
All of them based on his nigh-painful lack of imagination. Not sure if I should put any energy into being either amused or filled with pity for him, though.

291712, Hole up my nigga, ain't you get the 32GB jawn to read PDFs?
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Sat Aug-23-14 05:53 PM

I caught a sale and had a gift card so I only spent around $300.

If I'm catching an L what you call that?
291714, ^FADC+ULTRA
Posted by jetblack, Sat Aug-23-14 09:14 PM
291718, Not a penny of my personal doe : - )
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Aug-24-14 03:50 PM

I spend other people's doe because I'm sexy


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291415, If this were a serious conversation on the topic, we'd be talking about
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-05-14 11:18 AM


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

291668, I agree fully
Posted by Deebot, Mon Aug-18-14 04:13 PM
We got to demo the iPad when I was in college and I hated it after a day or two. Totally pointless device to me.
291689, that surface though
Posted by osu_no_1, Thu Aug-21-14 05:45 AM
Nothing about that is shitty, unless you hate windows. Even if you do, windows 8 gives you more capability than the iOS and android options.
291690, Just resurrected my Nexus 7 with a dock.
Posted by jetblack, Thu Aug-21-14 07:15 AM
Need to get a new USB connector and it's good to go. I will never fly without my tablet again.

If you travel like I do, tablets really make sense. For work, leisure, reading, games, internet...
291724, laptops still exist, and they make them light if that's your thing
Posted by Deebot, Mon Aug-25-14 10:26 AM
people really prefer doing actual WORK on tablets rather than laptops? Damn.
291725, You know, I actually DO HAVE something good to say about tablets
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Aug-25-14 10:44 AM

Textbooks...I'll give them textbooks

I was traveling and chopped down hundrerds of pages
of a textbook...prolly not as low maintenance with a
a laptop

A real tablet is a great medium for writing and reader
text books....I read a computer language textbook that
was great on a tablet

But yeah....productivity!??! Bwahahahahahaah


you can't get anything done on a tablet



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291727, Books. Yes.
Posted by jetblack, Mon Aug-25-14 12:07 PM
The last 10 book purchases I have made have been via the Amazon Kindle store.
291730, Not books in general. Technical and textbooks? Yes.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Aug-25-14 02:32 PM
>The last 10 book purchases I have made have been via the
>Amazon Kindle store.

Regular book reading? Meh. Not really. Don't get me wrong...
...doable, yes. Definitely. As is the Newspaper.

But for technical texts...I've read some specifically written
in e-format and the experiences is fantastic on a tablet.

You guys gonna understand...I own a nice ipad...have been
WANTING to find good uses for it. I think I've found it

I'm fair


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291746, Anyone that says that they are fair isn't.
Posted by jetblack, Tue Aug-26-14 11:44 AM
291728, In terms of productivity, tablets are really good at SPECIFIC things.
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Aug-25-14 12:34 PM
In my day job the iPad is perfect for managing and annotating my notes for presentations. Before having an iPad I have to carry around huge binders of training guides with my notes in them (sucked when having to travel) - now I can just load the PDFs on my iPad, annotate my notes, and I'm good.

For my night job as a freelance musician, the apps for using and creating charts to read music off of have made my life MUCH more easy.

So for me a tablet is a no-brainer. But those are specific applications - tablets are never gonna be an end all be all in terms of productivity tech.
291731, Fair enough....you sound sincere
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Aug-25-14 02:33 PM
>In my day job the iPad is perfect for managing and annotating
>my notes for presentations. Before having an iPad I have to
>carry around huge binders of training guides with my notes in
>them (sucked when having to travel) - now I can just load the
>PDFs on my iPad, annotate my notes, and I'm good.
>For my night job as a freelance musician, the apps for using
>and creating charts to read music off of have made my life
>MUCH more easy.
>So for me a tablet is a no-brainer. But those are specific
>applications - tablets are never gonna be an end all be all in
>terms of productivity tech.

I mean, I don't know enough about your work to say for sure,
but it sounds like tablets are good for that work

Most times I hear people talking about tablet productivity
they are forcing shit into a tablet that could EASILY be
done as easy/easier on a notebook


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291733, Yeah. But like you said it all boils down to tablets being readers.
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Aug-25-14 03:07 PM
That's really the one productivity purpose that is good specifically for tablets - they can help you go paperless because of how good they are at being readers.

But that means they are a replacement for pen and paper, not a replacement for a laptop or some other tech. So it really depends on how you define productivity. People that are talking about productivity in terms of replacing something else that they use to "do work" are gonna be disappointed, but if they help you with paperless workflow then that one thing may be enough to justify the purchase.

This would also explain the dropoff in sales - if you're just using it as a nice reader then there really isn't a need to upgrade to a newer version when it comes out - not like a faster processor or whatever is gonna be that important.
291734, This is a good analysis. Thanks for this. n/m
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Aug-25-14 03:36 PM
>That's really the one productivity purpose that is good
>specifically for tablets - they can help you go paperless
>because of how good they are at being readers.
>But that means they are a replacement for pen and paper, not a
>replacement for a laptop or some other tech. So it really
>depends on how you define productivity. People that are
>talking about productivity in terms of replacing something
>else that they use to "do work" are gonna be disappointed, but
>if they help you with paperless workflow then that one thing
>may be enough to justify the purchase.
>This would also explain the dropoff in sales - if you're just
>using it as a nice reader then there really isn't a need to
>upgrade to a newer version when it comes out - not like a
>faster processor or whatever is gonna be that important.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
291745, my dad is debating getting one for teaching guitar
Posted by Deebot, Tue Aug-26-14 11:23 AM
Sounds like it might make sense in the music business...bring up different sheet music or whatever.

These cysed tablet commercials are fucking killing me though. I'm actually letting them bother me. Especially the one that says it can do more than a laptop.
291758, The Surface does seem to have gotten it right
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-27-14 08:06 AM
>Sounds like it might make sense in the music business...bring
>up different sheet music or whatever.
>These cysed tablet commercials are fucking killing me though.
>I'm actually letting them bother me. Especially the one that
>says it can do more than a laptop.

But yeah -- overall tablets are large readers, and that's it
291747, Tablet = Computer. It's up to the user to find utility.
Posted by jetblack, Tue Aug-26-14 11:47 AM
You can't do POWERFUL things (Crysis 12 at 60fps) but you can do most things on a tablet. Most people use their tablets (smartphones...mini tablets) much more than PCs now.
291748, So you agree then that ppl are paying $500+ for slightly better
Posted by Deebot, Tue Aug-26-14 12:48 PM
portability. Good. Not worth it to me, though.
291757, People are going to buy what they are going to use.
Posted by jetblack, Wed Aug-27-14 08:04 AM
Or what they THINK they are going to use. Portability is subjective.

I saw a lady walking down the street with a Galaxy Note phablet and they she dropped that sucker. It looked ridiculous. Or someone taking a picture with an iPad. Even more ridiculous.

My current tablet is a first gen Nexus 7 which I just repaired fr $20, impossible for an Apple device. Hell I bought my daughter one last Christmas. But if I'm shown that a new tablet has a feature or a specific app that's only on that platform I will buy it because I will use it. I think that's worth it.

For now, I will have an iPhone 5S in my pocket and a Nexus 7 in my backpack.
291760, People are going to buy what the RDF tells them to by
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-27-14 11:19 AM

That's the problem

herd behavior

I met a chick the other day talking about "I want an
iPad so that I can start a fashion business"

*blank stare*

People invent these reasons to waste money