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Topic subjectlets all laugh at NBA Live 14
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286468, lets all laugh at NBA Live 14
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-18-13 01:14 PM

man you would think this shit was a current gen game. that Ignite engine must suck because EA next-gen looks ordinary as fuck.

i mean...what is this???
286470, man that looks like a 360 game lol
Posted by Lach, Fri Oct-18-13 01:24 PM
286472, damn. all their energy must have gone into the gameplay
Posted by hardware, Fri Oct-18-13 01:49 PM
286473, Shit looks lifeless. I can't imagine going back to the Live franchise
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Fri Oct-18-13 02:00 PM
2K has me locked in.......period.


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
286474, It's really not even an option to consider.
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Oct-18-13 02:20 PM
This shit is a grandma gift game. On some "He said he wanted the NBA14 tape for his Nutendo." I keep feeling bad for the cover athletes, too. You gotta market and tour for some bullshit you know 2K is gonna bury.
286476, Fuck EA Sports
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Oct-18-13 02:32 PM

PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510
286477, It'd be shameful to even hint at how ill NBA 2k14 is...
Posted by mtbatol, Fri Oct-18-13 02:47 PM
...let alone dropping a beautiful video link of it..


286478, gat damn
Posted by ternary_star, Fri Oct-18-13 02:56 PM
that's the first sports game that i can honestly say could legitimately fool me into believing it's real if i just saw it in passing.

they fucking nailed the faces. if they've smoothed out the transitions between animations and improved the crowds, that shit might be near flawless.
286488, LMAO @ all the comments asking for the name of the song!
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Oct-19-13 12:46 PM

Goddamn, people are young


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
286491, It's sad
Posted by nipsey, Sat Oct-19-13 11:42 PM
Cause from the jump I knew it was Phil Collins. Dude put his foot in that song.
286489, This is some epic level trolling right here.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Sat Oct-19-13 09:38 PM

PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510
286479, lol i didn't think it was going to be that bad
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Oct-18-13 03:37 PM
286483, Lol damn...it looks like NBA Live 99 for PC with modded graphics
Posted by Wonderl33t, Sat Oct-19-13 12:25 AM
>man you would think this shit was a current gen game. that
>Ignite engine must suck because EA next-gen looks ordinary as
>i mean...what is this???
286485, insert face palm gif here
Posted by QBoogie, Sat Oct-19-13 09:25 AM
Now is it just me or their arms like like stretch armstrong at certain points in that trailer. According to those youtube comments, others aren't happy about it either.
286487, Looks like Hot Trash on a Summer Day
Posted by great1 2k6, Sat Oct-19-13 12:42 PM
2k14 on 360 looks better than that. EA Sports just needs to stop.
286492, was i just linked to the onion? this can't be the real nba live
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Sun Oct-20-13 01:19 PM
286493, if it's the same gameplay engine as FIFA 14, it's actually kinda cool...
Posted by celery77, Sun Oct-20-13 02:04 PM
the big switch in FIFA 14 this year was that every foot step was solid and concrete -- no more floating or ice skating or transitioning through animations by fudging footwork. where a players' foot fell, that was a static point that directly feeds gameplay. both defenders and attackers have precise footsteps and it makes battling for position feel extremely dynamic. it was jarring adjusting at first, too, because gameplay seemed a bit slower at first glance, but once you get adjusted it makes a BIG difference in how you play.

and yeah, this also means that FIFA 14 actually does seem to have taken a step back visually... the faces really aren't good, even on the star players, and little details which are all wrong are thankfully hidden by the camera being far away in FIFA 14.

so obviously I can't say till Live 14 ships, but if they nail the footwork so players aren't skating, it could really open doors for the future of the franchise...
286513, RE: if it's the same gameplay engine as FIFA 14, it's actually kinda cool...
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Oct-21-13 01:08 PM
Lol FOH with all that logic. We in here tryna pants Live 14 in the hallway on the way to 4th period.
286520, Live needed to fix the skating issue on last gen
Posted by Lach, Mon Oct-21-13 06:09 PM
nevermind the current and next gen lol
286522, the last 2k I played (12?) skates, too, it's just acceptably fun
Posted by celery77, Mon Oct-21-13 08:15 PM
what FIFA 14 did, and what I think EA is trying to sell with this "IGNITE" engine, is eliminating skating entirely. all footsteps are rigid and all positition is fed from it. you might have had to play FIFA 13 pretty obsessively for the past year like me before turning on FIFA 14 to really appreciate the difference, but it's there...

like I said, can't say till Live ships, but if they actually ending skating entirely, it could breathe some life into the franchise.

but yeah, Live's graphics suck, 2k been killed EA's franchise, and if EA were anything less than corporate shills they'd follow-up Sega by shipping at $20 to justify even considering it before 2k...
287444, man play 2K14 on next gen. It will blow your mind how well it moves
Posted by Lach, Tue Nov-19-13 09:45 PM
and so realistic
286500, ewwww
Posted by Ishwip, Sun Oct-20-13 10:18 PM

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
286510, Cant stop laughing
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Mon Oct-21-13 10:40 AM
286521, Damn the likes/dislikes... If Madden had a competitor EA
Posted by NotScared2Ask, Mon Oct-21-13 07:18 PM
Would probably get exposed for their shitty games outside FIFA
286611, NBA Live 14 V.S. NBA 2k14 video.....
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Oct-24-13 11:51 AM
286638, What's EA's next move??? Do they actually release this POS???
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri Oct-25-13 09:15 AM
286643, It's crazy to me how they far they fell
Posted by BigReg, Fri Oct-25-13 01:13 PM
All the 2K series is really NBA live, circa genesis era, updated to the current GEN (of course alot more changes, etc...but that was the basic building block).

EA can't even get this shit to PS2 standards.
286657, Dopest part of it is the music, so far
Posted by DVS, Sat Oct-26-13 12:25 AM
If they spent as much time on their actual development and gameplay as they did on their track selections....the game might be worth a rental.
287420, 4.3 (IGN Review)
Posted by HighVoltage, Tue Nov-19-13 11:31 AM
287421, Ouch
Posted by nipsey, Tue Nov-19-13 11:52 AM
And that's a wrap for basketball games from EA. They should just stop. They obviously do not have the personnel to create a serviceable basketball game. I just don't understand it. It's a shame because they revolutionized video game basketball with Live 95 and now they've aborted two games taken years off and with their return the basketball with a showcase game for the next gen, they create this? *SMH*
287423, When you know the best ppl from Live
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Tue Nov-19-13 12:36 PM
...left for 2K years ago, then it makes sense.
Ronnie being one of them.

I wonder how long their contract is with ESPN?
I'd love to see that integration in 2K.
287425, I'd rather see TNT
Posted by nipsey, Tue Nov-19-13 01:07 PM
They should throw some money at the "Inside the NBA" team to get those guys on board. Just put Charles in the studio for three days recording all kinds of crazy dialogue for the game. Then go to Craig Sager's house and capture digital images of all his suits for the halftime interviews.

>I wonder how long their contract is with ESPN?
>I'd love to see that integration in 2K.
287426, This too.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Tue Nov-19-13 01:14 PM
I know it won't happen, but I've always wanted to see multiple TV network integration. Like depending on when your game was on the calendar determined which broadcast you'd get. Even down to the local level with Comcast Sports.

But yeah, adding TNT would be great. Anything to mirror the real TV broadcast just adds to an already realistic sports sim.
287464, TNT is done and played
Posted by DolphinTeef, Wed Nov-20-13 04:20 PM
make way for Bill and Jalen
287424, Damn it's even worse than ever
Posted by Lach, Tue Nov-19-13 01:05 PM
287466, daaamn that looks like a PSP game
Posted by L_O_Quent, Wed Nov-20-13 04:30 PM
the hell are they smoking there?
287422, twitch livestream of Live 14
Posted by Nodima, Tue Nov-19-13 12:31 PM

PS4 version, from the PS4 app.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
287443, Those character models are terrible
Posted by nipsey, Tue Nov-19-13 09:41 PM
287446, Who the fuck is this? (c) Biggie
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Nov-19-13 10:12 PM

Nigga lookin like Kebrown Jimes.
287448, Live Lebron looks like a Monstar.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Nov-19-13 11:10 PM
my god what is the Live team doing.
287463, James Harden comparison
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Nov-20-13 03:57 PM
287467, This is out of hand
Posted by nipsey, Wed Nov-20-13 04:42 PM
Is EA even trying?
287477, lol got him looking like Rick Ross on gastric bypass
Posted by Lach, Wed Nov-20-13 08:09 PM
287574, lmao
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Nov-22-13 03:03 PM
287500, they need their asses kicked for that. just give people their refund
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Nov-21-13 09:57 AM
287569, My lord.. the man look like the crazed lovechild of Rick Ross and Mr T
Posted by mtbatol, Fri Nov-22-13 01:44 PM
287565, how the fuck could they release this piece of shit?
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri Nov-22-13 11:37 AM
287582, shoulda made it $20, god I miss those days...
Posted by celery77, Fri Nov-22-13 05:22 PM
287586, in a world where Angry Birds Star Wars is $50?
Posted by Nodima, Fri Nov-22-13 06:09 PM

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
287596, Wow. Team leader issues apology. It's depressing.
Posted by Nodima, Fri Nov-22-13 08:31 PM


’m not going to lie; it’s been a rough week. As you can imagine, this isn’t exactly the NBA LIVE comeback story we were hoping for this year.

We hear loud and clear that some of you are disappointed in various aspects of NBA LIVE 14, and I’m sorry if the game doesn’t live up to your expectations. Looking at your feedback, we have laid out a plan to make NBA LIVE 14 a better game as quickly as we can.

First, you’ve told us that the game is too hard to learn, and that the only way to figure it out is through frustrating trial-and-error. As a result, we are working on improving the way the game teaches the controls and on-boards new users. We realize that every single one of you is a new user and know we need to make the game easier to understand and simpler to pick up and play.

We’re also conducting an ongoing series of Twitch Live Streams to teach the skills that will help make your game experience a better one. We have our producers and designers online seven days a week to answer your questions and to offer other helpful game advice. Additionally, we’ve posted Controller Guide, Perfecting Your Style and Levels of the Dribble blogs on the NBA LIVE website which we hope will help you with basic offense, defense, play calling and more.

We’re not going to stop there. You’ve also let us know that you’re disappointed by the graphics and animations, and I can tell you that we are committed to making drastic and immediate improvements. In order to get gameplay up and running this year we had to prioritize. We felt authentic gameplay, control and the connected experience would provide the best foundation for the future. As a result, game visuals and animation polish suffered. Improvements on these fronts are also in development now for NBA LIVE 14. You will notice in the coming weeks and months that the game’s visuals and animation will improve significantly.

A goal from the start was to stay relevant to the ongoing NBA season and evolve your gaming experience. We’ve been hearing that you love LIVE Season, and many of you are having a lot of fun with BIG Moments. We’re really glad to hear you’re enjoying the mode, and rest assured we will continue updating LIVE Season with new BIG Moments and NBA Rewind games every single day of the season. We’ve also gotten a lot of great feedback on LIVE Ultimate Team, and we’ve still got some big announcements and major additions coming down the road, so stick around for that.

Let me wrap up with this; for those of you who have supported us throughout this development cycle and continue to have our backs now, thank you. We’ve got a lot of work to do; I’ve got a lot of work to do. It started 12 months ago, and continues until we build this franchise bigger and better than it ever was. This is just the first chapter in the NBA LIVE comeback story.


Say what you will about the game itself, I'm starting to feel bad for the guys who worked on this game after finally seeing it in action on the Giantbomb stream just now (where they read this letter aloud) and realizing how insanely inferior this game is to 2K, let alone Live 10. This game looks like a game from the end of the PS2/ beginning of the PS3, if THAT.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
287598, .im interested to see how many copies they've sold so far....
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Fri Nov-22-13 10:21 PM
....if its under 25,000 than whats the point of even updating anything??
287603, what he should be doing is dropping the price by 30 bucks right now
Posted by Lach, Sat Nov-23-13 08:03 AM
287612, more like launch week ...
Posted by QBoogie, Sat Nov-23-13 12:10 PM
... once they posted in this forum the trailer I already knew it was bad. And I wanted to give Live a chance, SMH.
287602, woooo! pleas copped like a motherfucker.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Nov-23-13 02:35 AM
287629, Ppl don't understand. They lost their best ppl.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Sat Nov-23-13 04:11 PM
All their best people left for 2K I think after NBA Live 2010. It was all down hill from there. Hence why it makes sense that none of the Live editions since then have been of quality. They just don't have the talent anymore. It's like laughing at a kid that has an apple in his lunchbox when his family just doesn't have the resources. And as I'm sure we've all read on tech blogs in regards to talent, keeping the BEST talent is a big deal for companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, etc. EA hasn't been able to do so with their basketball product.

The interesting thing is someone on that team convinced EA they could still make a quality game when it's obviously they couldn't. I personally would like to see the series ended if they can't find some talent to help REALLY resurrect the franchise.
287630, who from Live actually went to 2K though? Wang was a rental
Posted by Nodima, Sat Nov-23-13 05:09 PM
he was only there for two years - and IMO 2K was already clearly the better ballgame by the time he left and lost no ground while he was gone - and I can't think of any other high profile transfers, at least that got publicity.

To me it just seems like 2K always had the better vision (Rob Jones), the better focus (way less turnover in features and control schemes, at least until Wang came back with his new right-stick controls from Live) and the better ideas when they HAVE had new ideas (Jordan Challenge, Greatest Games, MyPlayer, MyTeam).

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
287631, I hear you but EA has 5x the budget then 2k games
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Sat Nov-23-13 06:27 PM
Its just that the company is so shitty they demand these crazy deadlines from their developers. I'm sure EA will strike an exclusive deal with NBA like they did the NFL and try to push 2k games out

PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510
287633, NBA office doesn't believe in exclusivity
Posted by Nodima, Sat Nov-23-13 06:55 PM

That's not to do with the articles coming out when the NFL and MLB signed their deals, but I distinctly remember the NBA saying that they preferred their model, which at the time included a variety of high quality titles (NBA Street Homecourt and NBA Ballers, NBA Live and NBA 2K) rather than the MLB's model (2K makes a mediocre baseball game for all platforms just to spite EA's MVP series, Sony has exclusive rights to the best MLB game) or the NFL's model (EA is the only game in town, and as criticized as it is praised).

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
287632, oldy but goody
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Sat Nov-23-13 06:32 PM

PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510