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Topic subjectOk, I need a NON SNOBBY discussion of headphones
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267871, Ok, I need a NON SNOBBY discussion of headphones
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Jan-11-12 10:16 PM

Because y'all been shitting on the Beats by Dres...
...I've listened to music in them TWICE and had a
HARD TIME not dropping the money for them RIGHT THERE

I proceeded to listen to these more obscure pairs that
y'all nerds swear by and I don't hear a difference/or
the BBD joints are BETTER

Can we have an HONEST discussion of headphones:

What are y'all fuxing with and why?


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
267872, eff that. my wife bought me some Beast by Dre joints for Christmas
Posted by Lach, Wed Jan-11-12 10:31 PM
and I LOVE THEM JOINTS. Sometimes I just sit and work with my headphones plugged into the iphone just bumpin. Best sound quality of any headphones I've ever had.
268058, RE: eff that. my wife bought me some Beast by Dre joints for Christmas
Posted by xangeluvr, Tue Jan-17-12 06:34 AM
I don't think the issue many have with them is that they are bad headphones, its that they don't live up to the price when there are apparently better options for the same money.
267873, I would chime in but..
Posted by mtbatol, Wed Jan-11-12 10:46 PM
...you'd probably read this in the voice of someone speaking at a crappy encoding rate of 15kbps. Which would be a complete waist of time for all parties involved, good bye v_v
267874, *golf claps*
Posted by Soon, Wed Jan-11-12 11:16 PM
267875, Senn HD650
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Jan-11-12 11:24 PM

With the WooAudio 6 Amp. http://www.wooaudio.com/products/wa6.html

Are they better than Beats by Dre? Yep.
267879, That's like $800 more tho, dude.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Wed Jan-11-12 11:34 PM
>With the WooAudio 6 Amp.
>Are they better than Beats by Dre? Yep.

I would hope that combo would be.
267880, I was just answering the question on what I was using
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Jan-11-12 11:51 PM
I tried a pair of Beats and felt they would be more accepted by the "head-fi" community if they weren't priced so high. You can get Ultrasone Pro 750s which would be better and $75 cheaper.
267882, Ahh, I see.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Thu Jan-12-12 12:22 AM
267888, The HD650s can be found for around $325-350
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Thu Jan-12-12 03:38 AM
which isn't too much higher than the Beats, and I think those Beat Pros or whatever they're called are more expensive.

The main price difference is the amplifier he's using. There are less expensive options out there, although you're looking at probably at least another $300 for a decent DAC/amp combo or at least $250 if you're looking for a standalone amp.
267886, HD650 user checking in. NuForce HD DAC/amp.
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Thu Jan-12-12 02:41 AM
I also have the ATH-M50. ATH-M50 = $100-120 and are better than the Beats, in my not so humble opinion. Great at the genres the Beats are supposed to be good at, better bass response, better highs, and they're not a fashion accessory.
267876, if you gonna spend $300 just get these b&w p5's
Posted by s_dot_miles, Wed Jan-11-12 11:28 PM
268175, yep
Posted by ZioN, Fri Jan-20-12 05:24 PM
267877, Grado's.
Posted by BigReg, Wed Jan-11-12 11:28 PM
They sound like God whispering in your ear.
267885, ^^^^^
Posted by L_O_Quent, Thu Jan-12-12 02:36 AM
>They sound like God whispering in your ear.

I may have to cop simply based off of that descriptive statement (and the fact that God regularly talks to me in my ear and via text)
267942, damn.....
Posted by Messiah4976, Fri Jan-13-12 09:44 AM
267945, I can vouch for these.
Posted by CondoM, Fri Jan-13-12 10:15 AM
I copped them off of a recommendation on here. Best headphones I've used, and reasonably priced.

267951, Word I got them Grado Prestige Series SR-60i joints
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Fri Jan-13-12 01:25 PM
267971, got the sr60i
Posted by auralbliss, Sat Jan-14-12 03:44 AM
bass is satisfactory, so i don't why these get such a bad rap when it comes to playing hip-hop. i don't know any of the specifics on why they sound good; they just sound good to me. they make my sennheiser px100s (also good headphones for the money btw) sound a bit vanilla in comparison. totally worth the $80 asking price.
268014, ok I need some of these.
Posted by jetblack, Mon Jan-16-12 09:36 AM
268170, Which model???
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Fri Jan-20-12 02:28 PM
>They sound like God whispering in your ear.
268171, I own the SR60's
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-20-12 03:50 PM
Best headphone ive owned by far; the bass is solid but not overpowering like, but the mids and highs? woah.

There are songs that ive herd dozens of times that I hear new quirks in when I use em.

They do have their flaws tho; they have bad noise leakage so don't think you're gonna get your noise cancelling on. And they are ugly as sin, lol.

268627, love mine for these same reasons
Posted by kajsidog, Sat Feb-04-12 04:12 PM
It's crazy listening to songs I've loved for years and years and hear new pieces in them with these.

And they are ugly which I like, always feel like I'm flying a WWII bomber or something...plus I'll never be bothered with someone wanting to borrow them

>Best headphone ive owned by far; the bass is solid but not
>overpowering like, but the mids and highs? woah.
>There are songs that ive herd dozens of times that I hear new
>quirks in when I use em.
>They do have their flaws tho; they have bad noise leakage so
>don't think you're gonna get your noise cancelling on. And
>they are ugly as sin, lol.
267878, I owned a pair. They aren't horrible, just overpriced.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Wed Jan-11-12 11:32 PM
It's basically a case of you can spend less money and get the same thing or spend the same amount and get something "better".

I think the "hate" comes from the fact that anything perceived by a certain crowd as being overpriced, regardless of it being good or not, gets an unfair amount of shit talked about it. It also doesn't help that it's a Monster product and they are notorious for selling incredibly overpriced stuff.

If you like em, I say go for em. If you can't tell the difference or like em better, who cares? It's your money.

I dug the bass for certain genres but hated em for others so I ended up returning em. The headphones I rock now don't knock like em in terms of bass, but I'd rather put the extra $260 towards a D4.
267893, I dislike them for the status symbol they have become
Posted by B9, Thu Jan-12-12 10:27 AM
I wouldn't have a problem if there was actual prestige or reasoning for them to have the status that they have achieved, but there just is nothing to really justify it other than the "gotta have it!" factor...Beats are for the sneakerhead generation that will justify paying $250 for a pair of giraffe dickskin Dunks when they are really pretty average for what they are intended to be: a shoe.
268060, I agree with this completely.
Posted by Triptych, Tue Jan-17-12 08:43 AM
It's just not a good value and it's marketed to us so heavily. EVERY celeb has like 5 free pairs it seems like.

It's not terrible - I did give a serious listen in an Apple store.

But for $300 it's just ridiculous. $300 at Grado, AKG, et al buys miracles.
268085, Umm. How does that make them different from most things?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Jan-17-12 04:48 PM

Most shit, including those TVs with all those specs
that the human eye can't even tell the difference
between are overpriced and are owned to make you
feel like you're special

Same with cars

Same with stereos

Most electronics are excessive and you never have
to use their full capacity/couldn't appreciate the
difference between the most expensive shit and the
second tier shit

Just STOP with the snobbery, thanks son


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
268167, Saying something is overpriced isn't snobbery
Posted by B9, Fri Jan-20-12 01:53 PM
Yeah, most status symbol items are tremendous wastes of money and meant just to display your position in the world. But I don't think you asked this question in Tech because you wanted to know how dope they look; gear nerds are going to break it down to a quantifiable, bang-for-the-buck answer. And that answer is pretty resoundingly that, from a quality and performance perspective, you can do a lot better for a lot cheaper, but they won't have the (unearned) image recognition.

End of the day, it's your money.

267881, You can probably get equal quality at far better price from Sony.
Posted by Soon, Thu Jan-12-12 12:17 AM
Beats are consumer gear. Which isn't a bad thing..they're designed for the final-product listening experience, and designed well for it.

But so are a lot of other sets, and Sony has long been a company that's so good at consumer-experience audio equipment that they couldn't shake it if they wanted to.

I personally use Sennheiser HD 280 phones for pro audio work. Their response is almost the opposite that of the aforementioned sets, a little light on bass and flat thru the mids, which makes them ideal for my purposes. I wouldn't recommend them for everyone, of course.

267887, question for you, what are you going to use them for?
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Jan-12-12 02:58 AM

if an ipod whats the quality of your mp3's?
267890, hip hop hearing vs. rock hearing vs. classical hearing
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jan-12-12 07:39 AM

for real...

Cats were SWEARING by them Ultimate Ears..and them Bose joints...
I put them on....NOTHING but treble...them shits ain't have NAN BASS....

Sorry...I like highs just as much as the next guys...but no bass...no go for me..

“Damn, man, where you goin’ wit all dat shit?”

267891, You can get basically the same sound, with higher build quality, for 1/2
Posted by B9, Thu Jan-12-12 10:23 AM
Senn HD 558. $179.
267894, I'm curious about durability
Posted by Ishwip, Thu Jan-12-12 11:07 AM
A lot of these fancy pants headphones seem to break or malfunction easily (based on past headphone threads and online reviews).
I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
267901, not possible. no one who knows can be non snobby about it
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-12-12 12:29 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
267907, The responses been at least decent so far
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jan-12-12 01:23 PM

Nobody faggin up the post with talk of wire density
and weird acronyms


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
267902, Klipsch S4 earbuds if you got $70-80 to drop, but, you can always...
Posted by phenompyrus, Thu Jan-12-12 12:41 PM
go to Skullcandy headphones, which are cheap, and the sounds is still pretty good.
267909, Sony SRF-HM33 joints are really nice....
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Jan-12-12 02:13 PM

267913, $10 sony earbuds
Posted by Drizzit, Thu Jan-12-12 03:25 PM
because they fit my ear canal and i care more about my wallet than some indiscernable sound qualities.
267919, I still stand by my Klipsch S4's...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Thu Jan-12-12 04:23 PM
I think they are a way better value than the Dre joints,
and I like the sound better. A big plus for me is that
I can use them to talk on the phone.
268010, ^
Posted by phenompyrus, Mon Jan-16-12 08:56 AM
my post above agrees with you
267944, I'll play the homer
Posted by Messiah4976, Fri Jan-13-12 09:59 AM
I have three pair of the Beats by Dre.

I have the Black Studio's which i've had for two years now. I primarily use those at home when i'm in my computer room just chillin at night so i don't wake up the fam.

I have the power beats for when i'm working out. They way they wrap around the ear is perfect for me when i'm running or on the jump rope.

Then my ol'lady got me some of the Detox Pro's over the holidays because she knew i was a fan of the product and her brother had some sort of "hook up" on them. I take those when i travel and use them in the office.

I'll honestly admit that i'm not as well versed in acoustics to break down the quality. Before i was using these i swore by Bose. The noise reduction on the Studio's works really well. It blocks out exactly what i want it too. I'm not much of a "bass" dude so i prefer a little more clarity than anything else. I listen to a good range of music and for the most part all genres seem to sound nice and even when i'm listening to them. Those Pro's just seem "loud" though. Not as crisp as the Studio's. I'm curious to see/hear what these Executive Beats are gonna sound like. So far i really haven't had any complaints out of mine.

To be fair i've never listened to music wearing any of the other brands mentioned here but i'm going to check them out to see how they compare.
267952, And I also own them Denon AHD2000 joints
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Fri Jan-13-12 01:30 PM

I use them for listening while at home

I pair them with this---> FiiO E7 USB DAC and Portable Headphone Amplifier

I use the Grados on the street, have to coil & tie the cord together because of the length though.
267978, The Beats joints sound good, but you have to realize that
Posted by soulfunk, Sat Jan-14-12 09:34 AM
"good" is a very personal thing when it comes to headphones. They all have their own sound, and some headphones are great for certain music and not good for others. My go to pair of headphones are my Sennheiser HD598's. I think I got them for around $150. They sound great for music when you want to hear subtle detail, like jazz and classical. I use these when I'm sitting down to really get into some music and enjoy it. The quality is only heard if the source audio is also good quality, so if I'm listening to poorly recorded MP3's then it's not gonna matter. Also if I'm listening to hip-hop then those won't have enough bass response or punch. The Beats headphones are great for that. BUT...I've compared Beats to my beater Sennheiser HD201's that I got for less than $20 and they sound VERY similar. The closed design is gonna give you better bass response.
267986, I use Hippo VB (in-ears), Sennheiser HD 555 (home), AKG K 518 (portable)
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Sat Jan-14-12 06:21 PM
Ultrasone 750 or 780 would probably be my choice for closed full-size earphones.

Beats aren't bad, especially for some types of music, but they're just not the best value.
267987, And check out headphone.com to compare frequency response
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Sat Jan-14-12 06:27 PM
If you like the Beats sound you won't want something too linear, and that website will let you find a cheaper alternative with a similar curve.
268057, ^^^ Actually good advice...
Posted by Triptych, Tue Jan-17-12 05:58 AM
I remember when I used to give advice like that
268059, Fuck that, I'm cheap:
Posted by Castro, Tue Jan-17-12 08:14 AM

Check the reviews, this is the 'saving money for children's tuition' choice. I have a pair of Samson's, and they sound fantastic...and this isn't an 'off' brand. This company also makes the Zoom Digital handheld recorders...they know how to make quality products.
268068, I just bought some one size fits all bluetooth headphones
Posted by Yank, Tue Jan-17-12 11:47 AM
that I connect to every device in my home. I'm done.
268160, While I'm sure bluetooth gives full-resolution transmission...
Posted by Soon, Fri Jan-20-12 12:21 PM
...I've always been skeptical of phones where the principle feature is the alternative signal carry method.

Which ones did you cop?

268173, RE: While I'm sure bluetooth gives full-resolution transmission...
Posted by Yank, Fri Jan-20-12 03:55 PM

They work pretty well too I had a hang up at first while calibrating all of my devices because the signals were being cross when I would issue commands from the headphones while testing but after a few days of experimenting everything is working fine.

This things are a lot clearer than those $20.00 Sony's I had connected to my desktop and I bring them to work too so I can jam at the office using my iPhone.

I PRAY TO GOD I DON'T LOSE THESE or the USB charging cable.

Some reviews.. Not sure what kind of problem the third guy is having because they auto connect just fine.... some times too fine.


Again I'm in the process of just making things simple PC wise in my home... out goes the big bulk for smaller more efficent streamline like set ups so if this is for you check em out.
268184, wait so this can work with the PS3 on TV?
Posted by HecticHavoc, Sat Jan-21-12 12:50 AM
268399, yes
Posted by Yank, Fri Jan-27-12 02:44 PM
•Support Bluetooth Profile: HSP, HFP, A2DP, AVRCP

Not sure about the mic because I haven't tried any games with it. I just tested the connection and that's it.
268632, So I made a change of plans *shrugs*
Posted by Yank, Sun Feb-05-12 09:25 AM
Decided to try another pair so that I can have one for work and one for home.

Surprisingly, the Best Buy Rocketfish are remarkable. They sound much better than the Nuvelli brand so I am gonna use these for at home and the other for the iPod/iPhone and my 7' Acer Tablet.

268155, Sale at Beats
Posted by handle, Fri Jan-20-12 10:10 AM

Enter coupon code at checkout ces2012PROdealv1p T

268163, Monoprice has thrown their hat in the ring:
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-20-12 01:28 PM


The packaging pics over at headfi.org got me & their cheapo speakers were a hit this year so since I was buying some HDMI cables, so I figured id throw it in the cart and give it a try...ill report back.

268212, all those Monoprice headphones/buds are are insane
Posted by B9, Sat Jan-21-12 07:21 PM
for the price.
268644, How did they sound?
Posted by mrshow, Mon Feb-06-12 03:22 AM
268176, These are good enough for me
Posted by catalyst, Fri Jan-20-12 05:32 PM

268180, i got iBeats. them joints crank
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Jan-20-12 07:42 PM
they came w/ the HTC Rezound (the Beats phone that's always in commercials). that combo is money.
268383, Monoprice Premium DJ High Fi blahblablah review
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jan-27-12 12:14 PM

Build: SURPRISINGLY strong. Usually that's the first place where people skimp, but these are pretty goddamn rugged all around; tough heavier plastic with the center of the headband being bendable. It's one cord style

Usually when you get cheap big cans, they suffer from a 'cavernous' sound that comes from the shitty design...sounds like your listening to everything in long hallway. These do not. I will say that the mids to highs aren't as high as the godly Grado's but they don't sound muted; they are still clear.

Negative: because of the build they do feel slightly heavy...I don't mind and ive been wearing em for about an hour at a time but for actual DJ'ing it might get annoying. Also, because of the design style the headband is 'wide' and doesn't sit on your head so for those of you rocking cans for fashion it might look kind of dumb.

Overall, this has to be the best headphone at this pricepoint (25 bucks including shipping). There are some headphones that beat it, but that's around the 70-100 range, and imho it beats even some low 100 dollar cans ive heard. Great buy
268400, ^I think I have to roll with these
Posted by Ishwip, Fri Jan-27-12 03:36 PM
I like the fact that reviews make a point to say how durable they are, along with the sound quality being comparable to headphones 3 or 4 times more expensive.

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
268550, wait monoprice sells headphones !?!?!?!?!
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu Feb-02-12 05:37 AM

<------ Boho Model Madness Presents: Andy Allo


PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c) T510
268629, I lost my old headphones and just copped these.
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Sat Feb-04-12 05:03 PM
I thought about getting some refurbished Dre jawns for $100, but the fact that I lost my old headphones makes me want to cheap out for these.

Is the cup big enough to put a sticker over tho? I don't really dig the monoprice logo.
269127, Just ordered these
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Feb-23-12 12:24 PM

We'll see


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
269132, Please report back with your review
Posted by mrshow, Thu Feb-23-12 04:24 PM
269274, Just got em. About to crack them jawns open now.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Feb-29-12 05:19 PM

I'll have a review tonight
268409, AiAiAi TMA-1's I've seen them for as low as $160
Posted by Tw3nty, Sat Jan-28-12 12:26 AM

SOL Republic's Tracks HD's are direct competitors to the Beats

268410, i got a pair of
Posted by loveluv, Sat Jan-28-12 06:15 AM
technic rp 1200a dj head phones decent sound durable as all get out, had for like 7 years.

denon dj dn-hp1000 decent sound more low end than the techs. had em for about 4 years now.

senheiser MX75 Sport Headphones. absolutely love these, sound is top notch and they have lasted quite a while although i need to replace them.

something i just thought of most people are rocking $300 beats and listening to 128 mp3's. or they couldn't tell the difference if they listen to 128 320 or a wave.

why? real waste of ducats.
268425, low bit rate mp3s doesn't sound that bad on mid-level phones.
Posted by audiophile, Sat Jan-28-12 10:11 PM
yeah, it'll reveal the "limitations" of compressed files, e.g, sounding muffled/veiled/restrained, but they'll only do so marginally. they're still pretty forgiving.
268451, You all have convinced me to give those Grados a shot
Posted by spenzalii, Sun Jan-29-12 05:54 PM
Though I need a good set of in ear headphones as well. The Sony's I used to rock are almost done, and I may as well reup
268552, Any opinions on the Audio-Technica ATH-M50?
Posted by crow, Thu Feb-02-12 05:51 AM
I am looking at these and the Grado's now after the god whispering in the ear bit. My turn off on those is they are open backed and if I want to rock them on the train or something I don't want to piss everyone off around me too much.
268553, I really like them.
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Thu Feb-02-12 06:45 AM
They're often considered the best in that price range, although I've seen some people make their case for the Shure 840. If you want some deep (but not overwhelming) bass, the M50s are probably what you're looking for.

SR60s are great but I find them to be better suited for stuff like rock (sharp highs so they can be very aggressive sounding, and they don't have as much soundstage as others).

The M50s are a closed design, but I don't think their sound isolation is that great since I can often still hear them when placed a few feet away from me. Still a lot better in that regard compared to the SR60 because EVERYONE will basically hear what you're hearing at almost the same volume you're experiencing them; they're not meant for public use at all. I do have to say that I've seen some people with the M50s in public and couldn't hear what they were listening to, so maybe it's just me.
268631, Thanks, I'll probably grab those, I've only read good things
Posted by crow, Sun Feb-05-12 05:39 AM
268630, So my IE7s broke and I sent them in for warranty service
Posted by Steve O Tron v2, Sat Feb-04-12 05:37 PM
and it looks like Sennheiser is sending me some IE80s are replacements. I love Sennhesier, haha. What's crazy is that I got the IE7 when they were getting rid of stock for less than $100, but the the new IE80s are ~$400. Can't wait to check them out.
269276, ALRIGHT! (REVIEW of the Monoprice 8323)
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Feb-29-12 06:36 PM
First off this was a VERY GOOD POST (or IS a good
post) Cats really didn't get mad or anything...
just good, helpful commentary...respect.

When I asked, I was looking for a good pair of
headphones. Over the head, real headphones. No
earbud shit (maybe when I'm jogging).

I took a long look at the Monoprice 8323 just
because they looked intriguing and I've had a good
experience with monoprice:

CNET review


I'm not super audiophile like that and so while I am
happy to pay for quality, I just can't justify paying extra
money for minute differences.

I need some solid, vibrant sounds across the boards

I've owned bullshit headphones with shitty sound...can't
do that.

And so I must say:

Man, these are FANTASTIC!!

I'm blown away by the sound quality and I haven't
even come close to burning them in yet

Basses thump, highs and lows are more than solid. I don't
hear any of the "hollow" stuff that people talk about-

And again: we're talking less than 30 bucks (including

One "complaint" I've been reading is in regards to
the size/comfort, etc.

I just don't see it. I have fairly big years and they
cover my ears just fine. They aren't the slightest
bit uncomfortable. I've had them about an hour now,
listening to music straight...barely notice them.

Not especially heavy or anything

I grabbed two extra pairs as gifts.....these cannot
be beat for the price


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
269278, Glad you found something you're happy with.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Feb-29-12 07:45 PM
Don't get hooked like some of us, looking to upgrade and switch out every chance you get.
269287, Awesome.
Posted by BigReg, Thu Mar-01-12 10:52 AM
What really surprised me though was the build quality. I figured since Monoprice was doing real well with high quality budget speakers that there was a good chance they would pull off the sound(they did), but it's really a full featured product from the packaging to the plastic they used. They even give you an extra cord
270700, nice man
Posted by HecticHavoc, Sun Apr-08-12 11:26 AM
i was also on the verge of buying those for myself back in January, same time as my birthday. ended up getting some Solo Beats as a gift. im really satisfied with them, but i would never buy them for myself.
269327, i got the Monoprice jonts too- crazy value purchase...
Posted by natlawdp, Fri Mar-02-12 03:37 PM
this thread served its purpose.
270699, I ended up snagging a pair of Audio Technica ATH-M50's
Posted by crow, Sun Apr-08-12 11:19 AM
I had read online rave reviews about it across the board and wanted a good over the ear headphone. Real impressed. I am by no means an audiophile and wish I had more to compare it to but I've been blown away.

Only thing I could see being a real deterrent to people is the bass doesn't go tooo hard. It's got a nice punch to it but nothing crazy for the bass heads.
270728, Any good suggestions on in ear headphones would be appreciated
Posted by ansomble, Mon Apr-09-12 02:32 PM
I primarily wear headphones when I'm active (running, biking, in the gym)