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Topic subjectdid anyone play the Blade Runner game for PC?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=254400
254400, did anyone play the Blade Runner game for PC?
Posted by Nodima, Sun Apr-17-11 07:07 PM
I've owned a Mac all my life via parents or myself since AOL 1.something, but there WAS a period from roughly 1998-2003 where my family had a PC and during that time I had this game called Blade Runner.

I'm asking mostly out of A) nostalgia and B) super anticipatory hype for LA Noire. These are the sort of games I really get excited about. So, a spin-off question/comment, are there any other games you know about that follow the branching story/investigate at your own risk philosophy of these two games? I feel like I haven't played a game like Blade Runner since Blade Runner. So I'm psyched as shit for LA Noire.

I don't check my inbox.




254427, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_Runner_(1997_video_game)
Posted by handle, Mon Apr-18-11 12:41 AM

They also did an Ubik video game - but I never saw it in real life.
254430, I've never been much for reading but that explains where Runciter comes from
Posted by Nodima, Mon Apr-18-11 03:54 AM

the video game doesn't sound at all like how Blade Runner or LA Noire are set up, though.

I don't check my inbox.




254433, i had it. still got it.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Mon Apr-18-11 09:20 AM
i loved it.
i'm a big fan of point and click adventure games though.
254457, RE: i had it. still got it.
Posted by Nodima, Mon Apr-18-11 02:33 PM
Hell, one really bored sleepless night I watched some dude on Youtube play through about an hour of the game just because I got a major itch to play it again and couldn't.

Are you psyched at all for LA Noire? Everything I see about this game leads me to believe it's a LOT like the setup of Blade Runner, right down to reading the reactions of interviewees to questions of your choosing and being able to miss certain clues that affect the plot in certain ways.

I don't check my inbox.



