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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectthis new imac is the sh**
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117785, this new imac is the sh**
Posted by beautifulboogieman, Sat Sep-01-07 03:45 AM
i love it.
sleek, powerful, quiet.

how come pc vendors arent copying the all in one design?
i mean sony does to some extent but they mad pricey.
117787, truth
Posted by The_Orange_Ninja_Turtle, Sat Sep-01-07 04:43 AM
117790, Quite simple really...
Posted by nonaime, Sat Sep-01-07 07:04 AM
>how come pc vendors arent copying the all in one design?

My one year old Dell, as it stands today, couldn't play Blu-Ray/HD-DVD content. BUT. All I got to do is buy an HDCP capable vid card and the drive...and I'm back in the game. Which is very important for me, because I'm getting rid of the 80's entertainment system I have by the end of the year.

An one year old intel iMac? She's a never gonna play the Blu-Ray.
117803, RE: Quite simple really...
Posted by beautifulboogieman, Sat Sep-01-07 09:07 AM
also true.. but honestly.. for the price and the fact that its such a nice looking all in one machine that functions so well, i take the fact that upgradability is a no go.. and there is always usb. so ill be able to get a firewire 800 blu ray player and im good : - )
117814, i just got one at work...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Sat Sep-01-07 10:25 AM
....its great but its not much different than any other mac ...now if it came with leopard id get more excited ...but as your 1st mac ....its pretty fuckin sick
117831, RE: this new imac is the sh**
Posted by beautifulboogieman, Sat Sep-01-07 11:40 AM
no bittorrent client?
cause i would rather a native version of software. dont want to port utorrent.
117901, there are bittorrent clients for OSX
Posted by mc_delta_t, Sat Sep-01-07 03:52 PM
I always used azureus
117965, i think azereus should work
Posted by DrNO, Sat Sep-01-07 09:01 PM
try it. If it don't work I'm srapping my iMac fixation
117971, it's what I've always used
Posted by The_Orange_Ninja_Turtle, Sat Sep-01-07 10:43 PM
118015, azureus is working great!
Posted by beautifulboogieman, Sun Sep-02-07 12:27 PM
thanks for the suggestion!