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Topic subjectFolding @ home client for ps3 update to 1.2
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116419, Folding @ home client for ps3 update to 1.2
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Aug-21-07 12:51 PM
since its the only thing the ps3 is good for right now.

I started mine up, but it didn't get the new version yet.


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116463, the PS3 is also good for BLU RAY you bastard
Posted by Triptych, Tue Aug-21-07 08:52 PM
lol how can you hate blu ray so much when you have a blu ray player and not an hd dvd player?
116468, Shit, he calls me a PS3 fanboy and I don't even own one
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Tue Aug-21-07 09:17 PM
Plus he thinks AF1s are better than dunks.

Clearly the man isn't rational.
116489, #1 - AF1s are the best shoes ever made ever
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-22-07 04:03 AM
fuck dunks.

#2 - you're a ps3 fanboy --- in theory. you refuse to accept reality


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116677, AF1s are better than dunks
Posted by 58impala, Thu Aug-23-07 01:19 PM
116681, Oh, so you guys are both crazy
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Thu Aug-23-07 01:32 PM
I see
116688, RE: AF1s are better than dunks
Posted by nicknice, Thu Aug-23-07 02:02 PM
am 90's are fresher...
116482, Maybe one day, it'll be good for games too
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Wed Aug-22-07 12:06 AM
116490, because bd-j is a completely unfinished spec
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-22-07 04:04 AM
IK'm really disappointed by its implementation so far


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116540, ok fine but that's not what makes BR better than HDDVD...
Posted by Triptych, Wed Aug-22-07 12:06 PM
BD-J is just icing. And most people think that whenever the spec is finalized, the most popular BR player, the PS3, will be able to use BD-J after a free software update.

116543, really?
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-22-07 12:15 PM
cuz I don't have a super surround sound lossless audio setup.

and even if i did, it'd be largely wasted.

so there's really nothing that makes blu-ray better than hd dvd.

except that I can get hd dvd discs with more features....now

and I might get blu-ray discs with equivalent features...at some point

and all the early adopters with standalone players are definitely boned, while ps3 owners wait to hear what happens.


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116549, so why don't you own an hd dvd player?
Posted by Triptych, Wed Aug-22-07 01:23 PM
116582, I don't watch a lot of movies on disc, period
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-22-07 06:12 PM
I've never had a blockbuster membership ever, and netflix is too slow.

I want my movies when I want em or not at all, and I don't want to drive to the store, so digital distribution works for me, either via vod or xbl.

so a hd dvd player would be a waste of money for me


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116555, You’ve stated several times that early adopters always get fucked
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Wed Aug-22-07 01:57 PM
...and should know what they’re getting themselves into by adopting early.

Just sayin...
116579, and thats true
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-22-07 05:56 PM
its a matter of principle.

the players have been out for a full year, and the spec STILL isn't updated.

a year later? and the hardware isn't even forwards compatible? and everybody knew this was coming but they're still shipping players sans-features because they have to to be able to copete on price?

meanwhile the launch hd dvd players, while crappy and slow, are going to play all the discs coming out now just as well.

you can't pull that shit when the competition has had it for a year


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116626, RE: and thats true
Posted by Triptych, Thu Aug-23-07 02:27 AM
That said, the number of non-upgradeable Blu Ray player owners is vanishingly small. Especially compared with the number of upgradeable BR player (PS3) owners. ESPECIALLY compared with the number of Blu Ray player owners should the spec be finalized and prices coming way down, as they already have and will inevitably continue to do.

a.k.a. Paramount is batty
116628, except...not
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Aug-23-07 03:20 AM
the prices are going to go back up, cuz now they gotta throw in extra features

and then come the hybrid players.


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
116678, it did finally update. the new visualisations are interesting
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Aug-23-07 01:25 PM
people report remote play works, if that matters to you

I switched to advanced mode but I dunno what that really does


YOU'VE READ MY FILE NIGGA (c) Jack 'Mufuckin' Bauer

http://rjcc.stumbleupon.com - what I'm looking at

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at