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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectI'm in the market for a new phone
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=107646
107646, I'm in the market for a new phone
Posted by Buks, Sun Jun-10-07 05:16 PM
Consequently my cell phone is on it's last leg and I'm looking for a replacement. I'm still under contract w/ Cingular or AT&T and don't want to pay out the ass for a new one. Any suggestions? I've been checking Ebay and Amazon, and haven't really found anything worth looking into.
107649, I have a blackberry pearl that I will be selling on the 29th
Posted by Steelysteel, Sun Jun-10-07 05:37 PM
I'll sell it to you on the low. If you can hold out.
107651, Appreciate it
Posted by Buks, Sun Jun-10-07 05:50 PM
But I want something new
107671, RE: Appreciate it
Posted by nicknice, Sun Jun-10-07 11:04 PM
well then, like dude said, the 29th shall be the day.
iphone .
107783, sony ericsson w810i
Posted by charlie bucket, Mon Jun-11-07 02:40 PM
i just got one a few weeks ago from cingular. its sony ericsson's walkman phone. it comes with a 512 mb card to store music but i bought a 4 gb one on ebay for 45 bucks and a clear plastic case for it for 5.

cost 89 dollars if you resign up for 2 years. it was like 189 but they give you a 100 dollar rebate you mail in. im on a mac and i was worried that it would be harder to put songs on and stuff but its cool. it is slow i think it uses usb 1.1 so one album will take like 10 minutes. but once you get it loaded up you are good to go. it does video too. has built it fm radio. plus the headphone they have their own connector from phone to a ear phone jack but you can slap any ear phone into that which i dig because i dont like those ear buds. also it has a 2.0 megapixel camera with flash which is nice to have at times. so check it out im very happy with mine

107922, I'll check it out
Posted by Buks, Tue Jun-12-07 11:09 PM
Sounds like your into it and a decent purchase. Iono about the iphone, I work outside and sumthin for that price I don't wanna have to worry about that shit.