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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectRE: Dear EA Sports...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=42897&mesg_id=42911
42911, RE: Dear EA Sports...
Posted by Improv, Sat Nov-26-05 02:38 PM
>you can press the shoulder button pre snap to view the whole
>field and it will stay up there. and once u snap the ball, it
>zooms out anyways, so i cant complain about that.

I'll try that...

>i hvaent gotten one delay of game yet. you can skip all the
>'cutscenes' with the press of a button, too.

I do, but the first play when you first get the ball...when you try to read the defense or when you want to assign the receiver with a new assignment, you have to press B and cycle through. Can't do that when you had 10 secs left and you just got up to the line of scrimmage.

>but yes, the stripped-downedness sucks. I like playing next
>gen football though, but we all know madden 2007 is gonna be
>the one we've been waiting for.

Far sho. It has potential.

Grow. Get Free. Fly.

Don't get that chin tapped, dunn...