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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectOutside of the graphics
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=302920&mesg_id=302947
302947, Outside of the graphics
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Oct-31-17 02:55 PM
Pretty remarkable how the game re-worked how coins work within the Mario universe. The replayability (I'm certain that isn't a real word) for the game is pretty damn high as well since you get rewarded for getting more moon pieces even after beating the game. I was going to post that the game is a bit too easy, but the difficulty does ratchet up once you replay the new areas after beating the game for the first time.

A brilliant re-working of the Mario universe. And I won't spoil the various references to the past Mario games, but those are done perfectly as well.

Since folks mentioned Zelda, I will say this game is a lot easier to sink your teeth into since it is far more linear than Zelda. I'm guessing the game of the year accolades will depend on if folks like or dislike the more linear fashion for Super Mario Odyssey.