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Topic subjectI've barely played 5, so might as well list everything
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=301485&mesg_id=301501
301501, I've barely played 5, so might as well list everything
Posted by topaz, Mon Jan-02-17 12:21 AM
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - really well done and challenging, it's amazing that they made three entirely different paths. Conquest alone took me 100+ hours to beat. I intend to play Birthright and Revelations as well eventually.

Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice - usual AA affair, pretty sure this one is the longest in the series. Cases 3 & 5 were the highlights for me.

Pokemon Moon - my first main game since Gold/Silver on GBC, having fun so far (about halfway through), but that calling for help shit is annoying.

Zero Time Dilemma - the art style took a while to get used to, but this is a worthy follow-up to 999 and Virtue's Last Reward. Absolutely love this series.

The Last Guardian - it's really a feast for the eyes, the world looks absolutely stunning. Can be frustrating controlling Trico, but the puzzles and climbing makes it fun gameplay wise.

Pokemon Go - I didn't bother with the gyms, but collecting new monsters were a lot of fun. I ended up with just over 100 in my Pokedex.

Inside - Really fun puzzles, and that ending!