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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectRE: You gotta eat them runbacks, man.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=298857&mesg_id=299458
299458, RE: You gotta eat them runbacks, man.
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Apr-11-16 06:50 PM
>I've been floating around 2200 LP the past couple days (LAZ,
>I'M COMING FOR YOU, SON!!) and I think the single thing
>helping me improve at the rate I'm improving is the runback. I
>run everything back. I lost like 180 points to a Gief that was
>barely Super Bronze last night, running shit back, but I
>learned from them Ls.
>On the flip, I had a Super Gold Rashid body me free last
>night. FREE. He only got 10 LP for his effort, but he still
>gave me the runback. He's doing the Lord's work. You gotta pay
>that shit forward. If the rollback ain't atrocious, run it

I go in aiming to runback errbody. Sometimes though, I don't need another fight with a 'standard' Ryu, Karin, or Nash. Those are always on the way anyway. Regardless, I give 95% runbacks after I win just to give someone a shot at a getback win, ranked or not. And of course, some of those whores will win and then not break the tie. Bitches.

I snuck into Silver by one fight. I'ma stay in the club/out of ranked until I can get a bit better. Casuals is where I'm at now. In there, I've been drawing golds and getting touched up pretty fierce. At best, I get a round to take them to final round, but I end up losing close. I caught a gold claw that was crazy. But I enjoy that over the ranked situation where folks are guarding their points instead of playing the game.

I played the most yolo Ken I've seen last night. But still, once he got in, it was over since Ken is a link machine. Maximum yolo-ery.

Big put me down Old Yeller style over the weekend. I was 'in it' on a chunk of the fights. I barely got by his Laura with Birdie, but he was better fo sho...especially when the Ryu came out. The last fight, I was basically washed and without a defense for the Ryu.

Ryu makes me irrational cuz I just smooth out hate what Capcom gives him to work with on these games. I basically scream at my screen every time I see a medium punch because just about anything can follow it and it makes me sad. Still though, I've been working on staying in people's face a little more. I've been living my life at diag chain length to try to keep myself out of rando trial combo battles since the damage is what it is.

And hell naw, I still can't beat Hard Survival. Them colors might not be coming unless I hit a hot streak of spamming it up just right. Or maybe I'll take another little jump in skill.