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Topic subjectthat demo was kinda retarded
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=275290&mesg_id=275304
275304, that demo was kinda retarded
Posted by xangeluvr, Sun Sep-02-12 01:08 AM
as far as gameplay goes at least. like snake is supposed to be avoiding getting detected and he flat out pulls out a flashlight and shines it in a guards face?

that aside, i'm in no way excited for this. thinking back, the last game was not good. too much story, not enough gameplay. plus, the story that was there was way too confusing and convoluted. of course, MG has always been like that.

>edit: and with the developer commentary going once gameplay
>the video I saw gets cut off when Snake is spotted by the
>searchlight, but a recap I read in the IGN article says:
>@markmacd tweeted, "Demo of "Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes",
>started w cutscene (all realtime), went into gameplay, open
>world, night, raining, base. AMAZING," followed by "Snake
>crawled @ avoiding searchlights, killed guard, rode jeep,
>called in heli for evac. Sounds like MG, but the scale &
>atmosphere... Wow."
>I wonder why they hid all of that?
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