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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectLets see here: Little Big Planet, Infamous, UC, GOW, Killzone, MGS
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=233421&mesg_id=249235
249235, Lets see here: Little Big Planet, Infamous, UC, GOW, Killzone, MGS
Posted by Poetic_Truth, Sat Jan-22-11 02:50 AM
Resistance, Heavy Rain, Socom, Rachet and Clank, Twisted Metal, The Last Guardian, Gran Turismo, Demon Souls....I named about 15 non-forgettable (and soon to be) titles on the PS3 while half the shyt on 360 is forgettable

Halo is a dying franchise, the only thing attractive left about the 360 is Gears Of War....have fun with that one title

when developers wanna utilize the true potential of their game engines they come to PS3....

and dont use this last fiasco of the PS3 hack as leverage....PS3 just now gettin cracked, 360 been gettin raped in the ass by hackers for years....witcha hoe ass

ps3 is for the hardcore gamer, the way I see it....for the years to come, ps3 is winning in the gaming department...oh yall got cross chat? so