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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectSome improvements I hope they made in KZ3
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=233421&mesg_id=244078
244078, Some improvements I hope they made in KZ3
Posted by Tw3nty, Thu Oct-21-10 12:34 PM

1) Those bleak ass environments gotta go,
100% of a planet's environment cant be war-torn, Helghast has to have some kind of rural areas or something, maybe even a shoreline, I'm not expecting a vacation but damn that shit is so repetitive.

2) The sluggish feel when on foot, KZ2 really made it seem like you were going nowhere fast, maybe they were considering the weight of gear and weapons but it just felt somewhat unresponsive when trying to get to cover even when sprinting. When playing on Elite you gotta be able to run alot, there's plenty of cover but since they like to ambush you, you're only recourse is running away.

3) Control Scheme, clicking R3 to aim down the sights is gay.

4) Grenades/ Grenade launcher need to be more powerful.

5) The aiming reticle needs some work, If I can use an LMG to get head-shots on an enemy that is behind cover without aiming down the sights, something is wrong. Shit should really be damn near impossible with an LMG especially on Elite difficulty.