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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectI'm thinking about picking this up. / Mini Toys R' Us rant.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=145673&mesg_id=148089
148089, I'm thinking about picking this up. / Mini Toys R' Us rant.
Posted by Sleepy, Mon Apr-28-08 02:45 PM
Toys R Us has a sale where you get Mario Kart and 50% off on selected other games, including the stellar PES 2008.

*I'm about to start ranting shortly*

I knew this BS would happen. I absolutely knew it. I bought PES 2008 about 3 weeks ago and held on to it waiting to see if they'd have another sale like they did for Brawl. I didn't hear anything, so I opened it. Anyway, now that I've opened it it goes on sale. &^*(^*%(^%. You know, I'm pissed off at myself because I absolutely knew it was going to happen, but I second guessed myself. Anyway, pick up PES 2008. It's dope. Online is dope.

<end rant>