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Forum nameHigh-Tech
Topic subjectAgreed.....Zune shoulda been developed and released sooner
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=11&topic_id=132175&mesg_id=132629
132629, Agreed.....Zune shoulda been developed and released sooner
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jan-09-08 12:26 PM
>You can't chase a marathon runner. The features That make the
>zune sexy: wifi beaming and whatever the fuck it does, but
>people like the standard, and it is hard out there for a pimp
>to replace the ipod. the only way that the zune will ever get
>to the level of the Ipod is if it does three things:
>- Drop it's price point to beat Apple (160 gig zune for 250 or
>even three would change my mindset by far)

>- Play all types of video and audio content (even protected
>apple files) consumers are fuckin tired of having all types of
>formats for music and video that they can only use on certain
>players You give me a zune screen with the apple store, then I
>would be happy)

Only the studios could make that happen. It's really not a fault of MS or Apple. It's the damn studios. It is annoying across the board.

>- They have to beat apple to some quality idea. The issue with
>wifi is that it's cool, but few people have the zune, so i
>have few people to share with so the idea is worthless. Apple
>is making new moves every year, 30 to 60 to 80 to 160 gb Ipod
>video, The touch and the the iphone are giving microsoft fits.
>They just have to be first with the next innovation in this
>portable music game and ride it to glory. Until then I need to
> load up more music on my 160 so i am done.

Yall aren't hearing me. With the newest firmware Wifi is more than just sharing tracks with other Zunes. It's already been opened to allow syncing. Now, lets talk firmware upgradability. What other company has taken the bold step of releasing a firmware upgrade to early adopters of the original player? What other company has committed to further development and feature roll out of not only their existing devices, but their future devices? The Zune is a device that can and will continue to be developed. I don't have to worry that with the next device release, my current one will be obsolete. How many ipods have you folks gone through because something newer and more feature packed was released? It's insane to think about. Yeah, Mac makes a good product, but mack is also abusing their customers by releasing newer and better product year after year forcing them to purchase new product to enjoy the newest features. Folks need to peep game...cause Apple is playing a lot folks..playin em HARD.

sig below:
-..Some say the price of holdin heat is often too high, you either be in a coffin or you be the new guy...

-A monkey is chased by a hyena and you cannot tell the laughter from the screams.

-Is there gas in the car?
Yes, there's gas in the