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Subject: "Can we talk about millennial style activism? (link)" Previous topic | Next topic
Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Fri May-27-16 12:42 PM

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"Can we talk about millennial style activism? (link)"
Fri May-27-16 12:44 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


*shakes cane. Tells a punk to get off my lawn*

How do you all feel about this new environment where opposing/uncomfortable ideas are shouted down or silenced (i.e. Trump rally protests (or even Sanders/Clinton), banning/disrupting college speakers, etc.)?

Personally, I hate that shit. I just watched a clip of people shutting down some event (some edgy, gay conservative troll was speaking) at DePaul Univ and it was shameful. They rushed the stage taking the mic and some dude was blowing a whistle into it smh. Eventually, the event was cancelled after security wouldn't intervene.

Why is shutting down opposing speech the way to go? Wouldn't a better course of action be to push your own counter/better ideas?

Anyways, this article here kind of summarizes the new millennial style activist. It's an extreme campus (Oberlin), so it may not reflect the norm (they want guaranteed C's for the semester because they were protesting and want to be paid for their activism lol).
Long article (that made my head hurt lol), but here is a section that kind of gets to this point:

"During this academic year, schools across the country have been roiling with activism that has seemed to shift the meaning of contemporary liberalism without changing its ideals. At Yale, the associate head of a residence balked at the suggestion that students avoid potentially offensive Halloween costumes, proposing in an e-mail that it smothered transgressive expression. Her remarks were deemed insensitive, especially from someone tasked with fostering a sense of community, and the protests that followed escalated to address broader concerns. At Claremont McKenna, a dean sparked outrage when she sent an e-mail about better serving students—those of color, apparently—who didn’t fit the school’s “mold,” and resigned. In mid-November, a thousand students at Ithaca College walked out to demand the resignation of the president, who, they said, hadn’t responded aggressively enough to campus racism. More than a hundred other schools held rallies that week.

Protests continued through the winter. Harvard renamed its “house masters” faculty deans, and changed its law-school seal, which originated as a slaveholder’s coat of arms. Bowdoin students were disciplined for wearing miniature sombreros to a tequila-themed party. The president of Northwestern endorsed “safe spaces,” refuges open only to certain identity groups. At Wesleyan, the Eclectic Society, whose members lived in a large brick colonnaded house, was put on probation for two years, partly because its whimsical scrapbook-like application overstepped a line. And when Wesleyan’s newspaper, the Argus, published a controversial opinion piece questioning the integrity of the Black Lives Matter movement, some hundred and seventy people signed a petition that would have defunded the paper. Sensitivities seemed to reach a peak at Emory when students complained of being traumatized after finding “trump 2016” chalked on sidewalks around campus. The Trump-averse protesters chanted, “Come speak to us, we are in pain!,” until Emory’s president wrote a letter promising to “honor the concerns of these students.”

Such reports flummoxed many people who had always thought of themselves as devout liberals. Wasn’t free self-expression the whole point of social progressivism? Wasn’t liberal academe a way for ideas, good and bad, to be subjected to enlightened reason? Generations of professors and students imagined the university to be a temple for productive challenge and perpetually questioned certainties. Now, some feared, schools were being reimagined as safe spaces for coddled youths and the self-defined, untested truths that they held dear. Disorientingly, too, none of the disputes followed normal ideological divides: both the activists and their opponents were multicultural, educated, and true of heart. At some point, it seemed, the American left on campus stopped being able to hear itself think."



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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: Can we talk about millennial style activism? (link)
May 27th 2016
the issue is tolerance...
May 27th 2016
May 28th 2016
frankly, that counter-narrative is really about shutting down the left
May 28th 2016
OP says he watched it happen at depaul, so...
May 28th 2016
stop posting under your alias
May 28th 2016
Yeah. I'm not talking about the legalities of it all...
May 27th 2016
at least you tried
May 27th 2016
Not just millenials, a lof of folks 30-40+ use those tactics as well
May 27th 2016
they will deactivate your account for speaking out of turn as well.
May 27th 2016
      i disagree with everything you just stated...
May 27th 2016
           well, what's this #70?
May 27th 2016
                you're really not payin' attention LOL...
May 27th 2016
                     you're wild thin-skinned, petty, dude.
May 27th 2016
                     well damn, that was fast as shit
May 27th 2016
                          RE: well damn, that was fast as shit
May 27th 2016
                               yet, you glossed over the part...
May 27th 2016
                               Yeah, but you fucked up
May 27th 2016
                                    he does have a point, albeit a convoluted one
May 27th 2016
                                    he doesn't have a point at all...
May 28th 2016
                                    He replied to a post that was about OKP
May 27th 2016
                                         he's currently on time out, yet ghosting with someone else's alias...
May 28th 2016
                     Giving him a "pass" for what, exactly?
May 27th 2016
                          you really have no clue what you're talking about LOL...
May 28th 2016
you lost me at "millenial"
May 27th 2016
It's rough. And the thing is I can't necessarily be mad at those kids
May 27th 2016
I can't get mad at them because they are on my side most of the time
May 27th 2016
I've seen this mentioned a few times on the web recently:
May 27th 2016
but doing the same thing as Right wing nuts makes them no better
May 27th 2016
its a disturbing trend.
May 27th 2016
you're a fucking idiot if you think anyone is getting shut down
May 27th 2016
Trump rally in Chicago, multiple commencement speakers getting cancelled
May 27th 2016
      ALL of those people ARE being heard. youth aren't the problem.
May 28th 2016
      What do you mean they are being heard?
May 28th 2016
           i think you're seriously underestimating the right.
May 28th 2016
           so if a message isn't actually being shut down at all
May 28th 2016
      so, the answer is you're an idiot.
May 28th 2016
      Wonderful contribution
May 28th 2016
           I know right?
May 28th 2016
May 28th 2016
           Dogg...what are you foaming at the mouth about?
May 28th 2016
                they're not getting shut down
May 28th 2016
                     Did Donald Trump speak in Chicago?
May 28th 2016
                          is donald trump speaking constantly?
May 28th 2016
1984 shit. its scary. nm
May 28th 2016
May 28th 2016
leaving the protest feeling satisfied, buying some Starbucks w/
May 28th 2016
It feels like a capitulation to me...
May 28th 2016
i appreciate this explanation/opinion
May 28th 2016
I will agree that OKP mods be on smthg else
May 28th 2016
confessions should be off limits
May 28th 2016
you can't be serious...
May 28th 2016
      Serious as a heart attack
May 28th 2016
           Don't be no flashlight cop. Do your job...
May 28th 2016
                how could i forget about my brutha from anuth mutha DEADZOMBIE
May 28th 2016
                     So when did you first notice that you hate black people?
May 29th 2016
                     everything you just said is bullshit...
May 29th 2016
I've been dying for ppl to discuss this. I'm with you 100,000%
May 28th 2016
Social norms are moving the way they've always moved.
May 28th 2016
Nah. These strong-arm bully tactics are relatively new
May 28th 2016
It's never been for the good, and more extreme now. But
May 28th 2016
you know y'all are full of shit about this right?
May 28th 2016
      This makes me feel like we're talking about two completely different thi...
May 28th 2016
           the only difference is one is an imagined threat and one is a real one
May 28th 2016
                seems like you're conflating different things
May 28th 2016
                     It's a baby with the bathwater scenario
May 29th 2016
                          i feel you
May 29th 2016
                               the problem is that none of these posts (or the op-eds by concerned libe...
May 29th 2016
                                    good points
May 29th 2016
May 28th 2016
damn, you tried again after failing the first time
May 28th 2016
Cmon, this aint new to the 00s and 10s.
May 28th 2016
I haven't fact checked this, but if this is for real, its a great exampl...
May 29th 2016
There's also a false equivelency between right+left wing propaganda
May 29th 2016
the larger propaganda system definitley skews way right
May 29th 2016
im not sure if anyone is attempting to equate a 'mean girls' response
May 29th 2016
the problem is that most progressive movements ultimately devolve into.....
May 29th 2016
      i would be reluctant to believe an absolute like "power corrupts, period...
May 29th 2016
May 29th 2016
You're right...
May 31st 2016

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Fri May-27-16 01:13 PM

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1. "RE: Can we talk about millennial style activism? (link)"
In response to Reply # 0



Here's where people get it mixed up. Free speech has nothing to do with any institution, employer or organization owing you a job after you say something shitty or they disagree with.
You can say what you want at anytime anywhere. The first amendment says the government cant put JAIL you for speech. See how those are two very different things? There are exceptions like shouting fire in a crowded theater.
No where in the first amendment does it say that there can't be consequences for speech.
Now there are broader issues of speech that are grey areas and specific types of protected speech and certain classes of protected people but none of that relates to a person being owed a job.




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P. Diddy
Member since Mar 04th 2006
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Fri May-27-16 01:27 PM

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2. "the issue is tolerance..."
In response to Reply # 1
Fri May-27-16 01:32 PM by P. Diddy



far-left liberals claim to be tolerant, non-judgmental, etc. and as soon as somebody explicitly espouses a position they strongly disagree with they turn into the same type of authoritarian assholes they claim to reject when the rhetoric is coming from the far-right.

people have different experiences and different beliefs and yeah some of those might be ugly and completely the opposite of what you belief... but making it a mission to see their life in shambles because they stated their thoughts on an issue (right or wrong) is flat-out pathetic and nefarious.

60 years ago people did the same thing; except they did it to gays, "communists" (aka socialists), unwed mothers, and atheists as their puritanical pursuit of the time.

it doesn't matter the positions, people should still be able enjoy their liberty, livelihood despite holding 'unfavorable' (by contemporary standard) beliefs as long as they aren't using those beliefs to knowingly hurt or deprive people of their own freedoms.

<- way before hashtags.


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Sat May-28-16 10:12 AM

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34. "Exactly "
In response to Reply # 2



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Sat May-28-16 12:06 PM

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41. "frankly, that counter-narrative is really about shutting down the left"
In response to Reply # 2



i don't agree with all the tactics or attitudes of the activists out there, but the whole notion of leftist intolerance is a bullshit trope.

no one's being silenced. it's literally not happening.

i just wish these kids were better at recognizing and dealing appropriately with trolls, which is the right's response to the daily show/onion generation. it's been devastatingly effective in this cycle. and that shit that's brewing online and showing up on some campuses makes me want to opt out of civilization for a while.

but we don't help that by wringing our hands and tsktsking young leftists. they're just trying to figure it out. the solution is to step up and offer more facts/honestly/effort.


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Sat May-28-16 05:44 PM

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56. "OP says he watched it happen at depaul, so..."
In response to Reply # 41





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Sat May-28-16 05:42 PM

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55. "stop posting under your alias"
In response to Reply # 2

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Fri May-27-16 02:09 PM

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11. "Yeah. I'm not talking about the legalities of it all..."
In response to Reply # 1


They are well within their rights to protest, scream, shout, whatever. Just like those with controversial opinions have the right to speak them. Societal consequences will doled out as necessary.

I'm talking about this as an activism/protest strategy. "I don't agree with what you are saying, so I am going to physically stop or disrupt you from saying it".

That's a horrible approach, especially on college campus where the exchange of ideas and personal intellectual growth is a goal.



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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Fri May-27-16 11:46 PM

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25. "at least you tried"
In response to Reply # 1



whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Nov 05th 2003
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Fri May-27-16 01:31 PM

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3. "Not just millenials, a lof of folks 30-40+ use those tactics as well"
In response to Reply # 0


Shit, look at OKP over the past few years. Any opinion that isn't "popular" gets met with ad hominems, straw mans, appeals and many other logical fallacies.


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P. Diddy
Member since Mar 04th 2006
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Fri May-27-16 01:34 PM

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4. "they will deactivate your account for speaking out of turn as well."
In response to Reply # 3
Fri May-27-16 01:37 PM by P. Diddy



not violating guidelines, if you say something cyrenyoung disagrees with he will simply deactivate your account with 0 explanation.

whoever decided to give him carte blanche really made a mis-judgement of character.

he's an authoritarian with a corrupted need for control.

<- way before hashtags.


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Charter member
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Fri May-27-16 01:39 PM

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6. "i disagree with everything you just stated..."
In response to Reply # 4
Fri May-27-16 01:39 PM by CyrenYoung



>not violating guidelines, if you say something cyrenyoung
>disagrees with he will simply deactivate your account with 0
>whoever decided to give him carte blanche really made a
>mis-judgement of character.
>he's an authoritarian with a corrupted need for control.

..yet, your account is still active.


keep pushin' that agenda, though.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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P. Diddy
Member since Mar 04th 2006
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Fri May-27-16 01:43 PM

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7. "well, what's this #70?"
In response to Reply # 6



i mean fuck i didn't even make this one, somebody had to give me the pword to their old alias because of your tyranny.

regardless, you need to chill and respect intelligently-stated disagreement.

not everybody thinks the way you do and that doesn't make them an idiot/troll/whatever.

<- way before hashtags.


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Charter member
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Fri May-27-16 01:49 PM

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8. "you're really not payin' attention LOL..."
In response to Reply # 7



..i was trying to give you a pass.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Violetta Wallace
Member since Jan 21st 2006
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Fri May-27-16 02:00 PM

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9. "you're wild thin-skinned, petty, dude."
In response to Reply # 8



let the record show that cyrenyoung had the audacity to 'completely disagree' with what i said yet proved me 100% correct by deactivating p. diddy account.

welcome to 'millennial style activism' where any form dissent is viewed as a threat.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Fri May-27-16 02:07 PM

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10. "well damn, that was fast as shit"
In response to Reply # 9


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Violetta Wallace
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Fri May-27-16 02:14 PM

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12. "RE: well damn, that was fast as shit"
In response to Reply # 10
Fri May-27-16 02:15 PM by Violetta Wallace



the best part was when he said 'keep pushing that agenda' like i was making shit up and then turned around and proceeded to do exactly what i said he was doing. lol. what a maroon...


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Fri May-27-16 02:25 PM

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14. "yet, you glossed over the part..."
In response to Reply # 12



..where i TRIED to let you rock with that alias you "borrowed."

now you wanna pop shit?


you know why you were put on time out. this isn't helping your return.

but g'head and keep lying to the people to gain sympathy.

enjoy your wkd.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Charter member
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Fri May-27-16 02:26 PM

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15. "Yeah, but you fucked up"
In response to Reply # 12



You all try to piggy back the topic into 'AND THE FUCKING MODS ON OKAYPLAYER SUCK', THEN double down on it, and now are like, 'see, they are picking on me!'


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Garhart Poppwell
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Fri May-27-16 07:52 PM

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20. "he does have a point, albeit a convoluted one"
In response to Reply # 15



in regards to moderation procedure.

I have no problem with reining everybody in, and I have no problem with letting people slide all the way off as long as it isn't something like death threats or flat out ill intent. I'm sure moderating a site like this can get hectic, and quickly with this bunch, but there has to be a medium somewhere.

There's been a lot of bewildering shit that went down on both sides of the ball, but while posters here get banned nothing happens to the moderators except a stern talking to after the five hundredth complaint. That doesn't do a lot to foster goodwill.

I will say though that you guys have done a good job at getting the habitual problem posters out of here lately though.

Garhart Ivanhoe Poppwell
Un-OK'd moderator for The Lesson and Make The Music (yes, I do's work up in here, and in your asscrease if you run foul of this


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Sat May-28-16 07:52 AM

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26. "he doesn't have a point at all..."
In response to Reply # 20



>in regards to moderation procedure.
>I have no problem with reining everybody in, and I have no
>problem with letting people slide all the way off as long as
>it isn't something like death threats or flat out ill intent.
>I'm sure moderating a site like this can get hectic, and
>quickly with this bunch, but there has to be a medium
>There's been a lot of bewildering shit that went down on both
>sides of the ball, but while posters here get banned nothing
>happens to the moderators except a stern talking to after the
>five hundredth complaint. That doesn't do a lot to foster
>I will say though that you guys have done a good job at
>getting the habitual problem posters out of here lately

to date, there are a handful of former members of the okp community that have been permanently banned from this sight. outside of that, a virtual carousel of clowns that have been put on a temporary time out (completely different). and while you may not be privy to the convo/dialogue behind closed doors, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. any situation regarding mods possibly stepping out of/over the line has been addressed, with all parties in agreement/compliance.

the difference here: the guidelines.

every mod on this board is expected to uphold the guidelines (with discretion). the fact that SOME people think the guidelines are unnecessary or that they don't apply to them is ridiculous. even worse, warnings are given and the very same people currently complaining about unfairness are quick to respond with:

"..g'head and ban me, i don't care..."

so we put them on time out.

wash, rinse, repeat.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Boogie Stimuli
Member since Sep 24th 2010
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Fri May-27-16 10:08 PM

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21. "He replied to a post that was about OKP"
In response to Reply # 15


That really was some overly sensitive, insecure
bullshit to delete his account over that.
I know we're all human, but yall gotta be thicker
skinned than that.
Good grief

Days like this I miss Sha Mecca


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Sat May-28-16 08:00 AM

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29. "he's currently on time out, yet ghosting with someone else's alias..."
In response to Reply # 21


   wasn't a secret, yet he decides to pop off 'cause he's all in his feelings?

what part of the game is that???

*helpful hint:

if you're gonna act like a renegade, scream, "..fuck the world & your stupid guidelines..." only to then turn around and cry about it after losing that game of chicken, there will be no sympathy shown. and THEN he had the nerve to show up & spout off about unfairness?

like i said above, i tried to let him slide with the 'borrowed alias', but he wasn't content. its not our fault that people don't heed warnings.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Boogie Stimuli
Member since Sep 24th 2010
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Fri May-27-16 10:14 PM

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22. "Giving him a "pass" for what, exactly?"
In response to Reply # 8


Speaking on his experience with you?
People need a "pass" for that now?

I suppose self-evaluation isn't an option
when you have the authority to delete those who
disagree. Very Zimmerman/Wilson-ish behavior.
On a much smaller scale of course... but same
conduct nonetheless.

Days like this I miss Sha Mecca


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Charter member
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Sat May-28-16 07:54 AM

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28. "you really have no clue what you're talking about LOL..."
In response to Reply # 22



..the short dialogue that appeared in this thread doesn't begin to describe the full story (but we're not about to rehash that here).

thanks for your input, though.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Brotha Sun
Member since Dec 31st 2009
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Fri May-27-16 01:37 PM

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5. "you lost me at "millenial" "
In response to Reply # 0


there will be strawmen. there will be knee jerk "back in my day"-isms. there will not be an actual discussion.

im only here for my participation trophy. *rimshot*

"They used to call me Baby Luke....but now? The whole damn 2 Liiiive Crew."


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Fri May-27-16 02:23 PM

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13. "It's rough. And the thing is I can't necessarily be mad at those kids"
In response to Reply # 0



even though they are misguided. One could argue the problem that progressives had for the past 20 years or so is that conservative propaganda made them quiet...they literally made the word 'liberal' into something you sneer at.

It's a pitfall Obama fell into.

So we've reached a point where they've taken the same scorched earth tactics of the right but with their own annoying slant. Its a zero sum game, but we are at the point when you've got a Presidential Nominee run on racism..there needs to be balanced.

And the thing is many on the right blame those same liberals/PC culture for the rise of Trumps and outright racist shit. But ultimately those are flames that they've been fanning for decades...the fact that it's reached full pitch along with some almost as bad blowback isn't a surprise.


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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Fri May-27-16 02:36 PM

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16. "I can't get mad at them because they are on my side most of the time"
In response to Reply # 13


I don't like Trump. I don't fall in line with most conservative ideals. But there are people who do, and they should have the ability to assemble and openly present these beliefs as abhorrent as they may think they are.



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Member since Nov 05th 2003
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Fri May-27-16 02:40 PM

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17. "I've seen this mentioned a few times on the web recently:"
In response to Reply # 13


>So we've reached a point where they've taken the same scorched
>earth tactics of the right but with their own annoying slant.

There does seem to be a zero-sum game being played between the "right" and the "left," with a lot of people in the middle that want balance.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Fri May-27-16 02:41 PM

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18. "but doing the same thing as Right wing nuts makes them no better"
In response to Reply # 13


and just leads to a bigger divide in congress and NOTHING gets done.

i hate this shit. Its like FoxNews and MSNBC are in control of our government. This "my way or burn it down" tactic is petty.

but i will say its pretty foolish to talk mad shit about Mexico and then try to hold a meeting in New Mexico. C'mon...

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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19. "its a disturbing trend."
In response to Reply # 0
Fri May-27-16 02:54 PM by _deacon_



and to see otherwise intelligent people use the defense "well they do/started it" gives me even more pause.

to watch someone rail on about free speech and safe space for divergent opinions in one breath, and attempt to scream down another for their differing views is scary as fuck.



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Fri May-27-16 10:26 PM

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23. "you're a fucking idiot if you think anyone is getting shut down"
In response to Reply # 0


people have been claiming conservative viewpoints are being shut down by creeping liberalism for the last 50 fucking years.

it has always been a lie.

if you're dumb enough to fall for it, I don't know what to tell you.

if conservative viewpoints were getting shut down, then there wouldn't be lead poisoned kids in flint.

weird how that works. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Fri May-27-16 10:34 PM

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24. "Trump rally in Chicago, multiple commencement speakers getting cancelled"
In response to Reply # 23
Fri May-27-16 10:36 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


The latest thing at DePaul that had me shaking my damn head:

My own univ had a Fox News commentators talk disrupted.

There are countless accounts of this. You can ignore them if you want



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Sat May-28-16 12:21 PM

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42. "ALL of those people ARE being heard. youth aren't the problem."
In response to Reply # 24



it's a really dangerous path to take to let people in power and with power tell us that we're not being respectful enough to give them even more.

the problem is they were given poorly considered platforms in the first place, and the kids have no idea how to sort it out.

like that shit at depaul...what's the rational way to deal with that? the right handles that by compartmentalizing. they know that normally they hate almost everything about milo EXCEPT that he trolls millenials, so he can be a hero (for now). he gets his money and his kicks.

i don't think anyone has a solution. every single time i turn on a panel show or listen to talk radio there's another person like that trying to shout down the panel, and somehow the kids are to blame because they are challenging loud but wrong.


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Sat May-28-16 05:59 PM

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57. "What do you mean they are being heard?"
In response to Reply # 42


Do you mean their general message (and by they I mean the right wing)? Of course it's being heard. It's been masterfully spread throughout the populace. But that's completely irrelevant in my opinion. Just because a message is already widespread doesn't mean that it's open season to hit the mute button or turn the volume down.

If some people in Anytown, USA or students at Anywhere College want to hear a guy talk about how micro-aggressions are not real and that black culture is to blame for their poverty, they should be able to do so.
If you disagree with the message, present your own message and do it better.

>it's a really dangerous path to take to let people in power
>and with power tell us that we're not being respectful enough
>to give them even more.

Respect is a two way street. Everyone deserves respect in this arena, whether powerful or otherwise. Regardless of the particular viewpoint they choose to espouse.

>the problem is they were given poorly considered platforms in
>the first place, and the kids have no idea how to sort it
>like that shit at depaul...what's the rational way to deal
>with that? the right handles that by compartmentalizing. they
>know that normally they hate almost everything about milo
>EXCEPT that he trolls millenials, so he can be a hero (for
>now). he gets his money and his kicks.

The rational way to deal with the DePaul situation? Let the College Republicans have their stupid show. Maybe set up a counter program. Why does it even have to be dealt with in the first place?



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62. "i think you're seriously underestimating the right. "
In response to Reply # 57



and again, i agree with you on the solution. but you're dead wrong blaming it on the college students trying to do their best to offer a solution. seriously, you're part of the problem if you don't see how buying into their narrative is dangerous.

this is how we lose the presidency this cycle. being afraid of telling the truth because we think the majority is too sensitive to hear it is a good way to lose these debates. being silently smug watching the other side lie is a good way to lose these debates. it's how we already lost most states and the congress.

respect being a two way street is a bullshit platitude when 1) the other side does not respect difference and 2) the "victims" aren't actually being hurt and their ideas aren't being suppressed.

this is not a rational debate. they fucked up at depaul, but letting that dude off the hook also is not a good look. ignoring him is a non-starter...he has an audience regardless. ignoring rush limbaugh and fox news for a generation is how we got to this place.

i respect that these millenials are (haltingly) trying to bring the dialogue back, even though it's been messy. we owe them support, not disdain and disavowal. they were right to try to burst the bubble, even if it would have been better if they had thought a bit more on the optics.

go read his twitter and see if you don't need to take a weekend off from humanity.


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66. "so if a message isn't actually being shut down at all"
In response to Reply # 57


that doesn't matter, because you're still angry about one tiny situation where it didn't get to spread exactly the way it wanted to.

it's almost like you make no sense - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Sat May-28-16 04:58 PM

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50. "so, the answer is you're an idiot."
In response to Reply # 24

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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52. "Wonderful contribution"
In response to Reply # 50




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53. "I know right?"
In response to Reply # 52

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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In response to Reply # 24


meanwhile regular everyday women are getting chased into public bathrooms by men who don't think they look enough like women.

but you're concerned that some asshole isn't speaking at a graduation.

when that specific asshole can speak at any dozens of graduations with no problem.

but you want to make sure that the rich asshole whose points are already being spread far and wide has yet another speaking opportunity.

you are not concerned with inequality - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Sat May-28-16 06:12 PM

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58. "Dogg...what are you foaming at the mouth about?"
In response to Reply # 54


You said I was an idiot if I think anyone is getting shut down. I gave a few off hand examples of speeches getting shut down and you called me an idiot again?

>meanwhile regular everyday women are getting chased into
>public bathrooms by men who don't think they look enough like
>but you're concerned that some asshole isn't speaking at a
>when that specific asshole can speak at any dozens of
>graduations with no problem.
>but you want to make sure that the rich asshole whose points
>are already being spread far and wide has yet another speaking
>you are not concerned with inequality

This ain't about individual commencement speakers or bathrooms or whatever. This is about the general direction and attitude that youth activism is moving towards, which is very visible on college campuses.
The "we don't like it, so we are going to make sure it can not be said here" attitude.

All I'm saying is that I don't believe that is the way to go and that it is a very dangerous approach to take.



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Sat May-28-16 06:14 PM

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59. "they're not getting shut down"
In response to Reply # 58


you're a liar.

Donald Trump is speaking just fine. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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60. "Did Donald Trump speak in Chicago? "
In response to Reply # 59


Did that troll speak at DePaul?



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65. "is donald trump speaking constantly?"
In response to Reply # 60



it's not the responsibility of "millenials" to make sure that trump's events happen.

you cannot blame for that.

unless you're an idiot. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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27. "1984 shit. its scary. nm"
In response to Reply # 0



on sabbatical.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?


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40. "Yep"
In response to Reply # 27



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63. "leaving the protest feeling satisfied, buying some Starbucks w/"
In response to Reply # 27



their Visa in a chip reader while tweeting on a phone built by child labor and tracked by the NSA

Meanwhile kids in Afghanistan & Yemen are looking in the sky hoping a bomb doesn't kill their family

True revolutionaries these people are

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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30. "It feels like a capitulation to me..."
In response to Reply # 0



Has the right waged an exceptional media war over the past several decades? Yes...the left sucks at that shit.

However I don't think strong arming the opposition in this particular way is the way to go. It just feels like, I can't beat you with facts or rhetoric, so I'm just going to stop you from speaking all together.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard


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31. "i appreciate this explanation/opinion"
In response to Reply # 30



it feels like the progressive, liberal side of culture/politics has (consciously or not) taken on the tools and tactics of the oppressor. it looks and feels ugly.



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32. "I will agree that OKP mods be on smthg else"
In response to Reply # 0



I don't know which one specifically
but say anything that is to The Right politically (ie you're against abortion, same sex marriage or the food stamp program) and you'll be GHOST

funny thing is, i had a gay dude sleep over my house the other night (my nieces lil gay friend from college) so I have no problem with gays but if you say you don't want your kids to be gay or transgender then you get BANNED

i can say kill all the white people all day long on this site
but if I post that Boom Bye Bye video....BANNED

your site
your rules
i get it
but that makes okp no better than the nazi germany gestapos with the censoring tactics

dude is up here taunting a guy that has confessed to having a mid life crisis all while being severely depressed and having suicidal ideation but mods let all that slide
Corey has been tauingtin bin's weight issues in the subject line of posts for over a decade, but mods let that slide

why bother?

i guess thats why only three dozen of us continue to post here

i want to leave
but for me its an addiction

pink toes:


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35. "confessions should be off limits"
In response to Reply # 32


but if you tell people to suck dick and die or calling people noggers and coons...

how much sympathy can you really expect?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Sat May-28-16 11:50 AM

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37. "you can't be serious..."
In response to Reply # 32



>I don't know which one specifically
>but say anything that is to The Right politically (ie you're
>against abortion, same sex marriage or the food stamp program)
>and you'll be GHOST

completely inaccurate. there are plenty of post currently in progress that disprove your example.

>funny thing is, i had a gay dude sleep over my house the other
>night (my nieces lil gay friend from college) so I have no
>problem with gays but if you say you don't want your kids to
>be gay or transgender then you get BANNED

again, completely inaccurate. less than a handful of people have ever been banned from this community. *ftr: i really wish y'all would recognize the difference btwn 'banned' and a timeout. banning is permanent.

>i can say kill all the white people all day long on this site
>but if I post that Boom Bye Bye video....BANNED

wrong. you can't do either of those lol. post anything against the guidelines and it'll be removed. continue to disregard those guidelines and YOU'LL be put on timeout.

>your site
>your rules
>i get it
>but that makes okp no better than the nazi germany gestapos
>with the censoring tactics
>dude is up here taunting a guy that has confessed to having a
>mid life crisis all while being severely depressed and having
>suicidal ideation but mods let all that slide

wrong. people are often warned about posting personal/sensitive info here (yet, rarely heed that warning). problem is those same people show up in other dialogues thinkin' shit's all good, quick to judge others with condescending replies. THEN they wanna feign ignorance and play the victim when someone decides to call them out on their bs hypocrisy. no one in this community is beyond reproach, but somethings should probably be left alone. mods aren't sanitation workers. clean up your own act.

>Corey has been tauingtin bin's weight issues in the subject
>line of posts for over a decade, but mods let that slide

you're an idiot if you've been around this site for YEARS and don't recognize the time-honored tradition of "jone on an okp."

c'mon, man. if you're gonna bring up examples, at least find some that actually support your argument.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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46. "Serious as a heart attack"
In response to Reply # 37



>>funny thing is, i had a gay dude sleep over my house the
>>night (my nieces lil gay friend from college) so I have no
>>problem with gays but if you say you don't want your kids to
>>be gay or transgender then you get BANNED
>again, completely inaccurate. less than a handful of people
>have ever been banned from this community. *ftr: i really wish
>y'all would recognize the difference btwn 'banned' and a
>timeout. banning is permanent.

You realize I was "on timeout" for over a year, right?
In social media terms that is BANNED
If you get locked out of your twitter acct for over a year and twitter don't tell you HOW LONG or WHY you've been placed on timeout, you think that's 25L right?

>>i can say kill all the white people all day long on this
>>but if I post that Boom Bye Bye video....BANNED
>wrong. you can't do either of those lol. post anything against
>the guidelines and it'll be removed. continue to disregard
>those guidelines and YOU'LL be put on timeout.

Are you SERIOUS?
Shall I got and show you how many times murph and labeathustler talk oh so bad about "repugs" and them repugs being white people and trashy and this and that
atillah more?
boogie down brotha?
man there are SEVERAL posters here that talk BAAAD about white people
say they smell like dog and all
But let someone say "don't hire black people if you want your business to be run efficiently and profitable" then you'll be on timeout for 6 months

I can ask why black people brand new subdivisions be trashy within 5 years and I get all condemnation then TIMEOUT for a couple weeks
just for asking a question

I can say I don't like gay people = TIMEOUT
I can say I CANT STAND WHITE PEOPLE and the post will go plat with everyone joining in and talking bad about white people (or substitute "repugs")

how can someone talk about Sarah Palin like devil reincarnate and it's all heehee howhow
but let me say Michelle Obama looks like a transgender cis-female in Oscar De La Renta dress and BANNED

it's like yall pick and choose what you want to give someone timeout for and it is the most silliest of things

again, big kuntry was going HARD at atruhead's manic depressive episode and attempt suicides but nobody did NOTHING
hell, the posts are probably still up

>>Corey has been tauingtin bin's weight issues in the subject
>>line of posts for over a decade, but mods let that slide
>you're an idiot if you've been around this site for YEARS and
>don't recognize the time-honored tradition of "jone on an

time honored tradition?
well, in that case
time honored tradition was calling women all kinds of bitches hoes and sluts (which i've NEVER done because i just dont do that in life)
because that WAS the precedent around here for MANY years and i've been here long enough to be a charter member
your site
your rules
the rules say nothing about "time honored traditions"

also again, you let those "time honored traditions" slide then yall are some fake ass "progressives" who are no better than racist white people with "time honored traditions" of putting a "boy" in his place.

>c'mon, man. if you're gonna bring up examples, at least find
>some that actually support your argument.

the last one got deleted but only after bin complained and started a spinoff and only then after it reached 200 posts
folks was in there saying when they called bin a fatass they weren't really calling HIM a fatass but just "the essence of his online persona" a fatass

pink toes:


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48. "Don't be no flashlight cop. Do your job..."
In response to Reply # 46



This has been up since early yesterday
I know yall don't get paid to be mods
But good NIGHT
I think when you start taunting folks that have already confessed to be fragile mentally and having suicidal thoughts then yall mods need to delete posts which push those people even FURTHER towards suicide with the quickness

But if I posted something about me not wanting transgendered folks in bathrooms of their choice then BANNNED with the quickness
(i could care less where folks use the bathroom, I'm just giving an example of what positions yall OKP folks champion HELLA hard)

it's like yall want to create this "safe space" for gays lez LGBT folk but forget about others or just trample everyone else's feelings.
your site
your rules
but OKP wasn't started as a LGBT site
it was simply about MUSIC
now it's on some SJW steez

but here's the post:

Fri May-27-16 01:42 PM

52. "lol further proof that you're crazy, how many times you gonna fake..."

In response to Reply # 51

pretend like you're done responding to me?! whats the over/under on this?

And lol @ my life being trash, have you read your confession weds post?!
you're the poster boy for manic depression and bipolar disorder yet you're rooting and defending someone who took his life cuz he was prolly plagued by the same thing that you're battling.

Nothing good will come to you...look at you, youre pathetic!

You wanna pretend like you're above it all wit these pretentious replies you keep shooting back but, in reality you're a feeble excuse for a man that can't find his own happiness cuz you're stuck in a bubble that youve
created. Youre an emotional mess that cant come to grips wit the fact that you will never be able to perform to youre maximum potential. You're stuck being a melodramatic n*gga who will have overwrought children and live an unstable, neurotic life forever.

pink toes:


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Sat May-28-16 03:42 PM

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49. "how could i forget about my brutha from anuth mutha DEADZOMBIE"
In response to Reply # 48



dude goes HARD on white ppl
says black ppl that marry whites aint shit
said john forte ordered his wife up like a piece of pizza

and dude was posting for looooong time after i got banned
he did about a week in the bing
came back out and doing the SAME THING

but i was still in ADSEG for only god knows what

but again,
your site
your rules

pink toes:


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68. "So when did you first notice that you hate black people? "
In response to Reply # 49
Sun May-29-16 06:48 AM by Lardlad95



.(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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Sun May-29-16 10:32 AM

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75. "everything you just said is bullshit..."
In response to Reply # 49


   want it to be one way © the wire.

so you made this about you?

all this because you feel some kinda way about being put on timeout? esp after being warned about your previous behavior? you played chicken and lost, then have the nerve to complain about not knowing how long you'd be on timeout???


thanks for the input. this convo is over.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Sat May-28-16 10:09 AM

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33. "I've been dying for ppl to discuss this. I'm with you 100,000%"
In response to Reply # 0



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36. "Social norms are moving the way they've always moved. "
In response to Reply # 0



with societal pressure, exclusion and social consequences.
This ain't new. It's new to you.



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38. "Nah. These strong-arm bully tactics are relatively new "
In response to Reply # 36
Sat May-28-16 11:53 AM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


Not just new to me. Especially on college campuses.

Maybe activists wanted to employ them in the past and were unsuccessful?
But now they have the power to influence administrators, get people fired, and to intimidate the opposition.

There has been periods of social change brought on by methods like this. But, for the most part, they weren't good changes



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39. "It's never been for the good, and more extreme now. But "
In response to Reply # 38


I kinda think it's all about to jump the shark


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43. "you know y'all are full of shit about this right?"
In response to Reply # 39



talk to leftists for most of the past century, or trayvon, or lgbtq people, or women, or muslims about strong arm tactics.

every teaching contract i've ever signed has been full of some strong arm bullshit, whether it had to do with anti-union sentiment, or religious doctrine, or testing/curriculum mandates.

if y'all really want to help, don't fall for the okeydoke and pretend that somehow some loud teenagers and university administrators are even on that level.

let's not stand for making real corruption and intolerance invisible just because it's mundane.


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Sat May-28-16 01:02 PM

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44. "This makes me feel like we're talking about two completely different thi..."
In response to Reply # 43


I'm simply talking about the free expression of opinions and ideas, and the trending strategy used to quell those with opposing ideas.

I'm well aware that those with power can strong arm their way into getting what they want. While problematic in its own right, this isn't that.

To relate your teaching contract example to what I'm attempting to get at, it's like if you arranged a forum to discuss the your beef with the religious items in the contract.
But the other side just keeps pulling the fire alarm so it won't ever take place. Or you are threatened with your job for participating (this one fits with the anti-union part)

>every teaching contract i've ever signed has been full of some
>strong arm bullshit, whether it had to do with anti-union
>sentiment, or religious doctrine, or testing/curriculum



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Sat May-28-16 01:59 PM

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45. "the only difference is one is an imagined threat and one is a real one"
In response to Reply # 44
Sat May-28-16 02:03 PM by rob



>I'm simply talking about the free expression of opinions and
>ideas, and the trending strategy used to quell those with
>opposing ideas.

but those ideas ARE being freely expressed. these activists are trying to interrupt the repetition of memes. i don't think they've been particularly successful, but CERTAINLY don't believe they're violating anyone's right to free speech.

I'm 100% with anyone who says "it's dumb to throw bottles at cops providing security in san diego."

but it's just wrong to take it further and buy into this narrative that hitting pause on a donald trump speech (a speech where he isn't even going to use complete sentences, in a campaign where everyone will be exposed to days worth of his voice backed by billions of media money) is at all equivalent to the silencing and intolerance others have felt.

>I'm well aware that those with power can strong arm their way
>into getting what they want. While problematic in its own
>right, this isn't that.

that strong arming is this and more, though. they're not different species.

>To relate your teaching contract example to what I'm
>attempting to get at, it's like if you arranged a forum to
>discuss the your beef with the religious items in the
>But the other side just keeps pulling the fire alarm so it
>won't ever take place. Or you are threatened with your job for
>participating (this one fits with the anti-union part)

i have had contracts in the past where i would have been fired for arranging a forum. you don't need to pull a fire alarm when you own the building. the interpretation of the contract is that to discuss your beef, you've violated the contract. i chose to make that compromise when i signed, and i have to reckon with it in my own way, but silence is still institutionalized in this country.


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Sat May-28-16 07:52 PM

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64. "seems like you're conflating different things "
In response to Reply # 45



shutting down an individual opinion is not the same as fighting against a larger system of propaganda

It is hypocritical and counterproductive and just because corporations & government still manipulate & control the flow of ideas to the right doesn't make it ok to act like a bitch because you disagree with somebody

Repressive desublimation wins again

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Sun May-29-16 08:30 AM

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70. "It's a baby with the bathwater scenario"
In response to Reply # 64



Any ground roots movement is going to have your loons attaching themselves to it; protestors because in their circle its fashionable, people trying to consolidate power for themselves, people who just want to hurt other people.

While we can critique the left for not policing themselves when members trip out, like I said above ill take it with a new energized left in general. In this political environment its unfortunate but I firmly believe that once they take the rational 'our bad' stance on bad actors all that would happen is the right would seize it and use it to discredit the rest of the movement.

It's how they throw the nutty 'New Black Panther' on Foxnews whenever there's a heartless police murder.

It's how they drag some good ol boy and push him in the camera talking about taxes are killing him whenever there's any real movement for corporate tax reform.



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Sun May-29-16 09:53 AM

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71. "i feel you"
In response to Reply # 70



but i think progressives still need to be critical of each other when appropriate, the pitfall is letting disagreements over tactics undermine the movements

in a way, the open mockery of "woke" or "hotep" or whatever could be viewed in the same light (or vice versa with intolerant folks claiming conscious while denigrating women or LGBTQ or what have you)

or say progressive Muslims who would allow religious concerns to divide them from other marginalized groups

COINTELPRO worked because it divided those who should have been able to work together

so i understand

but still, immature and intolerant tactics should be analyzed & held to critical standards or we will just have chaos and as MLK said the replacement of one tyranny with another

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Sun May-29-16 11:44 AM

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78. "the problem is that none of these posts (or the op-eds by concerned libe..."
In response to Reply # 71



are about specific criticisms. they're blanket dismissals of an entire generation of activists and important movements.

and again...i don't understand why we need to pretend that the criticism of their methods is not inherently linked to the myriad of tools that the status quo has for controlling the debate. mlk could talk about the replacement of one tyranny with another, but his sentiments about war and poverty have largely been erased. he was still assassinated.

there's more there that's aligned with the millennial activists than their critics.


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Sun May-29-16 12:18 PM

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79. "good points "
In response to Reply # 78



Even going back to the Birmingham Jail letter King was clear about the middling slow progress advocated by liberals of the day

BUT King consistently designed his strategy & tactics in ways that drew attention to the PROBLEM, not himself

And I COMPLETELY agree that the years of his life after the Dream speech have conveniently been written out of the history books

Still, *some* of these current tactics are much more like an immature version of Weatherman type activism as opposed to the kind of activism King was involved in

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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51. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 38


this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life.

If you think that people getting fired for their views is something brand new, or somehow something invented by or exclusively and extensively used by "progressives" then you've never existed in the world prior to 2011 or so.

tell me more tales of this US where everyone has had a voice throughout history, or ever. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Sat May-28-16 07:04 PM

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61. "damn, you tried again after failing the first time"
In response to Reply # 36



Tenacity is a good quality

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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C. Thelonius
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Sat May-28-16 02:17 PM

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47. "Cmon, this aint new to the 00s and 10s."
In response to Reply # 0



This has happened in protests and counterprotests for years. People are tired of the bullshit.

#NP: Janelle Monae-DC, Pusha T-Daytona, Royce-Book of Ryan, Blue Note All-Stars-OPOV, Chris Dave/Drumhedz-Glow, Conway-GOAT, Black Milk-Fever, KRIT-4eva Is a Mighty.., Phonte-NNIGN, August Greene, Jericho Jackson


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Sun May-29-16 12:24 AM

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67. "I haven't fact checked this, but if this is for real, its a great exampl..."
In response to Reply # 0
Sun May-29-16 12:40 AM by Jon


(edit to include swipe)

HEADLINE: College Kids Demand ‘Counseling’ After Being Traumatized From Seeing Single Confederate Flag Sticker

“Good Lord” this must be a Thanksgiving Day prank, however it isn’t! It seems that the cupcake generation, those young folks attending universities need to be protected at seeing objectionable images, however not the kind that you would think of as being objectionable, perhaps seeing young Christians being beheaded, or the recent carnage in Paris!

I’m afraid not, this generation of protective “bubble-wrapped” students in Massachusetts were actually traumatized by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop, however to make the matter even more bizarre the Framingham State University offered counseling services to the “traumatized students”.

The offer came after the university’s “chief diversity and inclusion officer,” Sean Huddleston, described the display of the small Confederate flag sticker as a “bias incident.”

Huddleston said the flag and other symbols “are not condoned by Framingham State University, stating; “Many see the Confederate flag as an inflammatory symbol of oppression and constant reminder of a dark period in the history of the United States in which slavery was a legal,” Huddleston continued, while “Others may simply view this flag as a symbol of shared southern heritage and in memory of the Civil War.”

According to Metrowest Daily News, students filed two “bias reports” within the past month as a result of a student displaying the flag in some way.

The most recent bias incident reported on November 19, was a report of a student having seen a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop.

Huddleston further described “bias incidents” as “situations that may not rise to the level of a criminal act, but still clearly communicate offensive or derogatory behaviors.”

What seems apparent is that universities are fast becoming places of social and intellectual intolerance, where speaking your mind is now directed to places called “free speech zones” and where critical thinking is now reserved strictly within you thoughts, for fear of being branded.

(End swipe)

The Confederate flag is wack, but one serious concern I have is the fact that millenials are becoming incapable of dealing with the tiniest rubs and have to hit level 100 over everything


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Sun May-29-16 08:09 AM

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69. "There's also a false equivelency between right+left wing propaganda"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun May-29-16 08:16 AM by BigReg



And while it's not PImp's purpose here, I always find it interesting how that's one of the things that the right complains about and expects to get treated fairly on (the facebook issue)

The left isn't rewriting textbooks to erase out history they don't like (There was no such thing as slavery and they got treated nicely when they got here, etc).

The left isn't engaging in dog whistle politics to the point people lose their lives, then hiding hiding their hands (remember how the Charleston massacre was just 'anti-christian"?)

The left may be fostering an environment where some rational opposing views get lost in the sauce but they aren't criminalizing them (abortion clinics)

Awhile ago went to a house party that had a cool vibe except a group of biological born queer women who took EXTRA offense to the girl I was dating acknowledging one of them not as the sex she identified with upon first meeting one of them (how was she supposed to know if she just met you?!?).

But that's nothing compared to some of the 'interesting' conversations ive had among a group of white people in long island, feel me?

That original group was just being pretentious holier then thou motherfuckers which would have found a reason to be dicks no matter what; they were gender fluid so its soft accusing someone of being transphobic, it would have been 'Mean Girls' behavior if they were straight, pretty and lightskinned, and we all know how they would have been if they were Patriot's fans.

The second group considering they were cops? They've ruined lives.


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Sun May-29-16 10:01 AM

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72. "the larger propaganda system definitley skews way right "
In response to Reply # 69



because for corporatism to thrive inequality must thrive as well

but, again, i urge people to look into the concept of repressive desublimation...essentially using things that were once considered "bad" in society as means of draining political energy away from a larger movement

Marcuse is the author of the concept, his book The One Dimensional Man is very interesting, a foundational text of the New Left that many back then seemed to ignore despite its importance to the movement

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Sun May-29-16 10:10 AM

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73. "im not sure if anyone is attempting to equate a 'mean girls' response"
In response to Reply # 69



with the devistation that police have wreaked on lives.
maybe someone did above, ive not read all of the responses.

i think comparing the two is absured. what is important for me to acknowledge is the actions of those of us on the left side of the aisle, and how those actions can be harmful (even oppressive). i would not want to measure my actions against those individuals who embrace oppressive systems, for a few reasons. bc of course my actions would be viewed as tame, comparatively...and thats part of whats dangerous to me, the "well im not a cop shooting people in the street, so what im doing is ok" belief.



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Sun May-29-16 10:25 AM

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74. "the problem is that most progressive movements ultimately devolve into....."
In response to Reply # 73



oppressive institutions themselves if they are successful at gaining sufficient power...power corrupts, period

and its often because these things were not dealt with early in the life of the movement

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Jan 22nd 2014
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Sun May-29-16 10:34 AM

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76. "i would be reluctant to believe an absolute like "power corrupts, period..."
In response to Reply # 74



but i do think its important to check ones actions. and when (if) you compare your actions against cops who murder, its easy to feel justified in pretty much whatever you do lol.



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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Sun May-29-16 10:46 AM

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77. "indeed "
In response to Reply # 76
Sun May-29-16 10:50 AM by philpot



i liken it to a parent not trying to correct immature behaviors in a child

failure to do so will lead the kids to carry these immaturities into adulthood which has the potential to be VERY dangerous and destructive, even if only to that individual

and i JUST had to get buck with my own kids, but i love them so it still hurts to criticize them forcefully but it HAS to be done

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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80. "You're right..."
In response to Reply # 69


I didn't want to get into a 'the other side does this 10x worse' kind of discussion. But these activist's actions probably have very little impact and really don't cause anyone any harm (other than maybe annoyance)

I'm really just concerned with the philosophy behind this style of activism and the consequences if it becomes a widely accepted way to deal with opposition



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