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Lobby General Discussion topic #13215581

Subject: "Man. WTF is my problem? (business+life shit)" Previous topic | Next topic
double negative
Member since Dec 14th 2007
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Mon Nov-27-17 08:52 PM

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"Man. WTF is my problem? (business+life shit)"



no where else to vent this one but here.

I'm thinking about this after seeing an ex start up her 9th business and I'm like...

when will I find my viable idea?

when will I take action?

I'm down for failure but I'm not down to fail ya dig?

I'm at my cubicle hating my job. Funny thing, this aint even a cubicle sort of job - its just my department. They giveth no shits about what we do.
After busting ass for years I hit the place I want to be and I see it all its cracked up to be.

Essentially, the feeling of knowing there is more to life than just working is hitting me like a ton of bricks, esp now that I have a son.

I made an attempt to start a tech start up and I failed - I knew it was going to happen, most startups fail but I did it for the experience. We had a good idea, but we missed a lot of steps + not being in the right place or time.

Before that, years and years ago I had a small company that managed to generate livable income. It was also great experience but there was no way I could have turned it into a sustainable income generator.

Now? For the past two years I've been reading every business thing I can get my hands on. From actual factual quant related stuff to soft skills or autobiographies of folks I look up to.

Crossroads like a motherfucker.



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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
Man. It’s all about taking that leap
Nov 27th 2017
definitely. and I'm no stranger to long hours.
Nov 27th 2017
It's not a problem at all.
Nov 27th 2017
the struggle is real.
Nov 28th 2017
Been running my side business for 2 years now.....
Nov 28th 2017
With my side hustle, I am not as good at is as I want to be...
Nov 28th 2017
If not now. when?
Nov 28th 2017
That's the rub.....
Nov 28th 2017
      fair point...
Nov 28th 2017
i sacrificed my career for my wifes
Nov 28th 2017
Nov 29th 2017
my in-laws are the most self-sufficient ppl i've ever met
Nov 28th 2017

Member since May 05th 2011
80055 posts
Mon Nov-27-17 09:00 PM

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1. "Man. It’s all about taking that leap"
In response to Reply # 0


and that shit is scary as hell.

I feel you tho. Once I had kids I was like “work all day and night?” Gotta be more to life than that.

Here is the catch tho... most people starting businesses work looooong hours but I guess since it’s your shit it may not feel like work?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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double negative
Member since Dec 14th 2007
22151 posts
Mon Nov-27-17 09:15 PM

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2. "definitely. and I'm no stranger to long hours. "
In response to Reply # 1



if ball is life then work is life too damnit

its that leap part thats fucking with me too



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Member since Nov 14th 2004
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Mon Nov-27-17 11:16 PM

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3. "It's not a problem at all."
In response to Reply # 0



The reality is you have to take into account business failure relative to your needs.

Do you have enough resources available to take losses for six months to a year or more?

Would you be better off starting a smaller business with low startup costs in order to make a little money on the side?

The trend moving forward is working a soul less job because you have to in order to pay bills. Yes, you can quit now but paying bills becomes difficult. Let's say you sit out and can't find a job. After a point you have to take an en worse job just to pay bills. If this happens you're better off staying in your current field and not dealing with the losses.

You have a child so whatever move you make project the gains and losses from his perspective. What would he gain and what could he lose? If losses weigh higher than wins then cancel the idea, in my opinion, as your seed comes first. Nothing worse than walking into a house with the lights and having to figure out how to get it back on, from what I've heard.

Starting up a business is easy. Pay whatever $00 to your state and get your name. At bare minimum get your name and build your business at your own pace. Just become the homie has 9 businesses doesn't mean you need to rush and start one tomorrow. Take your time and build it your way.

If any other person were driving the country's culture other than the guy in President Obama's former office I'd say start the business but now take your time. Business environments change swiftly when the leader of the country is rash and profit driven to an absurd extent.


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Member since Jun 15th 2007
85145 posts
Tue Nov-28-17 09:35 AM

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6. "the struggle is real."
In response to Reply # 3



>The trend moving forward is working a soul less job because
>you have to in order to pay bills. Yes, you can quit now but
>paying bills becomes difficult. Let's say you sit out and
>can't find a job. After a point you have to take an en worse
>job just to pay bills. If this happens you're better off
>staying in your current field and not dealing with the losses.

<--- Big Baller World Order


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Member since Sep 18th 2002
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Tue Nov-28-17 09:25 AM

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4. "Been running my side business for 2 years now....."
In response to Reply # 0



Gotten so many comments along the lines of "Why aren't you doing this full time?" or "Your work is better than the guy that was going to charge me 3 times this amount" or "Why aren't you my General Contractor?" etc....

it's scary...
the prospect of failure and failing and being ass out with no income legit frightens me. I've been employed since I was 16. NEVER known a stretch of time more than 2 months that I didn't have a job. It's not even that I LIKE working...I just don't like the idea of being perceived as lazy or not productive. plus I like being able to buy shit....

On one hand, I feel like I owe it to my kids to be a reliable provider, and that is easier with a steady job working FOR someone (federal in my case).... but then there's so much appeal to being able to demonstrate to your kids what being self sufficient and handling your own biz is about....

I feel you though.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."


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Charter member
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Tue Nov-28-17 09:30 AM

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5. "With my side hustle, I am not as good at is as I want to be..."
In response to Reply # 0



but I am better at it than most and am confident that I would have been as good as the people who make careers out of it IF I had started earlier.

I don't want to quit my day job until I am as good as I want to be at it, and yet, I won't get as good as I want to be without quiting my day job.

Also, I really really don't like being broke.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Charter member
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Tue Nov-28-17 09:51 AM

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7. "If not now. when? "
In response to Reply # 0



That was my son’s response when I was against the idea of quitting his job to start the business. I was more afraid of him not having health care, steady income...stability.

I forget sometimes he’s a grown man...

The thing about Charlotte is whatever you’re selling there’s a buyer. I fronted all the money because I believe in his dream - hell, he inspired me. I’m so broke now so that me the only reason I’m here at this mindless job; however, we just got a major lead so any day now I’m planning my exit.

faith is what keeps me...

do it Double


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Member since Sep 18th 2002
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Tue Nov-28-17 10:16 AM

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8. "That's the rub....."
In response to Reply # 7
Tue Nov-28-17 10:16 AM by FLUIDJ



You're his safety net maybe?
That's good stuff to have.
The older we get, the weaker that net is...and eventually it's non-existant.


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Charter member
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Tue Nov-28-17 12:32 PM

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9. "fair point..."
In response to Reply # 8



it definitely helps to have someone support your dream...


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Member since Oct 18th 2004
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Tue Nov-28-17 01:35 PM

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10. "i sacrificed my career for my wifes"
In response to Reply # 0



and I have my up and down days about it (mostly up)
but for me...i did not have something I was passionate about that would have generated the income I desired
I settled in order to be the ground my wife needed to build hers
she went from making half as much as 2.5X
shes happier
i guess my passion is her in a way


Navem nu, cuando sol
Tutu nu, vondo nos nu
Vita em, no continous non
Nos nu ekta nos sepe ta, amen

When the sun shades the ship
We sweat and life is not safe
To swim or to touch not
When we unite we hedge amen


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Wed Nov-29-17 08:36 AM

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12. "Damn"
In response to Reply # 10


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Charter member
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Tue Nov-28-17 08:15 PM

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11. "my in-laws are the most self-sufficient ppl i've ever met"
In response to Reply # 0



pretty much the entire fam (including wifey). pops in law lived dirt poor as the first born/big bro with a family of 11 or 12 (standard number back then cos both my parents had same amount of siblings). he never got to have a formal education as a result, but knew how to work his ass off.
at one point he joined the Russian army and was being 'betrothed' to some high-ranking general's daughter, til he met future mama-in-law and they ran away together. each step of the way, he's had to conjure up a business and money where there was none.
at some point in the 70s/80s (like a lot of us), they came to Australia. pops, not knowing how to read, write or speak English, started a fucking CONSTRUCTION company lol.
he made millions.
then a recession hit and they lost everything.
for the last 20-30yrs, he's just been working from home on various projects. one year he starts a boat-repair business, the next he's become a puppy-breeder, meanwhile he makes his own honey, beef jerky, wine and ouzo & he builds and remodels entire rooms of the house as a hobby. he basically learns by doing research (after he forced himself to learn how to read the language) and then puts a plan into action.
moms-in-law also works from home doing child care for the last 20yrs.
their two sons have genius-level intellects and have never worked a 9-5 in their LIFE. they too start up businesses to make income (long term foodstuffs/survival foods, educational tutoring, trading on the stock exchange). the ONLY downside is that their lives are the exception to the norm, and sometimes you need to experience the norm. the sons have no concept of going out there and working for someone else, at times to their detriment. they have no practical experience working in the system & therefore no job history.

it's the weirdest fucking thing to be around lol. i ran a business once for a couple years from 2010-2012 with my own family. it was our first. just a little liquor store near the city. but it failed spectacularly. i walked away from that experience knowing that my immediate family has no business running their own business. we just weren't that good at it. so to see it work so efficiently and effortlessly with the in-laws was eye-opening (my idiot older brother on the other hand, chose to keep at it and has multiple failed attempts under his belt and all the debt that comes with it).
they (in-laws) have literally been their own bosses for decades.
their only problem is the astounding amount of debt they've racked up along the way cos pops became addicted to taking out huge loans every time he needed to fund a new business idea. which leads to other financial difficulties.

i guess the point of my wordy-ass post is that there's a few angles to consider when making the leap. not just the income stream, but whether or not you really truly want to be in that position, or if you would actually *prefer* 9-5ing it cos of the somewhat 'safer' status of the job and income. i loved the experience for the most part, the overall freedom was intoxicating. but we didn't have the right or responsible ppl helping us. and we definitely bit off more than we could chew.
guess it's hard to know til you actually make that leap, but it doesn't hurt to have a million safeguards along the way if u can help it. and most of all, be honest with yourself. i'm not saying give up after one failure, but it's worth it to analyse whether or not you're actually built for this kinda shit (i'm not, thus i plug back into the matrix).





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