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Lobby General Discussion topic #13313062

Subject: "Sorry Democrats, Your NRA is spelled AIPAC" Previous topic | Next topic
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Tue Feb-12-19 02:51 PM

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12. "Sorry Democrats, Your NRA is spelled AIPAC"
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Congressional Democrats really hate the National Rifle Association and its success in shutting down debate on gun policy through intimidation — from cutting off campaign contributions, to funding opponents, to launching primaries, to simply making legislators’ lives miserable through harassment.

Leading gun control Democrats, like Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), rightly understand that, in his words, “we must break the grip of the NRA” if we are ever going to see Congressional action on guns.

Meanwhile Blumenthal, and most of his Democratic colleagues in both Houses, are in the grip of a foreign policy lobby as powerful as the NRA, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC. (Republicans, who come to their militant support for Israeli policies instinctively, don’t warrant AIPAC arm-twisting but Democrats, invariably dovish on all foreign policy issues except Israel, certainly do.)

AIPAC uses the same tactics as the NRA to ensure that the United States never deviates from support for whatever policy the Israeli government is pushing at the moment. These days those policies are: undermining President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, suppressing efforts by Americans to use selective boycotts to end the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza, and, as always, to prevent any pressure on Israel to advance peace with the Palestinians despite the fact that the United States provides more aid to Israel than to any other country.

Having worked in the House and Senate for 20 years, I saw all of AIPAC’s tactics first hand. I also worked at AIPAC itself where, in the very office in which I sat, I watched my colleagues working hard and effectively to end the careers of politicians who deviated from the AIPAC line. (In the interests of honesty I should admit that I had no problems with AIPAC when I worked there. It was only years later, while working on Capitol Hill, that I came to understand that the policy of undeviating support for the Israeli government was not in American interests and that AIPAC sustained that support through rather scary intimidation).

But that is a whole story on its own. I want to focus on how some of the same Democrats who, rightly, are outraged that their Republican colleagues appear to be owned by the NRA act precisely the same way when it comes to the lobby that keeps them on a leash, AIPAC.

As I wrote here in HuffPost in July:

The latest evidence of that slavishness {to AIPAC] comes in the form of growing support among Democrats in both Houses for legislation sponsored by Sen. Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) and co-sponsored by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel, commonly known as BDS. Anyone guilty of violating the prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.

According to the ACLU, the Cardin legislation would “bar U.S. persons from supporting boycotts against Israel, including its settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories (emphasis mine) conducted by international governmental organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union. It would also... include penalties for simply requesting information about such boycotts. Violations would be subject to a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison....This bill would impose civil and criminal punishment on individuals solely because of their political beliefs about Israel and its policies.”

That is pretty amazing. The Cardin bill would essentially blow a giant hole in the First Amendment. Americans would continue to be allowed to hold any belief they want, about pretty much anything, with the exception of Israel. Although I, myself, do not support the boycott Israel movement (BDS), I also know that it was the Montgomery Bus Boycott that launched the civil rights movement. It was international boycotts of South Africa that brought down apartheid. Americans even used boycotts to kill North Carolina’s hateful “bathroom” law designed to punish transgender people. (Apparently, Cardin would permit Americans to boycott a U.S, state, just not the State of Israel.)

The Cardin bill is frightening and, if applied in any other context but the Israeli one, would be inconceivable. But all rules are suspended when it comes to the country about which former Vice President Joe Biden said “there must be no daylight, no daylight” between its policies and those of the United States. Yes, he actually said “no daylight” twice and, no, it is inconceivable that any American leader would say that about any other country, including Canada!

So, naturally, some Democrats — including Senators Schumer (NY), Cantwell (WA), Bennett (CO), Hassan (NH), and Wyden (OR)—and House members including Hoyer (MD), Kennedy (MA), Lieu (CA), Lowey (NY), Schiff (CA), Sinema (AZ)) — are supporting this unconstitutional legislation because AIPAC tells them to. (The full list of House and Senate co-sponsors appear here and here). Worst of all, in both houses, it is Democratic support that will enable the legislation to pass and become law.

But it’s not all bad news. First, the number of Democratic co-sponsors for this AIPAC initiative is much lower than for past efforts when it has usually approached 100 percent. That is because the ever growing progressive base of the Democratic party (Sanders and Clinton supporters both) is finally challenging legislators who are progressive on everything but the Middle East.

In the case of the Cardin bill, one Democratic senator, Kristin Gillibrand (NY), took the unusual step of formally removing her name as co-sponsor after meeting with constituents including ACLU lawyers. And Sen. Cardin’s fellow Maryland senator, Chris Van Hollen, in his first year in the Senate, took the unusual step of breaking with his senior colleague over the bill despite heavy AIPAC lobbying and because his progressive constituents did not allow AIPAC to monopolize the debate as it usually does. Maryland opponents of the Cardin bill have been showing up wherever Maryland legislators appear for months now, including at Cardin events.

In short, while the NRA’s chokehold on Republicans seems tighter than ever, AIPAC’s grip on Democrats is loosening as younger and more progressive activists flex their political muscles. This is all good. And bodes well for the future.

The job. however, is to make all Democrats understand that while we support their positions on other issues, Middle East policy is the real litmus test.

After all, most Democrats are not subject to unrelenting pressure from lobbies and donors who oppose their positions on equal rights, guns, climate change, choice, etc. And even if they did, they almost always come from states or districts where the progressive position dominates.

That is why, for them, the test case is the Middle East: supporting peace, sovereignty, and security for Israelis and Palestinians both, as well as supporting the Iranian nuclear deal which is opposed by Israel and its lobby but viewed as indispensable by every other nation on the planet.

Otherwise, they can just shut up about Republicans being owned by the NRA. Bought is bought.


"You can't beat white people. You can only knock them out."


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"It's all about the Benjamin's baby" [View all] , imcvspl, Mon Feb-11-19 10:52 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
She isn't wrong, still needs to be smarter
Feb 12th 2019
Basically all this
Feb 12th 2019
this is what i was trying to explain elsewhere
Feb 12th 2019
what you said
Feb 12th 2019
You can’t speak negative of Israel in America
Feb 12th 2019
the media bends over backwards not to call racist shit racist.
Feb 12th 2019
Feb 12th 2019
the inability to separate
Feb 12th 2019
along with formally defining/standardizing 'semitic' as strictly hebrew.
Feb 12th 2019
The Daily did an interesting episode of AIPAC's transition from D to R
Mar 05th 2019
Sidenote: Rank everyone's verse on the offending song
Feb 12th 2019
How can Jada be last when he stacks chips like Hebrews?
Feb 13th 2019
      Which is still blanked out on Spotify
Feb 13th 2019
anti semites calling someone who isn't anti-semetic, anti-semetic
Feb 12th 2019
I don’t think she meant it like that & they are only going
Feb 12th 2019
All of you are anti-semites for even discussing this topic
Feb 12th 2019
no way in hell that was anti-semitic. n/m
Feb 12th 2019
"Fuck off" is the appropriate answer
Feb 12th 2019
all i know is....SHE FINE
Feb 12th 2019
Intercept article includes receipts
Feb 12th 2019
So all she did was point out the truth
Feb 12th 2019
I will say this
Feb 12th 2019
The lack of nuance allowed on ths subject matter
Feb 12th 2019
reminds me of the lack of nuance allowed in discussing unions
Feb 14th 2019
what she said about AIPAC?
Feb 12th 2019
nobody talked about gop running these mailers against jewish candidates.
Feb 12th 2019
      that's another thing that pissed me off about the Dems
Feb 13th 2019
Superstar freshman Dems replace Pelosi as GOP targets
Feb 12th 2019
the only thing repubs know how to do is negatively define candidates.
Feb 12th 2019
Exactly what I was thinking
Feb 13th 2019
Clearly guilty of Crimethink, which is a form of...
Feb 12th 2019
aipac raises money off ilhan omar tweet.
Feb 12th 2019
yet Kamala and the Dem Establishment are in line with AIPAC
Feb 13th 2019
      is this the establishment or the new energy?
Feb 13th 2019
           it's a deflection
Feb 13th 2019
           fyi im muting you for 30 days. shalom.
Feb 13th 2019
                Guess that's easier than answering direct questions...Salaam
Feb 13th 2019
           for meeting with people and going to a gala with a fellow warrior?
Feb 13th 2019
                riiight she just happens to end up around far right figures
Feb 13th 2019
                     so is that your tactic now - to deflect and not address your candidate?
Feb 13th 2019
                          my tactic is educating you on tulsi gabbard
Feb 13th 2019
                          and you still wont reply to tulsi following alt right stars.
Feb 13th 2019
                               still haven't addressed Kamala and AIPAC
Feb 13th 2019
"The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that we...
Feb 13th 2019
Omar 2036, she's just cooking Elliott Abrams out here
Feb 13th 2019
Omar and AOC in 2036!!!
Feb 13th 2019
      nah, lets freeze Joe Biden's brain and hope technology catches up
Feb 13th 2019
She coulda phrased it better but her message was mostly accurate
Feb 14th 2019
basically - Thomas Friedman essentially said the same thing
Feb 14th 2019
so while everyone was defending aipac. and aipac was defending israel.
Feb 22nd 2019
I apologize for reply #1, where I gave ANY credence
Mar 05th 2019
They clip the rest of Vargas' tweet?
Mar 05th 2019
      That is the most "saying the quiet part loud" I've ever heard
Mar 05th 2019
           Her "don't worry about me" talk was amazing
Mar 05th 2019
                The young leftists get it in a way
Mar 05th 2019
sad part is it aint NEVA gonna be another non white non christian woman
Mar 05th 2019
that's a weird lesson to take from this
Mar 05th 2019
What ?
Mar 05th 2019
FOH. This is nonsense.
Mar 05th 2019
quite the opposite actually
Mar 05th 2019
This is the Democratic party that y'all say we should blindly defer to?
Mar 05th 2019
Yeah. The moderates and centrist ain’t shot.
Mar 05th 2019
No one should blindly defer to anyone
Mar 05th 2019
      Representatives in my state are dead silent about this.
Mar 05th 2019
NYT had a long piece on Aipac yesterday, this part stood out
Mar 05th 2019
plenty of people criticize israel/aipac all the time.
Mar 05th 2019
He’s not talking about voters... he is talking about the established D...
Mar 05th 2019
Oh, it's definitely a disconnect between voters and their reps
Mar 05th 2019
wild part is most evangelical christians support israel/zionism because
Mar 05th 2019
      Right, their stated goal is a future where
Mar 05th 2019
Mar 05th 2019
but i get slammed up top for sayin dis a factor tho
Mar 05th 2019
      Doesn’t matter. Obama was a saint and they trashed that man for 8 year...
Mar 05th 2019
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats
Mar 05th 2019
b/w UN says Israel's killings at Gaza protests may amount to war crimes
Mar 05th 2019
This why democrats fail all so often.
Mar 08th 2019
      RE: she misspoke
Mar 08th 2019
Meghan McCain is a terrible, terrible person
Mar 07th 2019
the reason the crocodile tears started...
Mar 08th 2019
lol, you could see her start *vibrating* with anger
Mar 08th 2019
      She's now on Twitter, calling a carton that made fun of her
Mar 08th 2019
SMH@using Somalia as a deflection
Mar 08th 2019
Yep Megan throws a temper tantrum with one of the host every week
Mar 08th 2019
Can’t wait for someone to call out her faux white tears on air.
Mar 08th 2019
increasing number of dem candidates skipping aipac conference this year.
Mar 21st 2019
I think she's moved the needle on this issue
Mar 21st 2019
      At least she's in a very solid blue district
Mar 21st 2019
      yeah i think shes fine.
Mar 21st 2019
      i think dems took the temperature of the base
Mar 21st 2019
           I hope you're right
Mar 21st 2019
                AIPAC ain’t gonna do shit besides use her to raise money
Mar 21st 2019
Did you hear the one about the prominent donor who called 2 US Reps
Mar 28th 2019
They're going to kill her
Apr 11th 2019

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