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Lobby Okay Activist Archives topic #22846

Subject: "As a Gen-Xer" This topic is locked.
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Tue Aug-01-00 03:42 PM

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2. "As a Gen-Xer"
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you should start by forgetting about social security and start saving for retirement. Social security has never been a "fund" that you pay into, earn interest or dividends, and then receive "your" money back when you retire. It was always set up in such a way that the people who are paying money right now are doing so in order to support the people who are old right now. Sometimes there are surpluses, but don't get confused over who it's for or what it's about.

So now, do I have you convinced that there's nothing to care about? Oooooh nooooo! Wait! Read on!

First, presidential elections. In some respects, they're probably the least important election you can vote in. What does the president really do, after all? He (excuse the gender bias here) doesn't pass legislation although he may introduce it or veto it (but if Congress feels strongly enough about it they can override his veto). What does he do? HE NOMINATES SUPREME COURT JUSTICES. That's the single most important thing that a president does. The next president will likely nominate three. That will impact your daily life for decades. Really. Daily life. Decades.

So vote so that your basic rights as a citizen will be protected by a Supreme Court that more accurately reflects your concerns because it was nominated by a president who represents you (or represents you better than someone else).

Another thing about presidential elections -- how much does your vote "count," anyway? Not much, huh? It's one little tiny vote in a country filled with little tiny votes and then they all get passed through the electoral college. Wow. Pretty useless, right? Wrong. If every person in the country who secretly thought of themselves as an Apathetic Gen-Xer were to vote (and I don't care even whether they all voted for the same person, just that they all vote), the country would be changed. The last person who energized the "youth" of this country and turned 'em out in numbers was Eugene McCarthy -- and that was before the federal voting age was lowered to 18. So that was a waste. No one, no one has been able to get young people to turn out in high numbers. What a radical statement it would be, what a revolution would be started, if people from 18 to 25 were to vote.

So try voting to make that statement.

Finally, take a good long look at that voter information pamphlet. There is a whole lot more on the ballot than just the presidential election. There are senators and representatives who are up for election/re-election. There are state level legislators on the ballot. There are county/city positions being filled, including judges -- the people that will act as judges in YOUR community. There are also laws being voted on, including tax laws, bond issues and, depending on your jurisdiction, maybe some vote-sponsored referenda or initiatives.

The smaller the community that gets to vote on the issue, the more your vote counts and the more likely you are to be affected by the outcome.

Don't let old, energetic people with nothing better to do than to volunteer at the League of Women Voters determine the outcome of these matters. Just because they're retired and don't want to sit around watching tv all day doesn't mean that you should let them dominate the elections. Besides, they're the ones that are eating up the Social Security money you pay each month!



I can't tell you the specific issues on your ballot, because I don't know what they are, where you are, etc. But I guarantee you that, even if you don't think this or that issue matters much, making your voice heard DOES matter.

Have I gone on long enough? I can rant some more if you need it. Just let me know.


~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Apathetic nonvoter right 'chere. [View all] , Numba_33, Tue Aug-01-00 01:39 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Dear Apathetic nonvoter,
Aug 01st 2000
Im for an equal tax n/m
Aug 02nd 2000
You mean a flat tax?
Aug 02nd 2000
People don't vote because
Aug 10th 2000
      RE: People don't vote because
Aug 10th 2000
      everyone needs to vote
Aug 10th 2000
I have a problem...
Aug 02nd 2000
Think 401K or 403B
Aug 10th 2000
well holy fuck man.
Aug 10th 2000
Aug 10th 2000

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