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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe fact that he's one of the best ball players DOES NOT make it worse
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2623169&mesg_id=2623253
2623253, The fact that he's one of the best ball players DOES NOT make it worse
Posted by micMajestic, Wed Sep-20-17 11:05 AM
>>So cool it's corny, but that's what's happening all around
>you when you post on message boards.
>I can't think of one reason why creating an alias account to
>defend yourself isn't corny. The fact that he's one of the
>best ball players in the world makes it worse. If he was some
>scrub dude doing it, it would make a lil more sense. Still
>corny tho.

That's my main issue with this. He's not any cornier than all the other people that you post along with EVERYDAY that do stuff like this. You're older than him, why does he have to be your hero? All the dudes his age have grown up with/on the internet. Isn't there a possibility that he loves being on the internet just as much, or more than you?