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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectOKP Survivor XII - The Rankings Post
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2570799&mesg_id=2570799
2570799, OKP Survivor XII - The Rankings Post
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Oct-18-16 10:55 AM
You know how we do...

I'll put together some nonsensical rankings and use the site rankings or something and you all can do yours and we'll get the SportsNation poll for the first post of the season.

For clarity on the 13th roster spot: It replaces our IR rule. There will be no policing of said spot. Stash or hold for injury as you see fit.

*I looked at last year's rankings post and this is where I re-posted the updated (at the time) IR rule so it seems like this was probably the best place to post the updated 13th roster spot rule as well. Look at that, consistency!