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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI guess you get a written contract for your encounters with women huh?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2562552&mesg_id=2571455
2571455, I guess you get a written contract for your encounters with women huh?
Posted by auragin_boi, Fri Oct-21-16 09:07 AM
I mean, especially if you've ALREADY been involved.

You got legal briefs full of signed statements from women saying it's ok to do so everytime y'all did your thing huh?

Rose rationale, in context: If we already had it going at my crib (they was already smashing per their testimony) and she's asking us to come by at 1am, she's trying to finish what her friend prevented from going all the way down.

You don't have to draw up a playbook to understand that him saying "We men, we don't have to talk about it. We can assume based on the nights events and the fact that she's still down, that we're going to get it in" that he assumed consent.

She claims she was too drunk to consent and based on what they SAID she drank, it could be assumed she had a .20 BAC but Rose wasn't around when she was drinking, obvi everyone likely had a few and if she was coherent enough to communicate via text effectively, you're not going to assume she's too far gone to consent. Some of you dudes have gotten involved with plastered women (while likely plastered yourselves) with LESS of the nights activities to confirm the women were actually down.

If she felt truly violated, a police report and rape kit should have been on deck stat. ESPECIALLY if she told her roommate that the next morning. I mean, what friend/roommate doesn't support you and drag you down there to get the legal stuff in order?

If there was BAC evidence, I'd be completely on her side but minus that, she looks BAD in this scenario and to go after cash 2+ years after the event makes nobody accountable for their actions (which is why she said she did it).

But her being made to do something against her will is not what this is...she was all in given this situation but doesn't have a case to stand on and is not very credible.

You can't cape for that. Sorry.