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Topic subjectYao Ming in the Hall of Fame
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2528195
2528195, Yao Ming in the Hall of Fame
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Mar-30-16 12:01 PM
2528201, No-brainer, who didn't think he would make it?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Mar-30-16 12:06 PM
2528215, Nice, the OG
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Wed Mar-30-16 12:25 PM
his NBA career alone doesnt deserve it. But what he did internationally and for the game's growth in China.
2528249, Dude is only "35" too.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-30-16 01:17 PM
2528282, Who was it on here once said...
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Mar-30-16 02:27 PM
.."If you had to choose between Hall of Famer or bust, then Yao Ming was a bust"?
2528343, I said so.
Posted by melmag, Wed Mar-30-16 04:59 PM
hyperbole perhaps, but considering the hype & potential vs what he actually accomplished tells me his career was more so a disapointment/underachievement than one worthy of HOF acclamation imo.

but we gonna pretend the HOF committee only endorses the best of the very best.. that entity's been a joke for some time now, virtually anyone with a decent career sprinkled with a lil "ambasadorship" gets in, Its embarassing to discerning fans..

Yao had a good career, nothing great about it.

skilled player but soft.. theres no excuze for being that big, skilled & not dominant.

And truthfully, his career getting derailed by injury essentially masked his shortcomings as a player imo.. You aint winning shit with Yao as ur best player
2528289, Okay, I'll be that guy. They should have a designation for inductees...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Mar-30-16 02:41 PM
who are in the HOF, but not based on what they did on the court.

Like a basketball ambassador type of thing.
2528302, Serious question because I don't know the answer:
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Mar-30-16 03:07 PM
How dominant was Yao in the Chinese league? Because the HOF takes into account play outside of the U.S., right? So was he a transcendent player in China, along with his NBA career and his "ambassador to the gane" status?
2528361, Man, if Jordan Crawford could put up 433 points in Chinese League...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Mar-30-16 06:32 PM

I can only imagine what it was like in the 90s.
2528315, "Yao had been nominated & enters the Hall of Fame under a newly created Direct Elect International Committee."
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Mar-30-16 03:27 PM
... Direct Elect International Committee."


Newly introduced in 2011, there are directly elected Enshrinees from four committees representing the 1) “Contributor Category” from the North American Game, the 2) International Game, the 3) Veteran’s Game (out of the game 35+ years), and the 4) Early African-American Pioneers of the Game. These “directly elected” categories have a one-step process versus the two-step process for North American and Women’s (Step one: Screening Committee produces Finalist; Step two: Honors Committee elects Enshrinees.)

2528360, Good look.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Mar-30-16 06:30 PM