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Topic subjectRE: Pessimists? No. Realists.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2512432&mesg_id=2520048
2520048, RE: Pessimists? No. Realists.
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Feb-24-16 09:48 AM

>It’s they book him *too* strongly against his opponents.
>Instead of guys looking strong and giving Brock a challenge,
>everyone is child’s play.

But it's Wrestlemania, they WILL make Dean look like a challenge by making him not quit. And that still will make him look better than a win over a Ziggler type. if Dean comes out of WM looking better than he did before, mission accomplished.

>Yeah, because that’s the best and only way to get a guy

you know that's not what I said. why make up shit just to fight with people on this board? it's just wrestling dude.

>No. That’s the laziest way to go about getting him over.

Disagree. the crazy guy who won't quit vs. The indestructible force is almost always a good story, and these two specifically can tell it well.

> To hell with creative storytelling, booking the guy to have a
>strong fighting spirit,

Uhhh, that IS the story of the match. Guy who won't quit = strong fighting spirit.

and allowing him to appear strong in a
>way that doesn’t involve taking insane bumps that nobody in
>WWE should be taking anymore.

Let's be honest here, Dean is pretty limited in the ring. The other option was him defending the IC title, probably against a small flippy guy. That's a match we're likely to forget the day after Wrestlemania.

On the other hand, him getting beat down by a monster and continuing to come back has a lot of potential. This is the first time they've shown him being ACTUALLY crazy, so his character is getting even more over.

>Nakamura. Zane. Shit Neville would work for that.

I assumed we were talking options that could actually happen.

>would deliver a good match here. Del Rio. Rusev.

If these options excite you there's something wrong with you.

>AGREED. Why NOT shake things up?
>“Shaking things up” certainly isn’t going back to the
>same well of yesteryear that they do every year.

This isn't a Batista move. People LOVE Shane and never thought he'd come back. Cmon man, you heard that pop. That was real.

Adding yet another McMahon to
>the upper card mix isn’t shaking anything up, it’s more of
>the same.

eh, not this McMahon.

>And The Rock being the center of three straight wrestlemanias
>was a “rising tide” that was supposed to “lift all

cool, you can keep all these arguments that none of us are making. The options you laid out are either not exciting or not realistic. There's a reason I didn't list Neville, Zayn, or Nakamura... they're NOT going to happen. Both of us know it. That's not WWE shitting on young talent either. They haven't earned the spot yet. Why would they? It's fucking Taker. I'm not saying Shane is the best opponent, but the story they're telling makes some sense and is something people are excited about. Isn't that the goal at the end of the day? They're working with table scraps trying to put this card together and they at least gave us something out of left field.

>Some of you need to apply to write for WWE STAT. You guys are
>exhibiting just the right amount of lazy, uncreative,
>uninspired “ideas” I’m sure Vince scours the globe for.

Lol, we're talking about things that COULD happen. We weren't fantasy booking. Again, it's not that serious.