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Topic subjectRiley: "I'm (also) hurt that Bron isn't beholden to Franchises"
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2438675, Riley: "I'm (also) hurt that Bron isn't beholden to Franchises"
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Apr-22-15 01:23 PM

Patty is still mad, cranking his own rendition of that Danny Gilbert on some "how dare a player defy the franchise!! that's not how we did it in the old day!"

Riles: It ain't the old days - this is the age of the empowered athlete.




Miami Heat president Pat Riley took a thinly veiled shot at James on Monday, telling reporters there were "no more smiling faces with hidden agendas" in the Heat organization that could affect his approach to the draft and free agency this offseason.

Riley's comment came as news to James when he was asked about it after the Cavs' shootaround Tuesday in advance of Game 2 against the Boston Celtics.

"I'm unaware," James said. "Whatever he said, for me, it's not my concern right now. My concern is Game 2. I have no notion of what transpired yesterday."

Just how contained is James' bubble? He hasn't talked to his friend and fellow LRMR marketing firm client, Johnny Manziel, since the Cleveland quarterback checked out of a 10-week rehab stint because, "I have no forms of communication right now."

He explained his motivation behind his postseason communication embargo, which he began after the Heat lost to the Dallas Mavericks in the 2011 NBA Finals.

"I don't care about nonsense," James said. "There's too much nonsense out there. This is a time where I lock in right now and I don't need nothing creeping into my mind for no reason that don't need to be there. I put all my energy and effort toward this team, that's all that matters."

James said reporters are actually providing him with a service.

"I don't have no forms of communication, so I don't have no phones, I don't have no social media or anything, so I don't know what's going on out in the world right now besides what people tell me," James said. "I guess you guys just keep me informed and I appreciate it."

Once his availability with the media ended, James pulled aside a reporter to learn more about Riley's comments.

James' last tweet and Instagram post both came on the eve of the Cavs' playoff opener Saturday night when he sent out a black square with the message, "zero dark thirty-23 activated."

"Everybody do their own thing," James said. "I'm the leader of this team, and I've got to be more in tuned that anybody -- that's how I approach it. It was hard early on, but I've been doing it for a few years now. It is very tough to just be away from everything. It's just a challenge. I love challenges, and I don't mind it.

"The only people I need to hear from is my family. I see them every day and when I'm on the road, I have ways to get in contact to them and I see those fans when I show up to the building. I'm around my guys every day, so nothing that's happening ... I need a form communication ."

"Just a lot more serious," Love said. "He's our leader and he's the guy we look to, so we're going to kind of follow suit. Everything trickles down after him. So he kind of goes dark on the social media, gets very serious around us and shootarounds like today, getting there before the game. You know it's loose, but you know that there's a lot at stake here."

Kyrie Irving said last week he has "no superstitions" about changing his communication patterns like James because "it's not a big deal for me," but he has imitated one ritual of his two-time champion teammate.

"One of the things I took from Bron is putting the games on mute and just listen to music while you watch the game," Irving said. "No disrespect to the announcers or halftime show, but you want to be in silence. Watch good basketball, high-intensity basketball, just watch the game."

Like James, Love hasn't tweeted in days and plans to keep that up.

"I'm not going to turn off my phone, but no social media, no," Love said. "I won't be throwing up any of my chocolate milk ads for a couple months. No BodyArmor, no. Starter, no. I might be wearing the jackets though."
2438679, Could be a shot at Wade too. Pat don't mince words.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Apr-22-15 01:37 PM
2438837, you joking? he ain't said nan name...he mincing, dogg.
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Apr-22-15 05:28 PM
2439096, I skimmed it. But did he mean Bron directly?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Apr-23-15 12:55 PM
Cuz I don't know what would stop him from saying Lebron.

Pat don't care. He did that press conference last year telling them to man up.
2438682, Pat mad, sweatin out his Grecian formula...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Apr-22-15 01:40 PM
while King looking for that jewelry.
2438696, at least you see it. thank you, good night.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Apr-22-15 02:06 PM
>Patty is still mad, cranking his own rendition of that Danny
>Gilbert on some "how dare a player defy the franchise!! that's
>not how we did it in the old day!"
2438702, Most interesting part of that article
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-22-15 02:11 PM
was LeBron going back to a reporter to get more detail on Riley's quote, despite not wanting distractions during the playoffs.
2438756, kickstarter to send Killa Cam to Miami (link)
Posted by bshelly, Wed Apr-22-15 03:40 PM
2438761, i don't see the link
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Apr-22-15 03:44 PM
2438779, lol at these old dudes
Posted by J_Stew, Wed Apr-22-15 04:02 PM
I don't even understand why an employee needs to give two weeks notice, unless you work for a good company that gives severance packages when they let you go. I've never heard of a business keeping an employee they didn't want until they could find another job.
2438815, hidden agendas = 4 straight finals
Posted by bentagain, Wed Apr-22-15 04:55 PM
where can my team sign up for that

these old MFers really be showin' their ass

when Bron does what the fok he wants

and it WORKS

like, why are you mad?

I don't remember the exact circumstances of Riles' LA exit

but I don't think it was kumbaya

GET OFF MY LAWN (c) Pat Riley
2438818, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by Kira, Wed Apr-22-15 04:57 PM
>where can my team sign up for that
>these old MFers really be showin' their ass
>when Bron does what the fok he wants
>and it WORKS
>like, why are you mad?
>I don't remember the exact circumstances of Riles' LA exit
>but I don't think it was cumbaya
>GET OFF MY LAWN (c) Pat Riley

I'll take that trade bruh. 4 straight finals and two titles for a for years of service is great ROI. Motherfucker made the owner millions off that run and showed the younger generation how to team up and own shit.

BE CLEAR: Riles did the same shit as Bron basically.
2438848, LA exit was a retirement/broadcasting career, NY exit was ugly & via fax
Posted by Bombastic, Wed Apr-22-15 05:58 PM
>I don't remember the exact circumstances of Riles' LA exit
>but I don't think it was kumbaya
>GET OFF MY LAWN (c) Pat Riley
2439097, lol @ criticizing him for lack of loyalty
Posted by pretentious username, Thu Apr-23-15 01:01 PM
when he left his hometown team to join you. jesus riley.
2438816, Excellent Post, Ox
Posted by Kira, Wed Apr-22-15 04:55 PM
The tears coming out of Miami are so beautiful. These dudes are crying because Lebron left old man Wade and the rest of the cast. Look, Lebron made the right decision for himself and his family just like he did the first time. Bron doesn't owe Miami shit because HE CHOSE TO GO THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Actually, Bron did Miami a favor by encouraging them to draft Shabazz which in turn allowed them to trade Norris Cole which helped the team.

Lebron is no one's puppet and will make the best decision for himself moving forward. Right now, he'd be pre 2010 Bron on that Heat team. Heading home affords him the privilege of playing less and allowing Kyrie and the rest of the team to carry the load.

2438819, ^^^ Lebron made the right decisions
Posted by bentagain, Wed Apr-22-15 04:59 PM
it's alot easier to just say that

than be mad.
2439094, yes, this is the key point which so few seem to be able to make:
Posted by Vex_id, Thu Apr-23-15 12:50 PM
Look, Lebron made the right decision for himself and
>his family just like he did the first time.

Bron's decision to go to Miami in '10 was warranted, smart, and made him a better player. He needed that - and Miami was the ultimate beneficiary of his time away from home.

Alike, he made the right decision to return to Cleveland after carrying that Miami franchise disproportionately. Now, he has more capable help in Cleveland than he had in Miami and can finally employ the #TeamBall theorem to the T.

Pat's mad. I love it.

2438841, Riles....
Posted by murph71, Wed Apr-22-15 05:34 PM

is doing too much....He needs to chill and understand getting two rings was about the best scenario that could have happened during Bron's run...

Bron coming to the Heat was a mutual benefit...He became a winner after years of wearing a LOSER tag and the Heat became major championship players again...

2438845, World-class organizational aptitude with Riley at the helm!
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Apr-22-15 05:48 PM
2438851, Riley left Knicks for Miami cuz he wanted more control & resigned by fax
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Apr-22-15 06:07 PM
but now he's mad that Lebron left for a better situation for himself?

2438852, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYj5LyEnODs
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Apr-22-15 06:15 PM
2439246, ^^^^ ALL THIS
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Thu Apr-23-15 08:54 PM
>but now he's mad that Lebron left for a better situation for
2439239, Kang in #BathSaltBron mode tonight again in Boston, btw.
Posted by Vex_id, Thu Apr-23-15 07:47 PM

2439243, And Kevin Love is in #BlueSky mode
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Apr-23-15 08:36 PM