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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLook, I get it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2422612&mesg_id=2422760
2422760, Look, I get it
Posted by Stadium Status, Thu Feb-19-15 11:05 PM
At the time I liked the trade and I think everyone is maligning it in hindsight. It definitely didn't work out but there are a few things
- it was done on draft day so we were happy to actually get a semi-decent pick in the draft
- kicking out felton was huge
- jose seemed like a fine point guard (and probably still is on a coherent basketball team)
- tyson chandler was at his lowest possible trade value and i certainly didn't know how much he had left in the tank. i thought he was done and it was just better to just extract whatever value we could from him, and if we could dump felton and get a competent pg also, sounds like a coup

the thing is that (and this has been repeated in the jr/iman trade),
a player on the knicks is basically at his worst possible trade value. so the knicks will never really get a good deal for a player just because he has looked not great for a while

i mean, did anyone doubt that jr would be fine for the cavs? he was so bad for us that fans were going to any ends to dump him. but if jr were to be hypothetically traded from the cavs today, you can bet that he would net a higher value (as would iman, who jr was basically a salary dump for, as would tyson).

so the knicks obviously have that working against him, although phil isn't blameless in that matter as he did, y'know, hire the head coach

i just don't see anything that phil has done that an average-below average gm couldn't have done in the past year. and i think you know that, and that everyone knows that. and this offseason and forward is obviously his 'true test'.

but he hasn't shown a single sign that he can be even an above-average gm. he hasn't shown complete incompetence, but he certainly hasn't shown any 'greatness'.