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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectDid you see NFL Turning Point on NBC Sports the other day?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2347978&mesg_id=2414395
2414395, Did you see NFL Turning Point on NBC Sports the other day?
Posted by PROMO, Fri Jan-23-15 01:19 PM
What was so ill was seeing how the Hawks players really did not ever give up and believed they'd get back in the game.

On the flip side, as soon as we executed the fake FG, you could see the spirit of Green Bay start to fade and see the complacency set it.

It was kind of amazing to actually see something like that after it had been speculated on for 3 days prior.

Edit: It was also really ill to see Russell Wilson explode with some real passion since people think he's kind of a robot. "THEY DON'T WANT IT!!! MAN I WANT IT!!! I WANT THE MOTHER FUCKER!!! I AIN'T LOSIN!!!!!" https://vine.co/v/OIrP5F7M6Dh