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Topic subjectmy futbol folks: let's reminisce
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2332180, my futbol folks: let's reminisce
Posted by nighttripper, Thu May-29-14 11:40 AM
l'equipe has this pretty nerdy yet entertaining game going on on their instagram, where they post 16 bit diagrams of legendary goals from past world cups, and ask you to guess the name of the goal scorer and the year

they posted 4 so far

goal #1
this one is cake

goal #2
this one was just a tad less obvious, still got it

goal #3
this one stumped me

goal #4
they haven't posted the answer for this one yet, I thought I had it, but looking at replies on instagram, I'm afraid I was wrong...

post your guesses (for you french impaired people, dotted lines are for runs, solid lines for passes/shots)
or maybe just talk about your favorite world cup moments from the past
2332206, #4 is Gio in 2010 no?
Posted by benny, Thu May-29-14 12:44 PM
damn that was a great strike
2332221, yep. I thought it was Hagi in 94.
Posted by nighttripper, Thu May-29-14 01:10 PM
I hadn't paid attention to the jersey colors...
Gio's strike was awesome, but I think Hagi's was even more impressive.
2332241, #1 is so obvious even I got it...
Posted by Sleepy, Thu May-29-14 02:28 PM
Granted, it's the only one I have any idea about though.

EDIT: I didn't even notice they give you the time of the goal to help you get them.
2332246, #2 hint: there's a reason it was also quite obvious for me
Posted by nighttripper, Thu May-29-14 02:44 PM
(and benny prolly...)
2332249, Oh, I assumed it was Les Bleus
Posted by Sleepy, Thu May-29-14 02:55 PM
I'm assuming in 92 Lilian Thuram?
2332252, you meant 98...still, nope.
Posted by nighttripper, Thu May-29-14 02:58 PM
Thuram's was more to the right and the play started with him picking the Croatian defender's pocket close to the penalty area, not from the midfield like this one
2332262, no idea what 2 and 3 are. recognized 4 instantly.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu May-29-14 03:32 PM
that was a crazy goal to see live.

i hope they do more. joe cole and maxi rodriguez in 06 come to mind.
2332269, they're going to keep doing it
Posted by nighttripper, Thu May-29-14 04:01 PM
until the world cup...I'll post them here

I would think #3 is almost impossible for anybody in our age range (from 20 to 40) to figure out, but apparently it's a really famous goal
hint: part of why it's famous is it was referenced in a cult UK movie

#2, you should get, c'mon
2332474, I watched #4 in the square in Curacao.
Posted by magilla vanilla, Fri May-30-14 09:31 AM
Joyful crying Dutchmen everywhere, and a pack of 4 sad Uruguyans. SO GOOD.
2332318, number 2 is michael owen i think, 1 is obvious what are 3 and 4
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Thu May-29-14 07:08 PM
Can you guys post links for 3 and 4 cos i dont remember the goals folk have mentioned.

Also before even looking i assumed they would do the bergkamp goal against argentina, surprised they didnt.

Edit i just looked up a vid and owen goes right and not left to finish off the goal. Maybe its roger milla?
2332331, ok, #2 is Scarface vs Spain in 2006
Posted by nighttripper, Thu May-29-14 08:08 PM
as benny and brooklyn said, #4 is Giovanni Van Bronckhorst in the semi vs Uruguay in 2010
#3...the hint I gave above was Trainspotting. It's Archie Gemmill for Scotland vs Holland in 78.

And they may do Bergkamp, they're doing one a day until the World Cup begins. They said they were going to make them more difficult too (which is kind of a bitch since Archie Gemmill is already obscure enough to me...)
2332544, ahh i see. Im having reverse memory loss
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Fri May-30-14 01:55 PM
i guess it'd be called anterograde amnesia with football where i really struggle to remember games/goals the more recent they are. Anyway good series
2332550, I'm the same. my interpretation is it's because I care less.
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-30-14 02:14 PM
I'm still excited about the world cup, obviously, but not nearly as much as I was in my younger days...so I will remember France and teams I hate on, but have more trouble with teams I'm sort of indifferent about.
2332449, it would be fun to see the 25 pass argentina goal
Posted by Drizzit, Fri May-30-14 07:38 AM
from 06? or was that 10? just a bunch of lines all over the damn place.
2332464, haha, I thought about that too. It was their 1st game in 06.
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-30-14 08:48 AM
vs Serbia if I remember correctly
2332556, i feel for the intern that gets stuck w/ that one.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri May-30-14 02:43 PM
2332480, Nope, got it. #3: Archie Gemmill vs The Netherlands, 78
Posted by B9, Fri May-30-14 09:54 AM
2332521, I said that above. did you figure it out by yourself?
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-30-14 12:12 PM
that'd be pretty awesome if you did
2333397, I read your "cult UK film" thing and got it
Posted by B9, Mon Jun-02-14 11:07 AM
2333630, see, I don't care much for danny boyle, so I had no shot
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-02-14 10:14 PM
I only very vaguely remembered that scene
2332522, goal #5
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-30-14 12:13 PM

there seems to be an emerging consensus in the replies to it, and it's not what I had in mind
2332532, Baggio '90 v. Czechoslovakia
Posted by HowieDooem, Fri May-30-14 12:33 PM
Remember seeing it on a highlight VHS I had as a kid.
2332534, yessir.
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-30-14 12:42 PM
that was my senior high school year and I had to work to prepare for baccalaureat (the French SAT), so I had to pick and choose the games I could watch. I didn't watch any Italy game because, well, fuck them, so I have no recollection of this goal whatsoever.

pretty spectacular goal, though.
2332750, goal #6
Posted by nighttripper, Sat May-31-14 09:52 AM

as I was cheating looking at the replies again, I realized I suck at remembering the world cups France didn't do well in (or didn't even make it to)
2333333, this was Hakan Sukur in 2002 (vs N. Korea)
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-02-14 07:57 AM
2333336, #7 and #8
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-02-14 08:00 AM
did not remember this at all...

figured this one out at first glance
2333376, #8
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Jun-02-14 10:15 AM
>figured this one out at first glance

Bergkamp in 98.
2333394, #7
Posted by B9, Mon Jun-02-14 11:02 AM
Gary Lineker against Poland, 86.
2333432, ^^^we have two winners
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-02-14 12:03 PM
Posted by hardware, Mon Jun-02-14 02:07 PM
2333628, oh man the Univision feed
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-02-14 10:08 PM
my man sing sang his name *every single time* he called it. SHA BA LA LAAA. every time. I could not stop laughing.
2333695, #9
Posted by nighttripper, Tue Jun-03-14 07:21 AM

they're getting tougher...I cheated again, peaking at the answers. Most repliers have no clue and are just throwing random names out there, but two gave the right answers. I had no recollection of this goal, it's a nice one.
2333701, It looks like the Klinsmann goal, but it's the wrong time
Posted by B9, Tue Jun-03-14 07:56 AM
I get hung up on two things with most of these: the time stamps and trying to tell England apart from Germany.

And it's not the Pele goal because he chipped both the defender and the keeper.
2333717, right on both counts, it's celery's own & they did fuck up the time stamp
Posted by nighttripper, Tue Jun-03-14 08:49 AM
2333721, they're really pushing it calling this legendary, btw
Posted by nighttripper, Tue Jun-03-14 09:00 AM
it's a pretty goal, sure, but a goal scored in the group stage has to be out of this world to be legendary, imo, like say Al Oweiran vs Belgium.
Posted by nighttripper, Tue Jun-03-14 11:17 AM
2333978, w/o hyperbole, this is probably the best thing Europe ever produced
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-04-14 09:17 AM
2333989, they're Australian
Posted by nighttripper, Wed Jun-04-14 09:45 AM
2333995, makes sense
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-04-14 10:28 AM
2333997, nothing about that song & video really makes sense, but cook on
Posted by nighttripper, Wed Jun-04-14 10:33 AM
the randomness of a bunch of Australian teenagers dedicating a song (or rather a hook) to THE STRONGEST OF THEM ALL is what makes it so great

in any case, your muhrica 'gendaizing is always entertaining to me, so carry on
2333960, #10
Posted by nighttripper, Wed Jun-04-14 08:36 AM

first glance status
2334161, yup
Posted by magilla vanilla, Wed Jun-04-14 02:45 PM
Maxi v. Mexico, yeah?
2334187, Yup, first glance for this one
Posted by LA2Philly, Wed Jun-04-14 03:41 PM
Maxi, half volley. What a strike
2334190, This is awesome
Posted by LA2Philly, Wed Jun-04-14 03:43 PM
1, 4 and 10 have been relatively obvious for me....the rest are still fun to go watch.
2334323, #11
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-05-14 07:25 AM
tough cookie here...I thought it was Lothar Matthaus vs Yugoslavia in 1990, but I was wrong
2334332, I was thinking Ghana but can't remember a specific goal
Posted by benny, Thu Jun-05-14 08:16 AM
white uniforms, seems like little dudes are black (or is that not on purpose?)
2334346, I had not noticed. lol.
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-05-14 08:46 AM
the attention to details is amazing. and yes, it is on purpose...but it's not Ghana.
2334353, Daniel Amokachi - Nigeria vs. Greece 1994
Posted by Sleepy, Thu Jun-05-14 08:59 AM
I figured it was Nigeria with the white kits. That goal was WAAAAYYY into stoppage time.
2334365, nice
Posted by benny, Thu Jun-05-14 09:29 AM
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-05-14 09:29 AM
2334364, since I said we could talk, too
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-05-14 09:28 AM
with my fiend-like obsession over all things world cup these days, I've been re-watching the Spain and Brazil games from our '06 run...

first of all, do you know how fucking amazing it is these things are up on youtube in their integrality? I can't get over how cool it is. I even get the French broadcast with Droopy ass Arsene Wenger and my man Jean-Michel Larque (both really good color guys).

these 2 games are a 'definitely top 3 maybe GOAT' France two games stretch for me (for the record...contenders would be Italy+Brazil 86, Croatia+Brazil 98, Portugal+Italy 00 or maybe Spain+Portugal 00, and these two). in my nostalgia fueled, hazy memory, they were both Zinedine Zidane masterpieces...the truth is, Big Pat was the hero in the Spain game like he was in the previous one vs Togo, w/a special mention for Scarface who punked Beria all game long. for Zizou, this game was just a stepping stone; he got stronger and stronger as the game went along, culminating in this splendid third goal to cap off the night ("et s'il allait marquer? ET S'IL ALLAIT MARQUER?"), a sign of thé brilliance to come.

and brilliance was it ever...honestly, no hyperbole, I can't think of a more scintillating stretch of play than Zinedine's performance in the Brazil game from roughly the 20' mark in the 1st half. He was everywhere, demanding the ball constantly and making magic happen on almost every touch. trademark dribble moves, sombreros, one touch passes in the perfect tempo, 40 yards bombs across the pitch right on the money, and even multiple defensive takeaways. pure dominance, punctuated by a pitch perfect free kick to Henry (who made up for a real stinker vs Spain in that game, btw).

man, it was so good to be a France fan back then.
2334481, I would LOVE to watch a game with Arsene on color (in English)
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-05-14 01:36 PM
Him, Pep, Bielsa, Klopp, Simeone, Ancelotti, Conti - I'd love to hear how those guys watch a game and what they see developing.
2334482, he's good, albeit really sleepy/sad sounding
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-05-14 01:43 PM
in the Brazil game, he pointed out in the first 10 minutes (at a time where Brazil was really dominating ball possession, to the tune of 70/30) how it was kind of a mirage, and that France looked superior physically, winning the 50/50 balls whenever they had to, and was going to take over eventually

next thing you know, we're pretty much confiscating the ball for the rest of the game
2334871, let's be real, he's boring as fuck, but it's still amusing
Posted by benny, Fri Jun-06-14 08:40 AM
he'll drop some good insight now and then, but mostly the color guy will keep trying to bring stuff out of him, asking him long questions and he'll come back with one-worders.
Granted I haven't watched too much TF1 this side of 2010 so perhaps the guy has gotten more dynamic but I'ma need proof.
2334913, I don't know, I like him
Posted by nighttripper, Fri Jun-06-14 10:40 AM
he definitely doesn't say much, lets Larque do most of the color stuff, but when he talks, he's on point
and his demeanor *is* funny in a sad clown sort of way
2334556, Zizou vs Brasil '06 was the most dominant performance I've ever seen
Posted by LA2Philly, Thu Jun-05-14 05:09 PM
You essentially laid it out: he controlled the entire game for the final 70+ minutes. It was incredible to watch, need to re-watch the mastery.
2335347, Zidane 06 is possibly the greatest sports performance I've ever seen.
Posted by denny, Sun Jun-08-14 04:16 PM
I was really young for Maradona's big year....but I can't imagine him controlling the game like that.

It wasn't just Brazil neither. Every game was a masterpiece. That header against Italy should've gone in. I can't see any player in this tournament that has a chance to do something like that this year. I'm resigned to the fact we may never see something like that ever again.

The best way I can describe it....it's like he was seeing the game from the zoomed out camera angle that the audience sees. Everytime he has the ball....he makes the perfect decision....finds the open space (or creates the open space) Like he's looking at the game from a blimp. It's easy for the audience to see where the ball should go. Not so easy at field-level. And some of the most beautiful stuff was the subtler decisions too. Not just the popular hilite material. You really have to rewatch the games to know how special it was.
2334861, #12
Posted by nighttripper, Fri Jun-06-14 08:28 AM

had no clue...they're going for a lot of 1st round goals, so it's tough
great goal, though
2334889, I remember that goal
Posted by B9, Fri Jun-06-14 09:19 AM
Not that I saw it live. I watched the Ireland game at fucking 1 AM at The Abbey then crawled home and got up to watch some other match that wasn't memorable and they kept playing that goal over and over and over again. This is also the goal, if I'm not mistaken, that sparked the debate about modern ball technology being bullshit and anti-goalie.


Edit: I also remember, other than getting up ass early or staying out super late to watch the games, that it was insanely hot in Chicago during that world cup and just being drenched in sweat in the back of cabs at like 7 AM for a few weeks straight.
2334906, I was still based in France back then
Posted by nighttripper, Fri Jun-06-14 10:34 AM
but I was on vacation in Negril, Jamaica for the opening game (our first trip with the future mrs...back when I had some disposable income)
I watched it with the entire hotel staff, nobody else cared (the guests were mostly Americans)
of course, they were pulling hard for Senegal so they gave me all kinds of BUMBAACLOT shit when they won
but after that, they hooked me the fuck up...and how mad can you stay when you're here, really http://www.rockhousehotel.com/assets/img/hotel/page_headers/escape.jpg

I was back home for the second game, watched it halfheartedly on an extended lunch break at work, and then I kind of gave up on that whole world cup, as I was too disgusted at the absurdity of Zinedine Zidane getting hurt during a stupid friendly vs the home team
2335233, #13
Posted by nighttripper, Sat Jun-07-14 10:48 PM
2335618, England -Sweden '06 . Joe cole off the chest
Posted by calminvasion, Mon Jun-09-14 12:13 AM
Great goal; but I forgot it was cole; I thought it was Gerard until googling it
2335713, yep. didn't remember it myself.
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-09-14 12:14 PM
2336719, GOD I hope he has a couple of those left in the tank
Posted by magilla vanilla, Wed Jun-11-14 04:12 PM
2335344, 4 is the easiest for me.
Posted by denny, Sun Jun-08-14 03:58 PM
And I can clearly remember running around in circles after it happened.

#1 too. but I can't get the others.
2335621, BTW, both of these Ronaldinho joints (goal + assist) should be there
Posted by calminvasion, Mon Jun-09-14 12:23 AM
And he got the red later to boot, really memorable game for some reason, remember it more than the final

2335656, #14 and #15
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-09-14 08:23 AM
this is an absolute classic

and this is another one
2335695, Pretty easy I think
Posted by HowieDooem, Mon Jun-09-14 11:37 AM
Marius Tresor '82 and Saeed Owairan '94.
2335715, SCORE.
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Jun-09-14 12:17 PM
wasn't sure anybody but me and possibly benny would figure out the Marius Tresor one
that was such a breathtaking goal (given that Marius wasn't exactly known for goal scoring prowess)
2336043, #16
Posted by nighttripper, Tue Jun-10-14 10:55 AM
again, first glance status
2336046, Higuita would have saved it.
Posted by B9, Tue Jun-10-14 11:06 AM
2336548, #17
Posted by nighttripper, Wed Jun-11-14 06:57 AM

did not remember this one, even if I figured out what team scored it
2336558, Toronto FC's Torsten Frings
Posted by B9, Wed Jun-11-14 08:13 AM
Took me to figuring out if that was Chile or Costa Rica, then had to go re-watch that goal. Bad keeping.