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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectMost of OKS comments have missed the point of this article entirely...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2250949&mesg_id=2251379
2251379, Most of OKS comments have missed the point of this article entirely...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Fri Oct-25-13 01:16 PM
The article has very little to do with AP as a person. It is
simply highlighting a media frame that uses such a tragedy to
push a faulty "personal responsibility" agenda that obscures
social and economic realities. A lot of media commentators and
writers have seized this story as an opportunity to make up a
shitty moral tale about the general lack of morality among black
fathers in America.

I agree that we should stay out of the personal lives of others,
especially in a situation so tragic. What this article highlights
is that the people who are sticking their noses in AP's lives are
the very people who buy into this regressive, small-picture frame
of "personal responsibility" that only serves to project a false
image of black fathers as "the problem". When media frames stories
this way, it sweeps real social and economic issues under the
rug while promoting an agenda of character assault and finger
pointing (the mainstream media's way of avoiding having the public
educated about actual problems in society).