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Topic subjectwas it from weather or some kind of accident?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2217772&mesg_id=2218462
2218462, was it from weather or some kind of accident?
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Aug-13-13 04:29 PM
>I had 6+ feet of muddy water in the basement. It was inches
>away from coming in the house, then I would've really had a
>disaster to deal with. Once the water got pumped out of the
>basement, it was a matter of shoveling mud into buckets and
>carrying them up the basement stairs and dumping them outside,
>over and over. I'm still dealing with the effects of all that
>water, as there's some mold in the basement now.
>On the positive side, I've been making it to the gym
>consistently, running, and playing hoops. I'm in the best
>shape right now that I've been in, in years.