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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNot sure it's really possible because it lies in the people there
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2217772&mesg_id=2217859
2217859, Not sure it's really possible because it lies in the people there
Posted by Y2Flound, Sun Aug-11-13 03:55 PM
And I mean gyms are naturally full of high testosterone alpha dick dogs as you say.

It's one of those things like well how do you fix racism? With the best answer being the people who are the most racist need to be less racist. Obviously different level of importance but it's just the problem is that a ton of people cause the problem and aren't going to just not do that.

Go to a bodybuilding web forum and it's just people mocking the fatties at the gym or things like that, I mean these are people who should want more people in the gym and try to encourage them without being shitty about it.

Places like Planet Fitness exist to kind of serve that market, basically all cardio, very few weights, but they are so cheap that they really just wind up getting poor meatheads in there. I have one in my neighborhood that has basically just become the $10 a month gym for local weightlifters.

I mean it's not like this is why fat people can't go to the gym and lose weight, it's just there is definitely a culture in gyms that makes them feel unwelcome and uncomfortable when they are already doing something hard for them to do...just an extra obstacle.