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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectdogg, i COMPLETELY agree...Reid's column was cheap. I dismissed it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2201935&mesg_id=2202070
2202070, dogg, i COMPLETELY agree...Reid's column was cheap. I dismissed it.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Jun-27-13 08:20 AM
>If Wall disappoints, he'll be able to say that his
>flip-flopping on tattoos was the first sign... but it's a
>really WEAK sign right now so he's really just writing to be

that's how i viewed it right away. it was such a cheap shot. there are plenty of plenty who don't think wall worth the max with or without tatts. so if he disappoints, him changing his mind on tatts ain't got shit to do with anything. reid always writing bamma shit, ol' john beck cysing ass nigga.