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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectIt's not overblown. It's stated in many extremist groups charters.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2187118&mesg_id=2189277
2189277, It's not overblown. It's stated in many extremist groups charters.
Posted by guru0509, Fri May-31-13 06:03 PM
>Not with #3, the whole Sharia law thing is overblown and
>there is no factual evidence to it being spread here

..but I agree with the rest....

However the implementation of the Sharia in the west isn't the most pressing matter to these groups. The first and foremost task (according to them) is unifying the Ummah against the kuffar. Baby steps. First Afghanistan (lol the US is in negotiations with the Taliban AS WE SPEAK) then Pakistan. then Indonesia. then the Phillipines. then Chechnya. and then...and then..and then... AND THEN the west.

edit, the threat level of sharia here is still zilch, but terrorist groups will still use it as an excuse to carry out attacks against "western values" etc.

>what is also important and hasn't been mentioned is for the
>u.s. military industrial complex to keep creating artificial
>bogeyman to justify spending 700 billion dollars on defense
>spending and overseas military occupation
>somebody makes money blowing up Iraq to shreds when they are
>no threat, someone makes money rebuilding Iraq

Iraq was a total blunder. I'm not sure you'll find anyone here who disagrees.

>guess what the objective is in the Iran, Syria,

There are many objectives...